Spoilers: Magneto ventures to the top of Mount Tamalpais on a mission of his own. Cyclops and Emma Frost follow him, but they can't figure out what Erik is planning. In New York, the Facility villains easily overcome the X-Men, as they have data on the X-Men's powers and fighting techniques. Fantomex arrives to help the X-Men, while E.V.A. shuts down the Facility's computer with all the stolen data. Wolverine, Psylocke, Colossus and Fantomex now manage to take on their foes. Fantomex shots Lobe in the head; and Lobe, on a last desperate attempt, releases a deadly toxin in the air: Sublime. E.V.A. protects Wolverine, Psylocke and Colossus against the plague and takes them out of there, along with Fantomex. Lobe's group promise to return to deal with the X-Men. Back in Utopia, the X-Club finally realizes what Magneto is up to: he's bringing Kitty Pryde back home.
So this issue itself reveals that Kitty is coming back? I thought Magneto's plans would only be revealed next issue, and that Fraction's interview had spoiled the surprise...
The description of this issue brings a lot of familiar names, and seems to be quite messy. Isn't the Facility the place that created X-23 and Kimura? Why didn't Kimura appear, then? She's so badass!
And Sublime? I LOVED him/it back in Morrison days, but didn't Jean Grey wipe him/it out of existence after she was reborn in that chaotic future?
Oh well, did Betsy at least manage to beat Verre down?
Cool week for Psylocke, appearing in 3 comics with quite central roles, also apparently Psylocke appeared in marvels: eyes of the camera this week, anyone have any scans for it??
Well, at least she beat someone. But she should have beat Verre for the glass shards thrown at her (although it seems she wasn't very hurt by them). JapaneseGuy did seem to be a tougher opponent than Verre, though.
I wonder how will Magneto bring Kitty's giant bullet to Earth without destroying the planet in the process.
Hi. I just checked on bowendesigns.com and found the final painted Psylocke statue. I thought it would be a good idea to mention it so you can post scans on the site. Thanks!
Things got very Morrison all of a sudden didnt they. Great to have Sublime coming back, sort of hopefully. So basically these stupid new bad guys are U-men, I preffered the mega geeky losers in diving suits with scapel blade guns who wouldnt breathe air and were implanting themselves with mutant organs, much creepier, much cooler than some bimbo's. Also do x-men really need to be fighting yet another virus?
Betsy looked awful in a few of the panels, pure porno land mid fight, a couple of the ones where she was butterflying up were pretty cool tho.
“For so long, my life has been out of control. Chaos and serendipity, wrapped in insanity. I have suffered, I have lost. Not just my life, but my very soul, my self. But no more. Now I know who I am.” – Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, daughter of Otherworld, mutant, telepath, telekinetic, defender of the realm and, above all, X-Man.
So this issue itself reveals that Kitty is coming back? I thought Magneto's plans would only be revealed next issue, and that Fraction's interview had spoiled the surprise...
The description of this issue brings a lot of familiar names, and seems to be quite messy. Isn't the Facility the place that created X-23 and Kimura? Why didn't Kimura appear, then? She's so badass!
And Sublime? I LOVED him/it back in Morrison days, but didn't Jean Grey wipe him/it out of existence after she was reborn in that chaotic future?
Oh well, did Betsy at least manage to beat Verre down?
Colossus beat Verre. Betsy beat that JapaneseGuy. I can't remember his name. lol.
Kitty appears in the last page, inside her giant bullet.
*O* Kitty? yaaaay !!
*He runs like a little girl around his room.
Cool week for Psylocke, appearing in 3 comics with quite central roles, also apparently Psylocke appeared in marvels: eyes of the camera this week, anyone have any scans for it??
Well, at least she beat someone. But she should have beat Verre for the glass shards thrown at her (although it seems she wasn't very hurt by them). JapaneseGuy did seem to be a tougher opponent than Verre, though.
I wonder how will Magneto bring Kitty's giant bullet to Earth without destroying the planet in the process.
@Marvels Eye of the Camera: Psylocke only appears in the page we've already seen.
@anonymous: what page, not the cover to the previous issue??
This page: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=4442&disp=table She only appears here.
@Luckystar and CMX -
Hi. I just checked on bowendesigns.com and found the final painted Psylocke statue. I thought it would be a good idea to mention it so you can post scans on the site. Thanks!
P.S. I got one preordered!
which books did psylocke showed up?
Things got very Morrison all of a sudden didnt they. Great to have Sublime coming back, sort of hopefully. So basically these stupid new bad guys are U-men, I preffered the mega geeky losers in diving suits with scapel blade guns who wouldnt breathe air and were implanting themselves with mutant organs, much creepier, much cooler than some bimbo's. Also do x-men really need to be fighting yet another virus?
Betsy looked awful in a few of the panels, pure porno land mid fight, a couple of the ones where she was butterflying up were pretty cool tho.
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