In anticipation of the "MvC2"s next-gen debut, we're bringing you daily showdown spotlights pitting a Marvel character against a Capcom character. Each entry features official game artwork, character bios and polls to determine which universe really brings the heat.
Make sure to vote for Psylocke in the poll on Marvel.com!
(at the link above)
(at the link above)

Real Name: Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock
Universe: Marvel, X-Men
First Appearance: Captain Britain #8
Marvel/Capcom Game Appearances: "X-Men: Children of the Atom," "Marvel vs. Capcom 2"
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Brief Bio: Some people lead nice, quiet, simple lives. Betsy Braddock, the X-Woman known as Psylocke, isn't one of those people. The charming and deadly mutant has filled the role of the United Kingdom's premiere super hero, Captain Britain, and had her eyes removed and then replaced with cybernetic implants by Mojo for a twisted reality television show. She has switched bodies with a foxy ninja, trapped evil psychic entities inside her mind, dated an angel and has died/been resurrected in proper X-Men fashion. As an X-Man, one-time member of Excalibur and the Exiles, this girl knows a thing or two about fighting the good fight and can easily lay the smack down on anyone who says otherwise.
Powers: Betsy's psychic blade can put down almost any enemy and her telepathic abilities are top notch. And in her ninja body, she's an even more adept fighter than ever before.
Special Moves: Psi-shot, Psi-blade, Teleport, Psi-thrust, Maelstrom, Kochou Gare
Quote: "Next time I suggest you try fighting back."
ugh "foxy ninja".
What's wrong with it?
As much as I love Betsy, and I do love her very much, this would be a tough match... I mean, we're talking about Chun-Li, the original videogames lady fighter, the strongest woman in the world!
Psylocke is a better fighter than Chun-Li in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, but Chun-Li was heavily toned down in that game; if we were considering her incarnation in the first Marvel vs. Capcom, I'd say she has the advantage.
Oh well, I prefer not to pick a winner in this. Both are great fighters, both are hot and both work better as a TEAM (along with any third character) than fighting each other!
Well, If telepathy could be used in this game, Psylocke would just make Chun-Li thinks she's a 3 year-old kid. :P
Chun Li is a way better fighter. For one, she's actually an Asian and not some white girl in yellow face. She's authentic. Her thighs could crush walnuts. Betsy only parades her ass around and tries and fails to hit people with her little glowstick hand.
Why are you actually posting here if you don't like Psylocke?
Telepaths will always have the advantage, doesn't matter about fighting skills. If it was down to hand to hand combat though, Chun Li would prevail.
Hadoken - being an authentic asian doesn't mean she's a better fighter.
Fsaker, I hear you :) I have been an avid fan of the Marvel vs. series of games since the debut of X-Men Children of the Atom in 1995. Words can't express how happy I am that the game is being resurrected after nearly a decade; this may open a door for an actual sequel. I have a feeling the revised MVC2 will do well and may prompt Capcom to consider a sequel. Now, it would be hard for me to consider Psylocke or Chun-Li being the "better" fighter, because both are amazing female martial artists, and both have strong physical attributes and skill sets. Betsy is a mutant with impressive telepathic skills, but if Chun-Li were in the Marvel universe, she might be considered a meta-human, too, so I don't know how to quantify who is "better" in that sense. I love both characters dearly, though in 2000, I used Psylocke more than Chun-Li. The Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Psylocke was animated superbly and had teleportation abilities (when she entered the arena), the psychic butterfly effect, psychic knife, and doppleganger effect, which were among the most authentic representations of her comic book powers in a video game. Suffice it to say, I am getting this for both PS3 and Xbox 360, and Psylocke will ALWAYS be on my team.
Chun Li sucks in MVC2, shes goin down!
Psylocke also makes an appearance in Marvel Super Heroes, one of the games in the Marvel versus series; she also is a support character in the original Marvel vs. Capcom.
i have the pleasur eof owning the original of this game and i must say psylocke is very enjoyable to play with, i especially love her accent in it aswell especially when she goes "psy-blast!" oh and i love the soundtrack as well lol
Yes, I have the original as well. Catherine Disher voiced Psylocke in most of the Marvel vs. games. Disher also voiced Psylocke during her two cameo appearences in the X-Men Animated Series from the 1990s.
Chun Li,taste the focused totality of Psylocke's powers!And in response to Hadoken,the Sisterhood arc proved that Betsy can be a warrior in her original body,so I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken. :-)
Selene, I concur.
Betsy fought two of the most dangerous X-Men foes in the past: Omega Red and Sabertooh, and she prevailed. I am eager to play as Betsy against Omega Red and Sabertooth in the revised Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I'm glad that they are unlocked at the beginning of the game
You guys are really reaching. I like Psylocke but she isn't a great warrior. She hardly has any real training. She gets busted every time she tries to fight someone. She lost her face to the flipping Disco Dazzler for crying out loud. Chun Li would knock her out faster than you can say HADOKEN! And when was the last time that Psylocke used her telepathy in battle? She hardly has it anymore. Face it, Psylocke has been pure fail after the Jim Lee days were over.
Psylocke is doing well on the Marvel.com poll listed in the link above.
Giiii, tá aí? ;(
Hadoken was kinda harsh, but he has a point: British Betsy is the one who used telepathy in battle to confuse her opponents' minds; Asian Betsy would almost always prefer to fight physically and only then use her psychic knife (even though technically she COULD use her telepathy to affect her opponents' minds at a distance). And while physically she's also a skilled warrior, Chun-Li can kick really fast and she's labeled as "the strongest woman in the world"; that should count for something.
