Spoilers: Legion has contracted several British mutants. His plan is to use them to wipe
mutophobia off Great Britain, having them doing good deeds. He snuck Psylocke into the Ministry of Defense.
Betsy used her psi-blade to cut out traumatic experiences of the troops.
Elizabeth looks disgusting here.
Seriously. In comparison, the others don't look that bad. It's just Bets that looks extra hideous. Can't help but think this artist is doing it on purpose, for whatever reason.
Poor Betsy, I didn't know she was getting bald...
X-Men Legacy is seriously harmed by its art. If it had better artists working on it, it could be a success, since its writer is doing a great job with the plots in Legacy. But the art is horrible.
Still better than seeing her getting killed in What If:AvX, though.
She does look like an angry blading marioneete here (and she looked the same in the previous issues teaser pages as well) I havent seen her drawn worse than this since Jerome Opena's overweight pre operative transexual version from the Angel Saga.
Even Greg Tocchini's 'barely recognizable as human figures' art style was better than this.
She is looking like those masked guys from Striker during the Messiah stuff.
Awful art.
Well Pixie looked awful too. But then again Pixie IS awful so....
Now that Ive had a little time to look, if you changed the hairdo it would make decent Matt Smith from Doctor Who.
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