Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Knights of X #2 Spoilers

Spoilers: Merlyn gathers the regents of all provinces in the Lunatic Citadel and scolds them for not eradicating the mutants left. Merlyn takes out his rage on Mister M from Mercator and Mad Jim Jaspers from the Crooked Market, as they’re both mutants. While Mister M is absent, Jaspers is taken prisoner with the aid of blightswill, a power-dampening liquor.

Meanwhile in Lavender’s Keep, Betsy contacts the Quiet Council telepathically with the aid of a mutant circuit and updates Xavier on Otherworld, Mordred and Shogo, to Jubilee’s relief. While Kylun and Mordred spar with each other, Betsy and Rachel overhear Jaspers’ cry for help in their minds.

The team splits up, and Gambit takes Meggan, Bei, Kylun and Rachel to the Crooked Market. While Gambit smuggles food to mutants in hiding, Rachel realizes the people of the Crooked Market are terrified of blightswill and warns Betsy, who has remained in Roma’s Floating Kingdom.

Betsy leaves Shogo under Roma’s care as he is just an innocent baby. Captain Britain then takes Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred to Blightspoke to investigate the source of the blightswill liquor and the whereabouts of Sheriff Whitechapel. The Knights of X find Blightspoke overrun by Vescoras and the Sheriff and her posse imprisoned. While Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred fight off the Vescora army, Betsy attempts to rescue Sheriff Whitechapel; however, the Sheriff instead fakes her death to fool the Vescora. Betsy contacts Rachel and warns that her team will head off to Sevalith to look for Death.

Elsewhere, Merlyn dispatches Furies to eliminate Gambit’s team. One of the Furies detects Rachel as an anomaly, someone without alternate counterparts. Gambit’s team works together and combines their powers strategically to take down the Furies in order to free Jaspers.

In the meantime, Betsy, Rictor, Shatterstar and Mordred make it to Sevalith and are watched by the vampire Countexes.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Knights of X #2 Preview

Knights of X #2
Written by: Tini Howard
Art by: Bob Quinn
Cover by: Yanick Paquette

The Story: Betsy Braddock has assembled her Knights! Their mission: to save Otherworld from Merlyn and his powerful henchmen...by finding the holy grail of mutantkind. But Otherworld is vast, and innumerable armies stand in their way. When Merlyn targets the Crooked Market, a safe haven for mutantkind, the Knights must split up. Will Captain Britain find the grail? Will Gambit lead the others into a deadly trap? Death looms over the Knights — in more ways than one.

In Stores: June 1, 2022

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Captain Carter #3 Art

Captain Carter #3 Spoilers

Spoilers: Agent Lizzie Braddock thwarts the assassination attempt by unleashing her psychic powers at her would-be assaulters. Lizzie finds out one of the guns used belongs to S.T.R.I.K.E. and asks for Peggy’s help. Captain Carter hides Lizzie in her friend Harley’s apartment where the thee women devise a plan to hack Chief Hunter’s computer to obtain the weapons assignment list. The next day, Captain Carter sticks an USB flash drive to Hunter’s computer while distracting him. Carter is called to a briefing room where she glimpses a mysterious woman and some badly-injured S.T.R.I.K.E. agents. Peggy decides to flee while Lizzie and Harley find out the gun belonged to one of Lizzie’s teammate. Captain Carter pursues the mysterious woman throughout London while bumping across Tony Stark, who wishes to meet her. Lizzie and Harley find a suspicious voicemail by the Prime-Minister among the hacked data and realize all of the Prime-Minister’s public pictures are photoshopped. Meanwhile, Captain Carter is ambushed by the mysterious woman’s minions, but is saved at the last minute by Tony Stark. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

X-Solicits for August 2022

Knights of X #5
Tini Howard (W) • Bob Quinn (A)
Cover by: Yanick Paquette
Thy Cup Runneth Over!
Merlyn has finally tipped into full-blown madness: He’s sent his Furies on a campaign across the realm to burn everything in sight, and only those who swear fealty to the mad king will be spared. But there is still hope! A bargain between a powerful new ally and the Knights of X may just secure the Siege Perilous and the future of Avalon. Elsewhere, Saturnyne forges an alliance with a former enemy. But trust is a fickle thing. Will these new allegiances bring triumph or ruin for the mutants of Otherworld?

A.X.E.: Judgment Day #3 (of 6)
Kieron Gillen (W) • Valerio Schiti (A)
Cover by: Mark Brooks
Variant Cover by: Skottie Young
Variant Cover by: Peach Momoko
Women of A.X.E. Variant Cover by: Lucas Werneck
Variant Cover by: Alex Horley
Variant Cover by: Dan Jurgens
Virgin Variant Cover by: Mark Brooks
Judgment Day begins.
The heroes know what they have to do. But do they have to do it? They were smart enough to get themselves into this mess. Maybe they can be smart enough to get out of it...

