Writer: Mike Carey
Pencils: Clay Mann
Inks: Danni Miki & Jay Leisten with Allen Martinez
Colored by: Brian Reber
Lettered by: VC's Cory Petit
The Story: "Necrosha". Tie-In. The most powerful villain the X-Men has ever faced is back. Proteus has returned and he is more powerful than ever! Now the X-Men must stop him where he died: Muir Island. Failure is not an option as this madman makes his move to block the X-Men from stopping Selene and her plans in Necrosha.
In Stores: February 24, 2010
Pencils: Clay Mann
Inks: Danni Miki & Jay Leisten with Allen Martinez
Colored by: Brian Reber
Lettered by: VC's Cory Petit
The Story: "Necrosha". Tie-In. The most powerful villain the X-Men has ever faced is back. Proteus has returned and he is more powerful than ever! Now the X-Men must stop him where he died: Muir Island. Failure is not an option as this madman makes his move to block the X-Men from stopping Selene and her plans in Necrosha.
In Stores: February 24, 2010
I love Carey's characterization of Psylocke, he manages to give each character great moments of character and dialogue, even though this book mainly focuses on Rogue, and hopefully since Betsy is 'cured' in the second page she can have some great scenes later on in the book, however I would of liked some kind of Warren mention between Husk and Psylocke
Rogue's so lucky. She's getting the luxury of using the psychic knife the way it's supposed to be used. Psylocke just flails it around like the latest fashion accessory lately.
That said, this little story is one of the better ones in the recent x-books.
Never thought I would say this, but this time I'm glad someone knocked Betsy out. That way she can be freed from Proteus's control.
I hope Rogue saves Husk as well; Paige is a cool girl and she deserves to live a little longer.
As for the Warren mention, maybe Paige and Betsy could make fun of him. I just can't see them as rivals.
Having posted comment#2, I'd also like to say I am happy that Psylocke (or at least her powers) play a very important role here.
I wonder if the reason Rogue attacked Psylocke first was because she would be the most dangerous under Proteus' control...
either way, nice scans here =D
I wonder if the reason Rogue attacked Psylocke first was because she would be the most dangerous under Proteus' control...
either way, nice scans here =D
<---- She would be the most useful, given the effects of powers on proteus' hold.
I agree, it is nice here and in the Psylocke mini to see her use the psychic knife the way it is supposed to be used. When she originally got the power, I always like the way she would pull it on somebody by surprise, by sneaking up on them from behind, grabbing them by the hair and taking them out. It did not define her abilities, it was just her coup de grâce. In uncanny she just always threatens to use it.
These pages although cool just make me feel the same way I felt when Rogue took revenge on Vargas, it kind of should be Betsy doing this.
Changing subjects, is it true that in the end, Betsy DOES appear in Doomwar #1??
I read somewhere that she appears with the X-Men in this issue, although the description doesn't say if she joins the team that goes to Storm's rescue or if she's among those that stay in Utopia...
She does briefly appear as a messenger. She doesn't join the squad to help take back control of Wakanda and save Storm. Not even a good panel of her.
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