Spoilers: The issue starts out in Dubai, Saudi Arabia 48hrs ago. A man named Fahd Alireza finds what looks like his wife or lover being held with a blade to her throat by a hand ninja. The ninja slits her throat and says "Matsu'o Tsurayaba sends his regards." Fahd makes the entire building explode somehow with his powers and he says Matuo's name. The issue cuts to Psylocke flash backing to the moment she was washed up on the shores of Japan, she awakes to find hand ninjas around her and they take her to Matsu'o. She talks about how he transformed her into Kwannon's body and how she was brainwashed into believing she was Kwannon. After psyknifing Wolverine she regained her true memories and identity. After Kwannon dies she mentions how she made peace with Matsu'o until he had her original British body destroyed. Back in real time Psylocke arrives at the 77 Club in Tokyo, Japan where Psylocke fights Matsu'o's thugs and until she rips the whereabouts of Matsu'o out of one of their minds telepathically. Meanwhile in the Kabukiiho District, Tokyo it cuts to Wolverine drinking at a bar with a pile of dead thugs behind him. Psylocke arrives at Matsu'o's hideout as she remembers her old life again and how her body was destroyed she says that tonight she will settle everything with Mastu'o. Meanwhile Matsu'o is trying to make contact wit his body guards as Psylocke takes them out one by one. The last one she what looks like telepathically kills, grabs his headset and speaks to Matsu'o saying she is there for him. Suddenly someone takes Betsy by surprise and knocks her to the ground. It turns out to be Yukio, she is surprised to see Psylocke and asks if she was there to help her. Meanwhile a small jet crashes in Japan and the reporter reporting sees Fahd emerge from the flames as she sees him he blows up the surrounding airplanes, ambulances. Psylocke asks Yukio if she is working for Matsu'o she says that she isn't and that she is there on a favor and then asks why Psylocke is there. After Psylocke tells her that she's there to cut his heart out Yukio says "Well, then. That changes everything." Yukio tells her that she is there to stop her from killing Matsu'o. She won't tell Betsy who sent her or why she wants to stop Betsy so Psylocke attempts to take it from her mind. Yukio fills her head with a faux image of Wolverine attacking Matus'o. Yukio takes Psylocke off guard and attacks her. The issue then cuts to Wolverine visiting Mariko Yashida's grave with flowers. Psylocke gets frustrated with fighting with Yukio and tells her that she has already asked why she's there, but doesn't care anymore. Psylocke aggressively fights Yukio. Yukio tells her that she isn't being herself. Psylocke knocks Yukio out and says "You have no idea who I am." Psylocke proceeds into the hideaout and calls out for Matus'o saying that she's going to correct his mistake against her. Fahd emerges from the shadows and asks Betsy where Matus'o is. Psylocke says "Excuse me?" and Fahd replies with "No." as he detonates the entire building.
To be continued!
Make sure to go out and buy this issue not just read the spoilers and support this series!
I bought the issue and am still excited about what has happened thus far and the hints to what may be happening...I think that the confrontation between Psylocke and Wolverine (from the cover of #4) may boil down to who gets to kill Matsu'o.
I see this issue selling out just like the first one.
Yeah this issue was very good I loved it! It was more exciting than the first issue. Too bad the series was 4 issues instead of 5, but I am happy she has a series regardless.
I'm hoping this issues sells out too...
Got mine today. Alright issue, I know it's supposed to be a quick read but I want a bit more story to it. Still a good issue. Think it will all stand well with the next two issues. Land needs to take notes from Tolibao. This is how you draw action. The fights in both issues so far have been fluid, not stagnant and overlapping. Just wish the issues were a few pages longer, definitely will be picking up the tpb.
Yeah even though I have multiple copies of the first two issues I'm stil going to get the trade which is something I never do lol I want to support this series as much as possible! Any true Betsy fan would. :D
While this issue was mostly action I think it did a great job of displaying Psylocke's mission and determination and what she's willing to do. I think that's something we haven't seen in a very very long time and am glad that side of Betsy is being reestablished.
Yes, my issue is on the way. Can't wait for it to come. I hope this isn't the last Psylocke mini-series.
Fantastic issue! I love Betsy's ferocity. Looks like Yost is going for a samurai movie type structure, where she defeats one opponent after another on her way to Matsu'o.
I'm a little dissappointed in Fahd. Marvel has so few Arabic characters. I was hoping for a new hero or even a love interest, not some psychopath.
A few posts back someone said that Wolverine punishes Matsu'o every year for his hand in Mariko's death. Whoever said that please stand up, you were right on the money.
@Adam - I think that was me and FSaker :) Thanks!
"Haunted by a life long dead" great line, loved the picture, very alice in wonderland.
So awesome to see Betsy so lethal and focused im genuinly not used to a full isssue of betsy its just too awesome. Cant believe its only going to be 4 issues its the fastest read.
Dont care about the new arab guy hes just taking panel time from Betsy, bet he ends up killing matsuo as a handy get out for wolverine and Psylocke.
Remember that at the beginning of the mini, Psylocke psi-knifes someone who looks very similar to Matsu'o, and he fails off a cliff (poetic justice for Kwannon's original death)...I don't think the Arabian mutant will be the "out" (but I may be wrong).
The description of this issue seems great! Too bad the cover is awful, but I'm glad to know that it is the only problem in this issue! And it's even better to know that Betsy defeated Yukio; I never liked her (now she should do the same to Domino).
About the last comment, unfortunately I cannot import the comic books. But rest assured, when this mini gets published in my country (and it WILL get published in my country, even if all Psylocke fans here need to fill the email box of Marvel's publisher in Brazil), I will buy at least two copies of it (one to read everytime, and another one to keep preserved and admire like a painting)!
can anyone post link for the scan of the very last page? this issue wont be here in brazil until late 2010. I don`t know what happened but the last page is not on the cbr file i was able too dl...
I'm thinking, beware if my thoughts may be spoilers that Matsuo has probably finally had it with Wolverine's annual visits if you'd call them that. So he's set this mess in motion as a way to incite Betsy's wrath so she'll obviously kill him. No matter who else gets screwed over or killed along the way he'd rather die at the hands of the woman he loves even if it's just her in body & not spirit. Wolverine & Psylocke get into it probably over who gets the rights to kill him. Too bad we already know that it's Betsy that get's him in the end though. I would have saved that for the last issue. I like that this shows she is willing to kill. It always seemed that she would talk about killing & then the others would talk her out of it. The only times I remember her killing was when she was under the hands control.
She killed that alternate reality Brian who tried to rape her.
I dont think the final scene with Matsuo will turn out quite like we have been shown, no one gives the ending away completley.
@Sky - You might be right, here. Betsy often exercised restraint in killing her foes, but this time, it is deeply personal. Betsy was often portrayed as the chivalrous heroine, seeking to defeat her foes but not necessarily kill them. Having been torment for so many years, I can see Matsuo wanting to die. Sometimes, one can't have mercy for an enemies, especially one like Matsuo who has caused Betsy so much damage in her life.
it's called Kill Matsuo. i'm sure the ending in book 1 was the ending. it's just showing you what leads up to it.
I went to buy issue 2 today. It was sold out :(
Tell your comic shop to pull the issue for you every month! That'll improve sales and you're guaranteed your issue!
I have to try and get issue 2 asap.
Does anyone think that Moon Bloodgood from Terminator: Salvation would make a good choice as an actress for Betsy?
Moon Bloodgood would make an awesome Psylocke.
ziyi zhang from hero/ memoirs of a geisha is the best choice for psylocke.
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