Cover by: Adi Granov
Writer: Mike Carey
Pencils: Clay Mann
Inks: Danni Miki, Allen Martinez & Walden Wong
Colored by: Brian Reber
Lettered by: VC's Cory Petit
The Story: The Necrosha event hits X-Men: Legacy Selene’s masterplan is clicking into place, but she got something she didn’t plan for when Destiny was brought back to life. A major X-Villain came back with Destiny and a who’s who of X-Men are sent to Muir Island to deal with them. Join Nightcrawler, Colossus, Psylocke, Rogue (if she makes it through #230 alive) and a new member (who’s so secret we can’t mention him here) as they dive into Necrosha. Part 1 (of 3)
In Stores: December 23, 2009

Cover by: Greg Land
Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Terry Dodson
Inks: Rachel Dodson
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC's Joe Caramagna
The Story: Cyclops takes a voyage into the head of Emma Frost in hopes of containing the horrifying piece of the villainous Void that has been stuck there since Utopia. Can they possibly defeat the awfulness that has haunted the most powerful being in the Marvel U? Tensions are rising on Utopia as the X-Men deal with the new members of their team and the fact that the island is… well… sinking. And Wolverine and a classic pal take one of the craziest journies you’ve ever seen. Parts 4 and 5 (of 8).
In Stores: December 23, 2009
I wonder if Emma means psychic lobotomy, or actual, physical decapitation...
I believe it's psychic lobotomy since Psylocke no longer can generate her TK katana anymore.
it seems that "as you wish" is the new "the focused sum of my telepathic abilities"
Psylocke still CAN generate a TK katana. See Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1.
why has psylocke suddenly become the x-men's little lapdog?
She hasn't.
Hasn't the poor girl always been treated like a lapdog or second rate telepath?
If Jean, Emma, or the stepford cuckoo's aren't around who do the x-men run to?
Way I see it, Psylocke's "flavor" of telepathy is different from Emma's, or the Cuckoo's.
While she may not be on their level (which, strangely, I like), her powers and skills are specialized.
Whereas the Cuckoo's powers are more "tactical" (i.e. forming psychic networks for team communication), Psylocke's powers work more on the battlefield. They compliment her ninja skills.
She's a combatant, hungry and deadly. Not an all-powerful goddess who sits in the background frying everyone with her thoughts.
Additionally, although she is a female psychic like Emma, the Cuckoos and Jean, I would put her in a different category from them.
She's more in the vein of the "team muscle" (i.e. Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus).
Yeah, I completely agree with Anonymous's comments (considering both comments above came from the same person)!
I guess since the Blue and Gold teams there has been an effort to differentiate Psylocke's psychic powers from Jean's, for instance; while both were telepaths, Jean would use her telepathy in more conventional ways while Betsy would use hers to compliment her fighting skills (that's why most of the times she would manifest it as her psi-knife and attack the opponents in close range with "the full totality of her psychic powers" instead of just frying their brains at distance).
She may not be as powerful as Jean, Rachel, the Cuckoos or "Omega class telepath" Emma Frost, but when it comes to fighting skills she can kick their asses anytime!
And sorry for being off-topic now, but... am I too desperate for them, or do the Marvel solicitations for March 2010 are late?
Funny how everyone is being called by their names Scott, Emma, Charles but when Emma calls Elizabeth he calls her Psylocke not by her name, that is yet another example how this two women aren´t exactly ¨friends¨ lol
And it´s allways a Emma towards Betsy kind´a thing if you have noticed.
I think shes insecure towards Betsy because she´s not the predictable kind and because of Cyclops long-ago atraction towards her lol plus she can´t read her thoughts. ;D
oh! and I forgot the ¨dear¨ part LOL
My opinion regarding Psylocke's telepathy, I think it used to be as strong as Emma's or Cuckos'. She just use it in different ways. If she is not as powerful as they are, she would not defeat strong enemies Shadow King or even Jean (when she was not using Phoenix as a boost).
She was very powerful back then, when she fought the Shadow King and psi-knifed momJeans in the head (one of the most hilarious scenes ever, BTW). But currently, as Carey said, her potential is distributed between her telepathy and her telekinesis, so she has both powers, but she isn't very powerful in either of them.
It's kind of sad to see that she was getting stronger with her tk and then starting to messing up with it. I wish they could keep the tk at the same level as it was before coming back.
I don't. Her TK power levels were getting ridiculous.
Flying from England to China? Becoming invisible? Shaterring mountains? Just awful, especially coming from someone who couldn't even pick a penny.
Psylocke was never about how much powers she had. It was all about the way she used them. I'm really glad she's not that Deus-Ex-Machina from CC's last run and New Exiles anymore.
I still think of Psylocke as one of the most powerful telepaths, but since her transformation her telepathy is more "specialized/localized." Prof X, Emma, or the Cuckoos are able to use their telepathy in traditional ways (similar to what Psylocke was able to do in her British form). Since the transformation, she may have lost telepathic distance, but has gained the ability to concentrate her telepathy...to the detriment of even stronger telepaths. There is a reason why the X-Men use her as the mental "lobotomist." When Prof X was in a comma (back in the 1990's), she promised to use her Psi-Blade to put him out of his misery. She was able to strike through Jean's defenses, and she's the fall-back girl to end Emma should it be needed. So while other telepaths have distance, Psylocke has concentrated deadliness.
Honestly, if it wasnt for Psylocke I would totally drop this title. I really couldnt care less about Scott and Emma, I am so bored with the writing. The only thing that would be interesting is if Psylocke did cut their heads off, at least that would be unexpected.
But here is yet another issue where we can predict the ending, yawn.
when is Psylocke 3 coming out?
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