Cover by: Simone Bianchi
Writer: Rick Remender
Pencils: Rafael Albuquerque
The Story: Special Point One issue. Start reading with this Point One issue. When a situation calls for hard choices, the X-Force is there to step in. Lady Deathstrike, with the deadly Reavers at her side, set out to destroy the X-Men in their home! Deathstrike will obliterate the X-Men or die trying, and this new Uncanny X-Force is more than happy to oblige. As the line between right and wrong become more and more blurred, will the Uncanny X-Force be heralded as heroes… or villains?
In Stores: March 16, 2011
Remender makes a good point over why Psylocke would be enraged at these people. Because of them, she did the whole Siege Perilous thing and almost lost her entire identity. She has to find a way to keep her own wants out of the equation though.
I do love how quickly Remender can put out the exposition AND establish character and team dynamic in three pages.
Psylocke by Adriana Melo:
Seriously beautiful!!!
Remender so gets the Psylocke! These scans right there capture her character in a way I've yet to really see any writer do since the "Reload" period and her resurrection by Jamie.
The art looks great, very stylish! And although we're only seeing the first pages, Remender really got the characters!
It's great to see that Psylocke is willing to kill the Reavers but that she's not feeling good doing this. Uncanny X-Force is putting a great emphasis in the ethical boundaries of their actions, and that's a very nice touch.
You know, these stories make me kinda sad when I realize that UXF, although being a "secondary" book, exudes quality, while the supposed flagship titles like Uncanny X-Men are lacking this same quality...
Excellent preview!
It's great to see that Psylocke is willing to kill the Reavers but that she's not feeling good doing this.
What? You got it all wrong. Psylocke is more than happy to kill them. That's why Wolverine says it's a problem when one starts enjoying killing...
Oops, you're right, Chris. Thanks for the correction!
Still, it's good to see that she is kinda concerned about her elation regarding the mission to kill the Reavers... it shows Betsy still has some moral boundaries, and she does get worried about crossing them.
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