I'm not a fan of these figures, but I think it's cute!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Psylocke Mini-Mate
I'm not a fan of these figures, but I think it's cute!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con 2009: Marvel Animation

Toon Zone: What's the thinking of bringing new characters in on the Wolverine And The X-Men series, what's the balance?
Chris Yost: Well, I think with a property like X-Men it’s such a rich, big universe. You're always going to focus on the core: Wolverine, Cyclops, Beast, the group that we know and love. And then to see familiar faces like Psylocke or Scarlet Witch, all these characters come in and interact with them. You know the characters we know and love are kind of like the gateway to meet new people. So as a fan, the more people that we can get in there the better, but we are always going to keep our focus on the main characters.
Steve Blum: I'm happy about that.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ultimatum: Psylocke's Fate

Death Count: Angel, Beast, Blob, Cannonball, Captain Britain and the European Initiative, Cipher, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dazzler, Detonator, Forge, Dr. Emma Frost, Hardrive, Juggernaut, Longshot, Lorelei, Madrox, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Polaris, Psylocke, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Dr. Franklin Storm, Dr. Stephen Strange, Sunspot, Syndicate, Thor, Toad, Doom, Wolverine, Prof. Charles Xavier
MIA: Firestar, Havok, Spider-Man
Monday, July 27, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con 2009: Kotobukiya Panel

Sunday, July 26, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con 2009: Dark Reign

CBR: Marvel's "Dark Reign"
Wolverine teaming with Psylocke? "Yes," Fraction said quickly. "Later." She will also get a mini by Chris Yost later in the year.
Newsarama: Marvel's Dark Reign Panel
"Is Wolverine ever going to team up with Psylocke?" "Yes," Fraction said. "Seriously!"
IGN: Details on Dark Reign's End
Wolverine and Psylocke team-up? "Yes. Seriously," says Fraction. Fan asks "When?" Fraction responds: "I don't know. Later?"
Giant Killer Squid: X-Men Panel
Psylocke and Magneto will be slightly more prominent in the Marvel Universe in the up-coming months. Not as a set, don’t get excited.
@ Guys, as you may have already noticed, I accidentally deleted every image from the blog LOL I've already fixed all images from 2008 posts. I'll be re-uploading the rest during the next couple of days. Sorry :(
Friday, July 24, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con 2009: X-Men
"I think it's safe to say that, through Nation X, we're going to have a lineup and a group of people as X-Men that you've never seen before – living in a world we've not seen before and with a status quo that we've not used before. The first year was very much about having all hands on deck and having a very big, very sprawling cast. As we move forward and the events get bigger and more sprawling the team will focus a little bit more."
CBR: Kyle, Yost, Carey, and Wells talk "Necrosha"
IGN: X-Force Brings Back 16 Million Mutants

"We have been going for this since our New X-Men run," said Craig Kyle. Kyle said Selene feels cheated by the Hellfire Club. He mentioned he and Chris Yost are huge fans and this is their chance to bring back characters that have been lost to them - including many they had killed. Selene is back and she's bringing lost parts of the X-Universe with her. Yost notes that this is the payoff for stories they've been building since the beginning, and that next month's issue starts to bring everything together. Yost also says it's shockingly violent.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chris Yost: An X-Forced Confession

Newsarama: With Psylocke's return—will readers be seeing more of Betsy in X-Force or less of Archangel in all of his apocalyptic glory (Newsarama Note: Due to Warren and Betsy’s history together)?
Chris Yost: Psylocke is still getting herself established, so she's not going to be joining anytime soon... if she would even want to. And Archangel's in it for the long haul. X-Force satisfies the killer in him... watch him go off the rails in issue 18.
Newsarama: What can you tell us about the new arc starting in October? You know, the one before the big Bastion arc...the one with the name that'll spoil quite a bit.
Chris Yost: Everything will be revealed in San Diego, but it's probably the most ambitious thing Craig and I have done yet. We've been building to it for a few years now, but the time has come. If you've always thought the Black Queen should be a little more formidable, a bigger player... here you go.
Newsarama: Will there be a clear cut division in the X-Men via The Dark X-Men and X-Force in the near future?
Chris Yost: The end of Utopia X is a game changer. Matt Fraction has done an incredible thing. And yes, there will be divisions... X-Force cannot exist in the open.
Monday, July 20, 2009
X-Solicits for October 2009
Written by: Matt Fraction
Pencils & Cover by: Greg Land
To be revealed at San Diego Comic-Con
X-Men: Legacy #228
Written by: Mike Carey
Pencils & Cover by: To be revealed at San Diego Comic-Con
Emplate is back and he’s out for blood. More specifically, for mutant bone marrow. And with the X-Men still reeling from Utopia, he may have picked the perfect time to come calling.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dark Avengers #7 Spoilers
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Psylocke statue by Bowen

