Thursday, August 22, 2024

X-Force #5 Variant Cover by Adam Pollina


Daud Rotama said...

Stop with the fuchsia! Her hair is purple! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 PURPLE!

Sorry, I'm running out of patience with these colorists.

X-Man said...

Not a fan of how artist did Betsy or Surge's faces either.

I like the others faces though.

I don't know why a lot of these artists can't get purple right #Daud, but thankfully it seems to be perfect in the actual inside of the book.

Fred Duan said...

The psychic sword is more purple than the hair of Betsy.

Fred Duan said...

I like Phoenix with the scratched marks on the face.

Daud Rotama said...

How could Surge's blue hair become purple when her power signature is as blue as her hair? Why does she have Betsy's actual hair color while Betsy's suffering the fuchsia?!

X-Man said...

Because the colorist doesn't know how to do blue or purple correctly lol.

Oh well, I guess at least its not just Betsy getting hair color wrong this time at least lol.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

The colors might be off but I dig the style and looks of the costume. Captain Kettle is a far cry for the worst to this.