Spoilers: Rogue, using Psylocke's powers, breaks Proteus' hold on everyone, except for Husk. Meanwhile, Magneto throws up a shield against Proteus (Blindfold), so that he can't possess Erik too. Proteus, upset, takes them back to the ground. When Husk is close to touch Rogue, Psylocke arrives and uses her psi-knife on Paige, setting her free. Proteus and Magneto keep on fighting. Erik reveals he's been distracting Proteus in order to understand his energy pattern, as he's made of pure energy, electrons. This way, Magneto is able to purge Proteus out of Blindfold's body, sending him away. Psylocke asks him where is Proteus, to what Magneto replies that he doesn't know and that he will come back sooner or later. Rogue and Destiny meet at the shore. Irene tells her she will be dead before the day is out, but that she's proud of her daughter. Destiny also implies that Rogue is bound to Hope in ways that matter, and so they say goodbye. Irene also looks for Blindfold and tells her she's not her mother, perhaps a great-grandmother. Magneto hits on Rogue once more, but Anna is rude to him. The X-Men fix the Blackbird and finally leave the Muir Island.