The upcoming Psylocke statue by Bowen has been updated with colors! It's turning out very nicely! Psylocke wields her signature psychic knife and the katana is colored pink. So I'm assuming they went with a telekinetic sword rather than a real one. Still very nice piece! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Monday, July 13, 2009
San Diego Comic-Con 2009: Marvel's Official Panel Schedule
Marvel.com: Assembled under one banner, this multi-media entertainment giant brings the greatest presentations across all platforms to San Diego Comic-Con, once again for 2009. With special guest stars, sneak peeks and shocking announcements, this Comic-Con, you will want to make sure that when planning what panels to attend, your mantra is always "Make Mine Marvel!"
Friday, July 24
What: X-Men Panel
When: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Where: Room 6DE
The 411: The streets have erupted in violence and the safe haven mutants thought they'd found is in turmoil. The Dark Avengers have put Daken in Wolverine's place, and there's an all-out war tearing through space and time with a certain red-haired green-eyed girl at the center of it. You've got questions & these people have answers! X-Men group Editor Axel Alonso is joined by a host of creators to lay out what's going on and resurrect a beloved... - well, that would be telling! You need to hear it for yourself! Panelists include Matt Fraction (Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia), Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (X-Force), Marjorie Liu (Dark Wolverine), Daniel Way (Deadpool), Jason Aaron (Wolverine: Weapon X) and more for this all-new, all-deadly panel!
They'll probably talk about the future of the X-Books after Utopia is over and what's the new status quo for our merry mutants. Who's going to be resurrected? Kitty, Jean, Banshee? Plus, lots and lots of exclusive artwork. Maybe we'll catch a glimpse of Betsy.
Sunday, July 26
What: The Next Generation of Marvel Video Games Panel
When: 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Where: Room 6A
The 411: "Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2," "Super Hero Squad" and "Iron Man 2." Join us for trailer previews, discussion and Q&A on the next wave of Marvel Games from publishers Activision, THQ and SEGA. Writers Matt Fraction , Mark Hoffmeier and Evan Skolnick will be on hand along with the game developers Kyle Brink, Robert Blackadder, Dan Tanguay and TQ Jefferson to discuss views on how story and design can come together to make licensed games that don't suck.
Remember when a Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 producer said she got her favorite character to be in the game? And that said character would be revealed at the San Diego Comic Con? And that Psylocke was one of her favorites? Well, this is it. We'll finally found out if Betsy made it into the game or not. :D
Friday, July 10, 2009
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Showdown Spotlight: Chun Li vs. Psylocke

In anticipation of the "MvC2"s next-gen debut, we're bringing you daily showdown spotlights pitting a Marvel character against a Capcom character. Each entry features official game artwork, character bios and polls to determine which universe really brings the heat.
(at the link above)

Real Name: Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock
Universe: Marvel, X-Men
First Appearance: Captain Britain #8
Marvel/Capcom Game Appearances: "X-Men: Children of the Atom," "Marvel vs. Capcom 2"
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Brief Bio: Some people lead nice, quiet, simple lives. Betsy Braddock, the X-Woman known as Psylocke, isn't one of those people. The charming and deadly mutant has filled the role of the United Kingdom's premiere super hero, Captain Britain, and had her eyes removed and then replaced with cybernetic implants by Mojo for a twisted reality television show. She has switched bodies with a foxy ninja, trapped evil psychic entities inside her mind, dated an angel and has died/been resurrected in proper X-Men fashion. As an X-Man, one-time member of Excalibur and the Exiles, this girl knows a thing or two about fighting the good fight and can easily lay the smack down on anyone who says otherwise.
Powers: Betsy's psychic blade can put down almost any enemy and her telepathic abilities are top notch. And in her ninja body, she's an even more adept fighter than ever before.
Special Moves: Psi-shot, Psi-blade, Teleport, Psi-thrust, Maelstrom, Kochou Gare
Quote: "Next time I suggest you try fighting back."
Dark Avengers #7 Preview