A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4 (of 6)
Kieron Gillen (W) • Valerio Schiti (A)
Cover by: Mark Brooks
Variant Cover by: Salvador Larroca
Variant Cover by: Peach Momoko
Men of A.X.E. Variant Cover by: Ashley Witter
Variant Cover by: Luciano Vecchio
Cat Variant Cover by: Chrissie Zullo
Virgin Variant Cover by: Mark Brooks
The clock is ticking and midnight looms. It’s not too late.

Immortal X-Men #6
Kieron Gillen (W) • Michele Bandini (A)
Cover by: Mark Brooks
Quiet Council Variant Cover by: Phil Noto
Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant Cover by: Cafu
Stand for Judgment – An A.X.E. Tie-In!
Judgment comes and the Quiet Council grows suspiciously quiet. An exception: Do you think a man so devoted to the Hellfire cares one jot? Let’s find out.

X-Men Red #6
Al Ewing (W) • Stefano Caselli (A)
Cover by: Russell Dauterman
Arakko Variant Cover by: Taurin Clarke
Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant Cover by: David Nakayama
Battle for the Broken Land – An A.X.E. Tie-In!
Planet Arakko chose peace over war. Now war has chosen them. The monstrous arsenal of the Eternals is on the march. The Arakkii must defend their broken land according to the ancient laws… but against an enemy even older than they are, can the old ways win? Or is a new Arakko about to be born?

X-Men #14
Gerry Duggan (W) • C.F. Villa (A)
Cover by: Martin Coccolo
Trading Card Variant Cover by: Russell Dauterman
Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant Cover by: John Romita Jr.
Was Cyclops Right? – An A.X.E. Tie-In!
Are any of the X-Men right? Only one can judge them and the Day of Judgment is here, for good or ill, and the newest team of X-Men must face the truth about themselves and what they have done.

X-Force #31
Benjamin Percy (W) • Robert Gill (A)
Cover by: Joshua Cassara
Kraven’s Mutant Hunt – An A.X.E. Tie-In!
Mutants have staked their claim as the dominant species. That just means it’s time for Kraven to prove once more he’s the apex predator. Benjamin Percy’s saga continues with a Kraven tale unlike any other, sure to reverberate for decades to come.

Marauders #6
Steve Orlando (W)  Andrea Broccardo (A)
Cover by: Kael Ngu
Even Odds of Destruction – An A.X.E. Tie-In!
The Progenitor has risen! Now he visits each and every one of us, and we’re given a chance to justify our lives. Sounds heavy, right? The Marauders agree! Who proved their right to life? Who failed? And if we survive, just how excited is Orchis for a chance to scapegoat mutants for Earth’s brush with destruction? All this...and Detective Lockheed!

New Mutants #29
Danny Lore (W) • Guillermo Sanna (A)
Cover by: Rafael De Latorre
Variant Cover by: Rod Reis
Design Variant Cover by: Rod Reis
Sibling Revival!
Gabby and Karma have gone missing…and it’s up to Daken and James Proudstar to track them down! Stained by their own sense of failures concerning their respective siblings – Daken’s guilt over not being able to protect Gabby from the Shadow King and Warpath’s avoidance in reuniting with the recently resurrected John Proudstar – the two must face their own insecurities in order to find the young mutants.

Legion of X #5
Si Spurrier (W) • Jan Bazaldua (A)
Cover by: Dike Ruan
Power is in the Eye of the Beholder!
Skinjacker Triumphant! The bodysnatcher-supreme rampages through Legion’s mind... A horned god of mischief! Nightcrawler discovers the identity of the fugitive deity at last... Conspiracy on mars! Weaponless Zsen slashes open the awful truth... and it all crashes together. P.S. Just when you thought things couldn’t get more breathless... here comes Ora Serrata. And she sees. through. you.

X-Terminators #2 (of 5)
Leah Williams (W) • Carlos Gómez (A)
Cover by: Federico Vicentini
Variant Cover by: Carlos Gómez
Reflections of Deadly Vengeance!
Four deadly X-Women find themselves held captive and fighting for their lives…and more importantly, fighting to get revenge on the @#$%#$@ dead man who did this to them!

X-Men ‘92: House of XCII #5 (of 5)
Steve Foxe (W) • Salva Espin (A)
Cover by: David Baldeón
The Final Destiny of XCII?
It all ends here — the epic journey through the Krakoan Age come too soon reaches its epic conclusion! Can mutantkind truly unite? Is the island-nation of Krakoa too good to be true? And is the woman behind it all — Jubilee — to be trusted? Find out within, X-Believers!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

POLL: Your Favorite and Least Favorite Writers are...


#1. Rick Remender (42%): Remender’s take on Betsy Braddock in his fan-favorite and critically acclaimed run on Uncanny X-Force remains iconic and revered. Uncanny X-Force gave us all: strong characterization, agency, tragedy and a well-rounded arc that pushed Betsy so far out of her comfort zone and into top-tier status, leading to a new renaissance for the character.

