Wednesday, September 4, 2024

X-Force Continues Strong Sales in August Rankings

The August 2024 comic book sales rankings, tracked by the ComicHub system, reflect data from over 125 comic stores worldwide between August 4 and August 31. While these rankings offer insight into consumer trends, they represent a small sample of the global market and may not fully capture broader sales patterns.

"X-Force" #1, which debuted at #10 in July with just three days of sales, continued its strong performance, securing the #38 spot in August. Its sequel, "X-Force" #2, landed at #50, despite also having only three days of tracked sales following its August 28 release. "X-Force" #2 and other late-month releases like "X-Men" #3, "NYX" #2, and "Deadpool Team-Up" #1 will likely see their sales reflected in the September rankings.

Geoffrey Thorne, the writer of X-Force, shared his thoughts on the recent rankings with a mix of enthusiasm and pragmatism. While he's excited about the positive reception, he cautions against placing too much weight on the numbers. "These numbers are fun but don't take them too seriously," Thorne remarked, noting that rankings can fluctuate significantly with just a few more sales. He emphasized that combining X-Force #1's rankings from July and August places it within the top 20 for a full 30-day period. Thorne also reassured fans that X-Force is in for the long haul, saying, "X-Force will still be here in a year and we plan to be here for longer than that. Considerably longer if the stars align." As he wraps up the script for issue #8, Thorne reminds readers that the first story arc is far from over, promising much more to come.


randybear said...

Haven't been this excited for a writers plans with Betsy in so long. What a nice feeling 😊

X-Man said...

I second that @Randybear.

Nate X said...

It's a great feeling knowing a book won't get cancelled at issue five. xD

X-Man said...

Very true @Nate X.

X-Man said...

It will probably be posted here soon, but this was Thorne's recent answer about Betsy and being Psylocke & CB etc etc.

I could be wrong, but based on when he said before that he didn't want any other writer giving her a solo book until he established some things first & now these newer comments,

I still feel like he may have her get a new codename and give the CB mantle back to Brian.

I'd love that lol.

In any case, here are his comments below. I loved his answer.

"it's such a quandary.

Betsy has been one of those characters different writers have done whatever they wanted with ov er the years, leading to this strange situation we have now.

Until the whole body swap thing she was sort of just the back-up telepath/kinetic with the psychic blade. the body swap, certainly visually, just turned her into asian psionic Elektra. Making her Captain Britain sort of changed the game and added magic but at the expense of Brian no longer being Captain Britain and making her one of many Captain Britains.

like all heroes, she needs her own thing, her own identity.

I don't know if I'm the one to give her that (or that I'll be allowed to) but I'm certainly going to try. Whatever her name or title, I want Betsy to be unique."

FSaker said...

That's nice to know. It would be great if Betsy got a solo book written by Thorne; from what I'm reading about his stories and interviews, he seems to be the kind of writer who could make her work regardless of being Captain Britain, Psylocke or adopting a new codename.

randybear said...

He gets it. I've always hated how Betsy had always been subjected to permanent changes through the decades unlike other XMen who have always maintained their powers and identity.

Betsy is always has had to be changed bt writers to accommodate others and she loses in tbe process. As he stated now she is where she is now dumped after 4yrs of stagnant boring nonsense.

I wish that MCU would hurry and just introduce Brian as CB already becuase that's the only way IMO they'll make him CB again in the comics to tie in

HOXOR said...

He has already said that she has a lot of backstory and he can take advantage of that to create new stories, not necessarily having anything to do with the Captain Britain mantle, but I don't think he's going to make her stop being CB, because he's already said that: "there's some minor controversy about it. I don't care about that. The CANON is the canon."

I believe that regardless of her codename, whether it's the current one or a new one she might get, while he's writing about Betsy he plans on making her unique. One of the ways already presented (and said by him) is the balance between psychic and magical powers. So far, "Captain Britain" has been just a name.

X-Man said...

@Hoxor I definitely don't know anything for sure, and you definitely could be correct.

Its all about perspective I guess.

In a lot of his interviews, it seemed like he was addressing that Krakoa did happen and she is currently CB

Hence saying the Canon is Canon.

That just meant to me she starts off as CB with him, but he could definitely have her choose to give it up.

I also remember him saying stuff about the balance between her mutant and magical abilities, but I thought it was something along the lines of will they work together or against each other.

One of my thoughts was if they do indeed work against each other, she could decide to give up the mantle no matter how much she wanted CB in the past, because being a mutant is literally in her blood and birthright (and Brian wouldn't have any conflicting issues between 2 power sets).

Her choosing her mutant birthright over everything despite the prejudice and hatred that comes with it could be a real boss move

(especially if somehow she is presented on having one power set or the other).

I could see it being a great story, but it definitely could be wishful thinking on my part as well as I personally think the magic is uneeded for her and oversaturates everything lol.

In any case, like you, whatever codename she has, I definitely hope he makes sure she is unique.

Thank you again for posting on that site :)

X-Man said...

Ita about him getting it @Randybear.

He did mention it was at the expense of Brian losing CB, so I was wondering if he would get CB back before the MCU debut.

Either way, I hope he gives Betsy some great material.

Really enjoying his statements.

HOXOR said...

I feel like if he was allowed to change her status, he would. But that's not his decision and in the end he has to obey his superiors, so what he can do is make the character unique (with all her current power set) and bring back her personality, as he himself said: "Pre-Krakoa, I'd have described her as grounded, focused but, often, puckish. Absolutely not grim dark. But not a wild child by any means. I see her with a smile on her face when I picture her. Post-Krakoa? I'd say she's trying very hard to get back to that place."

So regardless of the mantle/codename, his work will be on the character herself. The change would be bigger and better if he managed to write her solo since in X-Force the attention has to be distributed to all characters (and I think #3 will be focused on Surge), so it will take some time but even if she doesn't leave the CB mantle, I believe we will have our Betsy back.