Pencils: Luke Ross
Colored by: Rainier Beredo
Lettered by: VC - Cory Petit
The Story: "Utopia: Chapter 3" The Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men crossover continues! San Francisco teeters on the brink of absolute chaos and the X-Men keep getting in the way of Norman's vision of law and order. So Norman takes his game to the next level: who are the Dark X-Men? And will Norman's Avengers play nice with Norman's X-Men? Here's a hint: no.
In Stores: July 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
X-Men: Legacy #226 Spoilers
Notes: Those spoilers were provided by Hi-Fi over at the CBR forums. This issue takes place during the riots that break out during Dark Avengers/Ucanny X-Men: Utopia #1 and before the formation of the Dark X-Men team during Uncanny X-Men #513. Psylocke only shows up on that page that we've already seen, but Carey said he is definitely going to sneak her in again soon. :D
Friday, July 3, 2009
Psylocke Mini & Uncanny X-Men Update
Chris Yost posted over the CBR forums and teased Psylocke fans:
"Did you guys see Harvey's sketches that he did on Psylocke? Pretty sweet, right? You have no idea what you're in for. He's turning in pages that are seriously some of the best things EVER. They're stunning."
Joe Quesada also talked about the mini in his Cup o' Joe column:
"With a character like Psylocke, we get pitches on her all the time, and it just didn't feel right and that goes for timing as well as pitches. Now it does."
+ Uncanny X-Men
Artist Terry Dodson has identified the X-Women on his pencils for issue #514. When asked about who they were, he commented on his blog:
"X-Ladies - Left-Right - Dani Moonstar, Domino, Mindee Cuckoo (in her Dark Queen Emma meets Teen X-Men outfit), Psylocke.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
X-Men: Legacy #226 Preview

Pencils: Dustin Weaver
Inks: Ed Tadeo
Colored by: Brian Reber
Lettered by: VC's - Cory Petit
The Story: Utopia Tie-In - Rogue, Gambit and Danger go to join the X-Men in San Francisco, only to find it in flames. The Dark Avengers have come into town and are taking no prisoners. Wait, the whole problem is that they ARE taking prisoners. Norman Osborn has the city of San Francisco in the palm of his hands and mutants are being forced to take sides. Will they side with Cyclops and the X-Men? Or go to Osborn and his Dark X-Men? What side will the returning mutants and one of the X-Men’s most powerful foes take? Part 1 (of 2)
In Stores: July 8, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Uncanny X-Men #513 Spoilers
Spoilers: Norman Osborn and "Professor X" hold press conferences all over San Francisco to assure the citzens that Osborn has the best interests of mutants in mind. They also criticize Cyclops's leadership and ask him to surrender. At the hospital, Simon Trask is revealed to be some kind of cyborg, capable of controlling people's minds. Emma meets with Osborn and "Professor X", and her new team is introduced: Mimic, Dagger, Cloak, Weapon Omega and Daken. Emma finds out "Professor X" is really Mystique in disguise, but Osborn promises her Mystique won't be a problem since he has put tiny machines in her blood capable of blowing her off. Frost then brings one more member to her team: Namor. Meanwhile at Alcatraz, where Beast is being kept prisoner, he is taken by guards to the "Omega Machine", which is run by Dark Beast. The machine upgrades Weapon Omega's powers to take mutant's powers. The next day, Osborn and Emma introduce their Dark X-Men to all media, stating that their goal is to restore the trust of people in all mutantkind. They implement a curfew for all citzens from sundown until sunrise. Whoever breaks the law will face immediate arrest. At the X-Men base, Cyclops decides that they'll just have to wait and watch, much to the kids' dismay. Later, Hellion, Sunspot, Avalanche, Meld, Adam X, Match and Lorelei decide to go out during curfew in order to get arrested and let everyone know what will happen to them if they don't demand their rights. The Dark X-Men arrive at the scene to imprison all of them. Cyclops watches everything from the mansion and decides to have a talk with Osborn.
Notes: Psylocke shows up for two background cameos without any lines, just like every other X-Man. She is seen wearing her old ninja outfit. This issue is all about the Dark X-Men.