Here's a sketch by artist David Yardin! It was done for a fan at a convention. He's currently drawing the covers for X-Factor and is also doing the interiors for a Gambit one-shot written by Mike Carey coming out this June. This is a great new piece and I'm a fan !
is anyone else tired of this version of psylocke? maybe the body switch just made me realize how dated it is. i don't enjoy this look anymore.
i don't...she's the best! :D
Hmmm, this pic makes me see the opportunity; X-Force + Asian Psylocke.... I really starting to think that Marvel will bring back both Psi-girls, with Betsy on Uncanny and Revanche on X-Factor!
I wouldn't mind if Revanche got Betsy's mountain-shattering Teke, if Betsy retains her current fighting skills. And remember, before Kwannon died, the Legacy Virus hightened her telepathy to extreme levels. Perhaps we will have Betsy with Xavier-level telepathy?
One can only hope, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Revanche and Psylocke back to their respective bodies, and since Kwannon did like her privacy it would be a good thing to be in her psy-locked (no pun intended)original body, but put her on X-Force, she's a better fit there imo.
People will always picture Psylocke like this. Though I hate this bathing suit, I can't deny its "power". LOL
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