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Uncanny X-Men #534 WonderCon Variant by Giuseppe Camuncoli Marvel is proud to announce that to commemorate their first appearance as an exhibitor at WonderCon, they will be producing an exclusive UNCANNY X-MEN #534 WonderCon variant! Featuring some of the most popular X-Men, this beautiful cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli, created specifically for this San Francisco-based convention, will only be available for sale at the Marvel Booth (#801) while supplies last!
Nice cover! But, please forgive my ignorance, why are all of them (well, except Emma) wearing black and orange? Are these the colors of any San Francisco sports team or something like this?
Poor Kitty was left out again. Well, I don't like her anyway.
Black and orange is the color for SF Giants, the baseball team if i do remember correctly
@Francis - Thanks for the information! A cool homage from Marvel, indeed!
Emma always has to be the moody cow, doesn't she? All the X-Men are representing the Giants, except for her...
Leave it to Emma to ruin the pic.
It's halloween in X land!
Add Jean and Nightcrawler and I think that completes the big X-Men
Yeah, but Jean's and Kurt's absences are justified, as they're both dead. The only current "big" X-Men missing are Kitty, Namor and Magneto (maybe Prof. X too, but it seems Marvel wants to push Charles to the sidelines...).
I always forget kitty, if they bring Jean and Kurt back it'll be the first time the X-Men are complete and all together, that would be interesting, I can already see the cover
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