Spoilers: A Predator X kills a Morlock in NY. In Utopia, Professor X performs a psychic surgery in Emma's mind by linking it to Cyclops's mind. Scott plans to lure the Void out. Psylocke is needed in case something goes wrong. Meanwhile, the Science Team requests Magneto's help in order not to let the island sink. Scott enters Emma's mind, but has problems dealing with the several versions of Emma trying to make him leave. Professor X and Psylocke help by keeping him in place. Outside, Beast complains to Iceman about Cyclops' ways and everything he's been through these past few days. Bobby tells him Scott needs his friends by his side and that Beast isn't doing anything to help. Scott tells Emma to fight the Void back and head towards the sounds of his thoughts. When she finally reaches him, the Void leaves Emma, who turns into flesh once more, but she realizes that the Void is now inside Cyclops' mind. It wanted him all along.
A very good and very silly issue at the same time. First of all i love Dodsons work its beautiful Betsy and Madison look so damn sexy, his Beast seems completley off for me though.
The Psychic surgery was stupid, you have Xavier and Psylocke both of whom have been expert telepaths and you send in Scott without them to rescue Emma with absolutley no idea what he is doing, im glad it messed up because Cyclops really is that dumb. Why Xavier cant support the X-men on the field through telepathy I have no idea hes done it plenty of times before and the cuckoos do it all the time without being in the combat zone. Even Emmas mind was a completley boring place and just felt like a copy of the cyclops thing, lots of women in funny costumes, so much wasted potential especially when you compare it to the Grant Morrison Psychic Rescue.
I dont really see how Beasts feeling are justified that Scott allowed him to be tortured, The x-men had their backs against the wall and got him out as soon as they could. When Beast went to talk to Bobby i was glad that somebody remembered they used to have a strong friendship but as soon as Bobby opened his mouth i remembered why hes such a little jerk. I love Beast i will be really ad to see him go now that Betsy is back.
Beast's line to Magneto: "i quite honestly have no idea what i'm doing here anymore. I was really rather hoping you'd never regain consciousness" was pure gold, i even lol'd.
Why would the Void want Scott? Fraction tried so hard to turn Emma into a "Omega-class telepath", and the Void just wanted a regular x-man? Oh, maybe Fraction will now turn SCOTT into an Omega-level mutant...
I'm glad to know Betsy appears more than just in the first pages of the issue, but I feel sorry for the other x-men. Beast sounds very whiny from the spoilers' description here, but he has a point in disagreeing with Cyclops's ways, and it is VERY sad that the ideology in Utopia is that you're either with Scott or against the mutant population. And to think there was a time when Bobby AND Scott criticized the way Ororo's Outback team handled their enemies...
Well In some ways I could see why Scott wouldn't want either the Prof or Betsy in Emma's head. If the void contaminated either of them of would have access to two other strong psychics. At the same time it shows how arrogant Scott as become, well been for a while.
THe Void probably wants him because right now everyone trust him, except for Hank & probably Xavier to a lesser extent. It would be easy for the Void to burn the bridges Scott's ego has built.
Bobby's never been and never will be a character I like. Beast should have put him in a long island.
Cyclops is the guy holding Utopia together, hes got Namor and Magneto to contend with and he goes and throws himself into the most risky situation he could possible. Its like in Lost when the only doctor Jack, proably the most valuable member of the island would go off on dangereous missions its just stupid.
“For so long, my life has been out of control. Chaos and serendipity, wrapped in insanity. I have suffered, I have lost. Not just my life, but my very soul, my self. But no more. Now I know who I am.” – Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, daughter of Otherworld, mutant, telepath, telekinetic, defender of the realm and, above all, X-Man.
A very good and very silly issue at the same time. First of all i love Dodsons work its beautiful Betsy and Madison look so damn sexy, his Beast seems completley off for me though.
The Psychic surgery was stupid, you have Xavier and Psylocke both of whom have been expert telepaths and you send in Scott without them to rescue Emma with absolutley no idea what he is doing, im glad it messed up because Cyclops really is that dumb. Why Xavier cant support the X-men on the field through telepathy I have no idea hes done it plenty of times before and the cuckoos do it all the time without being in the combat zone. Even Emmas mind was a completley boring place and just felt like a copy of the cyclops thing, lots of women in funny costumes, so much wasted potential especially when you compare it to the Grant Morrison Psychic Rescue.
I dont really see how Beasts feeling are justified that Scott allowed him to be tortured, The x-men had their backs against the wall and got him out as soon as they could. When Beast went to talk to Bobby i was glad that somebody remembered they used to have a strong friendship but as soon as Bobby opened his mouth i remembered why hes such a little jerk. I love Beast i will be really ad to see him go now that Betsy is back.
Beast's line to Magneto: "i quite honestly have no idea what i'm doing here anymore. I was really rather hoping you'd never regain consciousness" was pure gold, i even lol'd.
I always kind´a wanted Betsy to be in a relationship with Hank ... u_u
Why would the Void want Scott? Fraction tried so hard to turn Emma into a "Omega-class telepath", and the Void just wanted a regular x-man? Oh, maybe Fraction will now turn SCOTT into an Omega-level mutant...
I'm glad to know Betsy appears more than just in the first pages of the issue, but I feel sorry for the other x-men. Beast sounds very whiny from the spoilers' description here, but he has a point in disagreeing with Cyclops's ways, and it is VERY sad that the ideology in Utopia is that you're either with Scott or against the mutant population. And to think there was a time when Bobby AND Scott criticized the way Ororo's Outback team handled their enemies...
Well In some ways I could see why Scott wouldn't want either the Prof or Betsy in Emma's head. If the void contaminated either of them of would have access to two other strong psychics. At the same time it shows how arrogant Scott as become, well been for a while.
THe Void probably wants him because right now everyone trust him, except for Hank & probably Xavier to a lesser extent. It would be easy for the Void to burn the bridges Scott's ego has built.
Bobby's never been and never will be a character I like. Beast should have put him in a long island.
Cyclops is the guy holding Utopia together, hes got Namor and Magneto to contend with and he goes and throws himself into the most risky situation he could possible. Its like in Lost when the only doctor Jack, proably the most valuable member of the island would go off on dangereous missions its just stupid.
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