I'm not saying that Chun-Li would beat Betsy, but we can't be so fast to judge who would win; the result could go either way...
Fsaker, again, I agree! I was trying to contend a similar point in one of my earlier posts. I think the ultimate answer to the "Who is the better fighter: Chun Li or Psylocke?" is a matter of personal preference. How would one objectively guage Psylocke's skill against Chun-Li. If the match between the two were to the death, it is hard to say what one is capable of when one is fighting for their life, but this isn't the case here...
As I mentioned before, it is hard to quantify who would win in a duel. I love Betsy, but I can't let my love for her skew my objectivity and argue that Chun-Li would loose immediately. There is a degree of uncertainty in this paired match, and although Chun-Li is considered "The strongest woman in the world" in the Street Figher universe, that doesn't guarentee her a victory over Psylocke by default, nor does Psylocke's telepathic skills offer her a decisive advantage over Chun-Li. Strength isn't always an asset in a martial arts competition.
I think everyone should stop taking this so seriously lol, in the end it's just a game lol!
True, Psychilde. We are just fighting for Betsy's rights :) LOL
haha, suppose theres no better place then here, lol
You got it, lol :)
Your so wrong Hadouken it aint even funny.
No matter how you look at it Chun Li cannot beat her
If the context is just the marvel vs capcom game Psylocke far outranks Chun Li in combo's, speed and versatility. Chun Li doesnt even have an aerial super not forgetting the high priority psy-blade anti air that chains into supers, the directional fireball or the teleportation. For a character who is supposedly the fastest, Psylocke makes Chun Li look like a chinese dress wearing slug.
In the context of the two characters yes it is debatable that Chun Li has trained since childhood in martial arts where as Psylocke inherited hers but Psylocke has been training under Ogun and Sabretooth now, she took down Slaymaster multiple times and hes meant to be the elite. Chun Li on the other hand never even managed to kill Bison and avenge her father because Akuma killed him. Thats not even taking into account that Psylocke has telepathy/telekinesis and Chun Li has a jelly fish fireball that fizzles out before it reaches the end of the screen.
Long Live Betsy :P
Anonymous, you're not taking into account that Chun Li managed to beat down Urien in Street Fighter 3, and he's supposed to be in the same power level as Bison. And may I repeat what FSaker said before, she is called "strongest woman in the world", which means that if she were a Marvel heroine, her power would probably be superstrength, and Psylocke isn't superstrong. Add to that Chun Li's lightning kicks and chi control, and you have a very deadly fighter, kinda like a female Iron Fist.
The fight would probably depend on Psylocke's decision to use her powers to keep Chun Li at a distance. If she uses it, she can win without much difficulty. If however she decides to try using only her ninja fight skills, Chun Li would most likely knock her out with a quick kick sequence.
Worlds Strongest Woman became debatable the second Cammy showed up.
I Cant WAIT to see who Cammy is gonna kick the shit outta :D
Betts was better than Li-Li in MvsC tho,so she would win,i do love both gals tho.Streetfighter is such a big love of mine,but Im a Cammy guy thru and thru
Cammy, stronger than Chun-Li?? Please! In the Street Fighter IV OVA, Cammy got beaten up by Crimson Viper, who is just an average woman that needs technological gadgets to stand a chance against regular street fighters. Not saying Cammy isn't a good fighter, but she is no match for Chun-Li.
Damn, I'm such a Street Fighter geek...
Cammy hant realised her full potential yet,and she's always used as capcoms punchbag (a bit like betts is marvel verse,Chun-Li is like the emma/jean) but isnt Cammy M.Bisons clone?? isnt that a lil to be scared of? Still think under the right circumstances cammy would have Chun-Li.I mean if we are taking who beat who,sisnt vega (nearly) own Li? I mean vega!lol.
Same here, Fsaker :) I still remember that Cammy and Psylocke are friends :) I think Psylocke appears in Cammy's ending in X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Who knows what advanced training Psylocke has given Cammy :)
1) Crimson Viper is weaker than Vega
2) Chun-Li actually defeated him, despite being caught by surprise
3) The Street Fighter II movie isn't part of the canon story for Street Fighter, while the Street Fighter IV OVA is (despite some inconsistencies). Mentioning the SFII animated movie as canon is like saying that Betsy getting psychically owned by Emma (as we know, that happened in the Wolverine And the X-Men cartoon) is canon...
That's true regarding the break in canon with Psylocke's role in "Wolverine and the X-Men". What isn't canon in the "Wolverine and the X-Men" is that Psylocke is an enemy of the X-Men rather than an ally. Yes, there were times when she was depited as an enemy in comic lore, but chiefly she was one of the longest and greatest X-Women allies; it isn't even that she is more appealing as an enemy either. The contrary is true. A question I still can't find an answer to this day is why the producers of the X-Men Animated series from the 1990s didn't use Betsy as a regular since the series was largely inspired by Jim-Lee's X-Men Blue team? Psylocke's popularity was at its height then...
Good question. Maybe they thought Betsy was redundant in the team since Jean Grey was also a telepath.
Although Betsy at least could fight (that's why she beat down Archangel and Sabretooth) and use her telepathy (like when she threatened Mystique despite her assuming Shard's shape), while Jean couldn't even use her powers without fainting... Geez, Jean was a complete loser in those series.
Yes, Jean was to a certain degree. Overall, the 90s series was the best in terms of storytelling, even though the animation at times was spotty.
Iceman was also a noteable character that was absent in the 90s series.
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