The latest wave of Marvel Universe figures by Hasbro has landed in the US. The fourth series of single carded figures debuted this month with character art by Ed McGuiness (Wave 17).
Psylocke's accessories include a purple psychic katana and a psi-blade.
“For so long, my life has been out of control. Chaos and serendipity, wrapped in insanity. I have suffered, I have lost. Not just my life, but my very soul, my self. But no more. Now I know who I am.” – Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, daughter of Otherworld, mutant, telepath, telekinetic, defender of the realm and, above all, X-Man.
Not big on the face design. I do have the X-force minimates though, both squads protecting my desk.
I'm not a big fan of the face either. They used it for Dark Phoenix and First Class Jean as well.
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