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Uncanny X-Force #5.1 Spoilers
Spoilers: Deadpool does a recon on the Outback town, where he learns from Gateway that the Reavers and Lady Deathstrike are back and planning an attack on Utopia. X-Force decides to learn the details of their plot and then kill all of them. Psylocke is especially happy as she will finally make the Reavers pay for what they did to her and the X-Men years ago. The Reavers are blackmailing Gateway to open a portal to Utopia, otherwise they'll kill his family/tribe. X-Force then confronts the Reavers in Australia. Lady Deathstrike plans on making Wolverine suffer; she doesn't want him to die. While Logan and Deathstrike fight, one of the Reavers blows up in front of Fantomex and Deadpool. Psylocke and Archangel are left against the rest of them. Some of the Reavers are seen using Gateway's portal to Utopia, and Psylocke goes after them alone. Pixie was on security duty and spotted intruders on radar on Utopia. Cyclops and Magneto find out they're Reavers, but by the time they find them they're all dead. Psylocke had used her Telepathy and stealth to get to the Reavers before the X-Men do and kill them. She leaves their corpses and leaves Utopia unnoticed. Back in the Outback, Wolverine beats Deathstrike and she uploads herself through a computer and escapes. We see Wolverine tell Psylocke she doesn't look so happy about the revenge she just had...
has anyone read this yet? Does she kill them through physical violence and the psychic knife or old school mass psychic attack on all their brains at once, the way Storm ordered her to do during the sewer fight with the Marauders during the Inferno event or like she did to magistrate prison guards the first time the X-Men visited Genosha? The latter would seem the most efficient.
This issue was completely unbelievable! The art was so beautifull, dynamic and gore! It is basically a Psylocke-centric story so I enjoyed it even more. She killed almost all the reavers. Pretty Boy psichaly, making him feel Warren´s pain and falling of a cliff....the others she did it phisically, choping his heads off with her sword! so cool! I love this book more and more!
On another note:
today I found the casting profile for the next Wolverine movie. Rumored to be a part are Mariko, her father Shingen, the Silver Samurai, Yukio and Viper. but look at these descriptions of the female characters:
-Female, JAPANESE. Early to late 20´s. Quintessential Beauty, very graceful and majestic. Lead Role.
-Female, EURASIAN. Early to late 20´s. Proficient Karate skills, amazing stature, well-spoken, sensual. Lead Role.
-Female, CAUCASIAN. Mid 20´s. Must speak both english and japanese. supporting role.
judging by the list they should be Mariko, Yukio and Viper, respectvally...BUT
with Psylocke popularity and boost at the moment it wouldn´t surprise me if they would change the Yukio partner, sexual tension role with Betsy. I mean, she´s as good as Ykio plus she has an amazing power discribe her EURASIAN it the role casting....Yukio is full time japanese...
what do you guys think?
Thanks! Pretty Boy is such a prick! I'm glad she offed him! I'll have to get this.
Such an awesome issue!
I got it last night, and loved it. The dialog and action were neat. I was not a fan of the art, but the rest more than compensated.
I like Rahsaan's point : that it would have been awesome if Psylocke unleashed full force telepathically. Unfortunately it seems she is, once again, being written as too ninja for her powers. Perhaps it would set her too apart from the others in the team if she was less physical in certain situations but what would be wrong with that?
It happened in the 90s, it's happening again. I did like the writing, but she can shut someone's mind off like a switch. Not to mention the TK that the writers of this series have apparently deleted from her powerset.
Although perhaps this is the vengeance she wanted to give them. I'll buy that excuse haha.
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