#2. Chris Claremont (14%): While Claremont’s third run on Uncanny X-Men was not as well received as his first (and not as bad as his second), there were some qualities to his carefree take on Betsy. Despite some issues with pacing and dialogue, one can’t deny that Claremont knows who Betsy Braddock is at her core. The least said about New Exiles, the better.

#3. Cullen Bunn (11%): An underappreciated gem, Bunn’s portrayal of Betsy Braddock in Uncanny X-Men feels in many ways the spiritual successor to Remender’s. Bunn’s complex and conflicting interpretation revealed a deep respect for the character and one of the few standouts during a hard time for the X-Men publishing line.


#1. Tini Howard (48%): Wasted potential is what best defines Tini Howard’s Betsy Braddock. Fans hoped that Betsy adopting the Captain Britain mantle would take the character to the next level. Instead, Betsy was portrayed as a self-doubting, ineffective leader who barely used her powers other than swinging her sword around. Everything we loved about Betsy is gone. Her personality, her charm, her creative use of powers, her attitude, her edginess. All we have left is a shadow of her former self. Betsy is a far cry from what she used to be. And for the worse. The fact that Tini’s Otherworld epic is taking too long to conclude – 3 years and counting – while keeping Betsy irrelevant and isolated from the main Krakoan/X-Men action also left a sour taste in fans’ mouths.

#2. Leah Williams (16%): While Age of X-Man: X-Tremists was pretty much inoffensive and forgettable, Wlliams’ take on Betsy Braddock comes from her utter misunderstanding of the character. Williams views Betsy as a self-loathing woman obsessed with body modification who hated her own body. This was enough for fans to hope she never writes Betsy again.

#3. Sam Humphries (12%): After Remender’s run, the bar was set too high. While Humphries was given a hard task, his take on Betsy failed to impress fans to say the least. An adult woman living through her teen angst phase – with burglary, drinking and polyamorous relationships – was not what fans were expecting.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Captain Carter #3 Preview

Captain Carter #3
Writer & Cover by: Jamie McKelvie
Art by: Marika Cresta

The Story: Enter Iron Man! Captain Carter has plenty on her hands already, wrestling with a betrayal from the very organization she thought she could trust. Is Tony Stark here to help? Or will he be just another complication at a time when Peggy's life is full of them?

In Stores: May 25, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Poll: Who are your Favorite and Least Favorite Betsy Braddock Writers?

While we're on a 5-week break between Knights of X #1 and Knights of X #2, take the time to answer our polls. Who are your favorite and least favorite writers for Betsy Braddock post-resurrection, that is, from 2005 onwards.

Who is your favorite Betsy Braddock writer post-resurrection (2005-present)?
This poll has ended at 5/17/2022, 3:00:00 AM
Chris Claremont
Chris Yost
Rick Remender
Brian Wood
Sam Humphries
Si Spurrier
Cullen Bunn
Charles Soule
Jim Zub
Ed Brisson/Matthew Rosenberg/Kelly Thompson
Leah Williams
Tini Howard
Other (Matt Fraction, Mike Carey, Kieron Gillen, Marc Guggenheim, G.Willow Wilson)
Created with Quiz Maker

Who is your least favorite Betsy Braddock writer post-resurrection (2005-present)?
This poll has ended at 5/17/2022, 3:00:00 AM
Chris Claremont
Chris Yost
Rick Remender
Brian Wood
Sam Humphries
Si Spurrier
Cullen Bunn
Charles Soule
Jim Zub
Ed Brisson/Matthew Rosenberg/Kelly Thompson
Leah Williams
Tini Howard
Other (Matt Fraction, Mike Carey, Kieron Gillen, Marc Guggenheim, G.Willow Wilson)
Created with Quiz Maker

Monday, May 9, 2022

X-Men Monday #155 – Tini Howard Discusses ‘Knights of X #1’

AiPT!: Writer Tini Howard has returned to X-Men Monday to answer your questions about the latest Destiny of X debut.

AIPT: What powers Betsy Braddock has as Captain Britain — in addition to her own mutant abilities. We haven’t seen her with super-strength yet, for instance.

Tini: Sure! So, if you’re a tabletop RPG person, like if you play games with dice and dragons and maybe a dungeon or two, I’ll use that to explain. The term used in gaming sometimes is splat, which is like a job class, prestige class, basically like an extra job for your character that you would, theoretically ‘lay overtop’ your existing character sheet. Splat.

So let’s say Betsy’s our character — she has inherent psychic powers, no one can take that from her. But in her role as Captain Britain, she gets additional abilities, and those are more or less the ones Brian was afforded — flight, etc. I think her strength is certainly enhanced — she runs around in armor and carries a shield, she’s much more physical in this role than she has been previously, so instead of Hulk-like-strength, it manifests more through a general improvement in her physicality. I think even the strongest average humans would tire out long before her in her Captain Britain mode.