Adventures in Poor Taste!: This week, we’re reflecting on the series from an editorial perspective with X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White and Assistant Editor Annalise Bissa.
AIPT: What character are you most excited about in this brave new world?
Jordan: So many! But if I HAD to pick just one… then I would apologize profusely to the new Captain Britain and go with Captain Kate Pryde. She’s always been a favorite of mine, but Marauders in particular is an awesome series and Gerry Duggan is completely nailing her character and giving her a great and unique place in the new X-Landscape.
Annalise: Well then I’LL say Betsy Braddock Captain Britain!
I guess the Krakoa flowers come in different colors? Albeit the ones seen in House/Powers were all pink. Not crazy about them being colored blue here.
@randy, how you doin'? We haven't talked in a few days. Also, I have to disagree with you. I love the blue. They perfectly accent her lavender hair as lavender and blue complement one another. A great fashion choice for Miss Elizabeth the supermodel fahionista! That is why I wish her eyes were still blue versus being purple and looking monochrome with her hair!
@Psi-Girl, I liked it too, but would like it comparable to Marauders if this was the Ororo we got versus Kitten's direct report. See the panel of her letting Cyke know who is in charge regarding N'Astirh and Inferno:
I think considering there was no internet back then and the fact that there wasnt yet a precedent for a frequent status quo revert people probably didnt know just how long the the outback days would last (ironically just what? 2yrs if that)
Now we kinda know the trend of comics this wont last forever Kitty and her squad wont be out to see forever especially if the book doesnt last longer than 12issues considering how quickly titles get relaunched/revamped etc
Hey, Randybear...maybe she picks different flowers from Krakoa from time to time to replace wilted ones? So, different colours from white, pink, red and blue to choose from?
Still curious if they have any specific use to her...or influence over her!
The flowers come from Krakoa and are a theme. Hickman started his relaunch with the flowers so they have properties. The blue eyes for Betsy look better than purple. Two variants were uploaded showing Betsy with purple hair and blue eyes. The Captain Britain costume is the least monochrome Betsy has worn and fits her purple hair and blue eyes. Is Krakoa still a living island? Its flowers have a small amount of its powers. The island was created after tests for nuclear bombs.
@Psi-Girl thanks for reminding us the meaningfully deep and established friendship of Betsy and Storm.
When Betsy was new to the X-Men she immediately befriended Storm and established a psychic rapport with Ororo based on trust and Wolverine was next. Only with the teamwork of Ororo and Betsy, Malice was beaten.
Very sad that Ororo and Betsy are separated and don't interact often. The last time Betsy and Ororo shared a moment was in Uncanny X-Men Disassembled where Betsy freed Storm from Nate's control as his Horseman of Salvation.
Ororo is not sidelined in Marauders after all Kitty is not a natural born leader and Storm will be her guardian for another run. Last was in X-Men Gold which tanked.
Am I the only embittered over Jordan D. White choosing Kitty over Betsy?
Regarding the different color of the flowers, apparently the X-Men won't have a specific uniform for this era; they'll be changing their uniforms according to the creative teams in each book. I guess this also applies to Betsy's flowers.
As for Betsy and Ororo interacting, the main X-Men book is supposedly going to feature ALL X-Men, not just Scott's family (they are the main stars for the first arc, not the entire run), so the two of them may interact there in a future arc. I'd love to see that (especially if Hickman is the one writing it).
And yes, I'm also embittered over Jordan choosing Kitty (though I may forgive him IF Kitty ditches her student uniform and adopts the Red King clothes she was shown wearing in some sketches; she actually looked good in them).
Fortunately Annalise gave Betsy the recognition she deserves.
Third comment in a row (sorry for spamming...), but I was just thinking about something. Whenever we think about special events in comic books, there are two different ways they can be published: in the X-books, we're used to the event being spread among the regular books (that is, part 2 is published in one, part 3 in the other and so on), like Second Coming, Battle of the Atom or recently Age of X-Man. Meanwhile, in the general Marvel universe, the standard is usually that the event is published in a main miniseries, with the regular books only getting tie-in stories.
Which model do you guys think Hickman will adopt for the next X-event?
(and yes, there WILL be a next X-event; considering Marvel's habits, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it gets announced already this year and gets published next year)
I think you mean which do we prefer mini series event or crossover event.
Well, that too, but also which model is more likely that he'll adopt regardless of which one we prefer.
Well Hickman did Battleworld if that's any indication. It's up to how Hickaman and the x-editors decide to go about it.
I love how the owners of this blog chose an image with Excalibur looking like "What the entire FUCK!?!?" over Jordan's comment. LMAO. Accurate.
My hopes are up because Hickman is responsible for managing the core X-Men title. We didn't get any Betsy action in HoX and PoX but now is the right time we read Betsy interact with Ororo and many other X-Men friends like Wolverine, Colossus, Dazzler and Longshot.
I think Hickman will choose a big scale event that involves the main X-Men books and Fantastic Four because he foreshadowed a conflict between the mutants of Krakoa and the Fantastic Four for the future of Franklin Richards. So a crossover wins. A crossover that might have a sequel like Avengers Vs. X-Men 2.
Rahsaan good eye! The picture of Excalibur giving a WTF look at Jordan's pick is priceless and expected. Consider his choice a treason for someone who ranks Betsy at 3rd place for his most loved X-Men.
The FF/Franklin Richards subplot is being addressed in the upcoming 4X mini series
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