Spoilers: A friend of the Morlock girl who died last issue asks Fantomex for help to deal with the rogue Predator X. In Utopia, Emma decides to enter Scott's mind and lure the Void away. Madison Jeffries finds out that upon killing the Predators X, 784 trillion recording nanobots were released from their corpses all across the island in order to spy on the X-Men. Magneto comes up with something to stop the island from sinking, but he needs the help of Namor. Inside Scott's mind, Emma tries to get him to safety, while the Void teases Scott taking the form of Jean Grey. Scott tells Emma to leave his mind and cuts her out. Psylocke wonders if she should lobotomize Cyclops, but Emma begs Professor X to let him fight the Void. Scott manages to trap the Void inside his black box and frees himself from its influence. Beast thinks about everything he's been through and decides to leave the X-Men.
Good choice, Beast! You should stick with people that respect you. Not that Agent Brand is very respectful, but next to the Utopia leaders the woman is a well of kindness...
I kinda liked two ideas from this issue: Magneto's plan to save Utopia is actually plausible and clever, and the nanobots spying on Utopia is something that makes more sense for a group that claims that wants to save mutants, not eradicate them.
But come on, Scott defeated the Void by himself? In his mind? I respect that the man has a strong will, but he's not even a telepath! Had he elaborated a plan involving Emma, Professor X and Betsy so that the four of them could join forces to defeat the Void in the psychic plan, that would be fine (actually, that would be awesome, and we would finally see Psylocke do something relevant in Uncanny), but how much more undefeatable can Scott be in Fraction's hands? Will he defeat Lobe's group by himself, too?
Well, at least next issue Betsy will (probably) get more spotlight in her mission in the sewers with Wolverine and Fantomex.
@FSaker - Hey. Hope all is well. I agree with you here. Scott should have had the aid of Betsy, Emma, and Prof. X. Yes, he has developed mental resistances towards telephatic attacks, but that is not the same as having powerhouse telepaths fighting along side you in your mind.
I look forward to this title returning to "X-Men" status instead of the "Scott and Emma Soap Opera" drama they've been pushing these past few months.
Sorry, Fraction. Team or group stories were never your forte, and honestly, Grant Morrison or Joss Whedon are the only writers in my mind that have been able to craft an excellent story with Scott and/or Emma at the focus of it.
That aside, I'm just glad Betsy hasn't been carted off to some random title or killed yet. The Marvel Powers That Be need to regain the stride they had with her in the 90's.
“For so long, my life has been out of control. Chaos and serendipity, wrapped in insanity. I have suffered, I have lost. Not just my life, but my very soul, my self. But no more. Now I know who I am.” – Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, daughter of Otherworld, mutant, telepath, telekinetic, defender of the realm and, above all, X-Man.
Good choice, Beast! You should stick with people that respect you. Not that Agent Brand is very respectful, but next to the Utopia leaders the woman is a well of kindness...
I kinda liked two ideas from this issue: Magneto's plan to save Utopia is actually plausible and clever, and the nanobots spying on Utopia is something that makes more sense for a group that claims that wants to save mutants, not eradicate them.
But come on, Scott defeated the Void by himself? In his mind? I respect that the man has a strong will, but he's not even a telepath! Had he elaborated a plan involving Emma, Professor X and Betsy so that the four of them could join forces to defeat the Void in the psychic plan, that would be fine (actually, that would be awesome, and we would finally see Psylocke do something relevant in Uncanny), but how much more undefeatable can Scott be in Fraction's hands? Will he defeat Lobe's group by himself, too?
Well, at least next issue Betsy will (probably) get more spotlight in her mission in the sewers with Wolverine and Fantomex.
@FSaker - Hey. Hope all is well. I agree with you here. Scott should have had the aid of Betsy, Emma, and Prof. X. Yes, he has developed mental resistances towards telephatic attacks, but that is not the same as having powerhouse telepaths fighting along side you in your mind.
Cyclops storyline SUCKS like always but at least we got to see Betsy...
I want Craption's head in my table for New Year's eve dinner lol
Seriously, that guy work on the main X-book is disgusting, cheap and a total fuck-up.
We need Kyle & Yost to drive the continuity in Uncanny...
Please... In April... We need them so badly... With icecream on top :D
I look forward to this title returning to "X-Men" status instead of the "Scott and Emma Soap Opera" drama they've been pushing these past few months.
Sorry, Fraction. Team or group stories were never your forte, and honestly, Grant Morrison or Joss Whedon are the only writers in my mind that have been able to craft an excellent story with Scott and/or Emma at the focus of it.
That aside, I'm just glad Betsy hasn't been carted off to some random title or killed yet. The Marvel Powers That Be need to regain the stride they had with her in the 90's.
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