Death Count: Angel, Beast, Blob, Cannonball, Captain Britain and the European Initiative, Cipher, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dazzler, Detonator, Forge, Dr. Emma Frost, Hardrive, Juggernaut, Longshot, Lorelei, Madrox, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Polaris, Psylocke, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Dr. Franklin Storm, Dr. Stephen Strange, Sunspot, Syndicate, Thor, Toad, Doom, Wolverine, Prof. Charles Xavier
MIA: Firestar, Havok, Spider-Man
*sigh* Poor girl... It sucks that she died, managed to come back by sending her mind to a comatose body, only to die again... Couldn't Jean or Kitty die in her place? (nothing against Jean or Kitty, BTW, I just think their Ultimate counterparts are so boring...)
The Ultiverse has become really bad nowadays, and if Loeb thought he would impress the readers by killing everyone, he should think twice. It was once a great idea, but now it's awful.
Oh well, nevertheless, Ultimate Psylocke was awesome, she was in fact one of the few good things the Ultimate X-Men title had in the last months... Farewell, Ultimate Betsy, we will miss you!
Ultimate Psylocke was definitely one of the better characters in the Ultimate Universe, with an interesting personality and lots of untapped potential. Of course, we can't take advantage of that, no sir! She has to die and be made grist for the mill that is Jeph Loeb's abortion of a story!
Sorry about that, I've been in HULK SMASH! mode ever since reading Ultimatum #5 this afternoon, and not even the badassitude that are Secret Warriors #6 and Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3 have been able to erase the stench of Loeb's travesty from my mind. Bad story, bad characters AND he kills Ultimate Betsy?
But of course, you know, this means war!
Boo indead.
But....they killed of nearly the entire UMU...is there going to be a reboot of the franchise, with totaly new characters?
I think that Marvel still have the time-rewind card to play with if they chose to.
Maybe Betsy survived on the Astral Plane as a psychic entity?
They killed off Wolverine? That's not gonna last long, i smell a retcon coming soon...
Ultimate X-Men is cancelled anyway isn't it?
Nice eulogy, Fsaker. It was unclear what happened to Betsy after the Ultimatum event, but this evidence now confirms Betsy's demise... Ultimate Betsy died along with her brother, Captain Britain, so at least they are together. As far as I am concerned, the Ultimate universe is dead. With so many prominent X-Men slain, including Dazzler, Beast and Psylocke, it is hard to see the X-Men as any official team. Rest in Peace, Ultimate X-Men and Betsy.
Yes, anonymous #2, it seems that way. I don't know how the Ultimate X-Men could function as an effective team with so many members lost...
Yes, there aren't many Ultimate X-Men left alive, are there? I think only Jean, Storm, Rogue, Kitty, Iceman and Colossus... and I don't think anyone would buy an Ultimate X-Men book with that formation.
Kitty will most likely return to the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, Colossus and Rogue may return to the other teams they were when they left the X-Men, and maybe Storm and Jean could be nice additions to the Ultimate Avengers (actually, when 616-Jean gets ressurrected, I think she would fit better with one of the Avengers teams or with the Starjammers than with the X-Men, don't know why... I just think she's kinda transcended the human/mutant debate, as she's more like a cosmic entity now). Not sure about Iceman, though.
I haven't read Ultimatum myself, but most people tell me it's really dreadful and may mean the end of the Ultimate universe. I'm glad to see Ultimate X-men go. I always thought it was more about trying desperately to be up to the minute rather than tell a good story.
"Ultimate Betsy died along with her brother, Captain Britain, so at least they are together."
But were they siblings in the Ultimate universe? I don't remember any interaction between them or even one of them mentioning the other...
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