Spoilers: As Magneto blows up the Xavier Institute, Armor protects the X-Men with her powers while Jean and Psylocke mask their presence, creating an illusion of their deaths. The Horsemen leave thinking they have killed the X-Men, and Jean and Betsy are shocked to learn what Warren was turned into. In British Columbia, Canada, the Horsemen return to their Master, Nate Grey. It’s revealed that Nate has ordered the X-Men’s deaths and kidnapped Kitty, Apocalypse and the Senator. Nate sends a psychic message to the entire world, claiming that he will reshape the world in his image to bring peace and love. Nate then tasks Magneto and Angel to handle war-torn countries, and Blob and Omega to deal with humans taking mother nature’s resources. At the Xavier Institute subbasement level, Legion reveals he created the Madrox army to stop X-Man as he personally feels responsible for him since David created the Age of Apocalypse, where Nate comes from. Jean and Betsy put Legion to sleep, and he’s locked up. Armor is upset and thinks they should be listening to what Legion has to say. At Beast’s lab, Henry experiments with the anti-mutant vaccine, but a vial has gone missing. As reports of catastrophic events continues to come in, Jean decides to divide the X-Men into two teams again and drafts Armor for her team. Hisako declines and decides to stay behind with her fellow students. Storm’s team (Psylocke, Polaris, Nightcrawler, Cannonball and Jubilee) heads to Chernaya, a war-ridden country. Polaris notices the disturbance on the magnetic fields and confirms that Magneto was there. Betsy scans the civilians’ and soldiers’ minds and learns that Magneto and Angel took all their guns to create a metal statue of X-Man. The civilians and the army start fighting each other, and Storm gives them a good old-fashioned torrential thunderstorm. Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico, Jean’s team (Iceman, Northstar, Bishop and X-23) head to an oil platform under attack by Blob and Omega. The X-Men face the Horseman and save the workers. Back at the school, Armor thinks the students should consider Legion’s help. Pixie disagrees, but the majority decides to help him. Glob then meets Madrox and asks for his help, as Legion has a plan to stop X-Man and Jamie might be the only one who can save the world.