CBR News is back again to present an open and honest Q&A with Marvel Comics Vice President Executive Editor Axel Alonso while his partner in comics Tom Brevoort has off – the feature we like to call MARVEL T&A! A comic industry veteran with a style his own and a record for rule-breaking, Alonso has plenty to share on his own including details on the ins and outs of the X-Men line!
With Mike Carey's plan for "Age of X," how
removed will the book be from the rest of the line. With an alternate future, it can always stand on its own, but are there ways in which "Uncanny" will affect that story or maybe that story will kick back and affect what's coming in "Uncanny?"
Alonso: "Age of X" started as an idea Mike Carey had for an arc of "X-Men: Legacy" that would feature the various generations of X-Men: the Second Genesis, the New Mutants, Generation X and so on. But as the story developed, we knew we had something bigger and even more exciting on our hands than just an X-Men team-up. We had an event. "Age of X" brings you the full cast of the X-Universe in a sci-fi/mystery/thriller story that makes full use of the best parts of their mythology. It's widescreen action, intrigue, and your favorite bits of X-Men continuity rolled into one against a backdrop the likes of which you've never seen.
Without giving anything way, I'll just say: the "Age of X" isn't an alternate future, it's an alternate present, and one that isn't necessarily far removed from our regular continuity. While the storyline is very tight and can't reflect events transpiring concurrently in the other X-titles, you will definitely see effects spilling over from "Age of X" into other titles in the future.
What was the piece of the hook that brought your attention to "Age of X?" Just this core idea of "The X-Men if they'd never been the X-Men?"
Alonso: Yeah. As simple as that.
With Mike Carey's plan for "Age of X," how

Alonso: "Age of X" started as an idea Mike Carey had for an arc of "X-Men: Legacy" that would feature the various generations of X-Men: the Second Genesis, the New Mutants, Generation X and so on. But as the story developed, we knew we had something bigger and even more exciting on our hands than just an X-Men team-up. We had an event. "Age of X" brings you the full cast of the X-Universe in a sci-fi/mystery/thriller story that makes full use of the best parts of their mythology. It's widescreen action, intrigue, and your favorite bits of X-Men continuity rolled into one against a backdrop the likes of which you've never seen.
Without giving anything way, I'll just say: the "Age of X" isn't an alternate future, it's an alternate present, and one that isn't necessarily far removed from our regular continuity. While the storyline is very tight and can't reflect events transpiring concurrently in the other X-titles, you will definitely see effects spilling over from "Age of X" into other titles in the future.
What was the piece of the hook that brought your attention to "Age of X?" Just this core idea of "The X-Men if they'd never been the X-Men?"
Alonso: Yeah. As simple as that.
One book that's really gotten a strong response of late has been "Uncanny X-Force," and I understand the upcoming second arc will involve Deathlok, who is a character people don't immediately connect to the X-Books although he does fit the black ops mold of that particular title. Who decided to bring him in, and what kind of role will he play as the series moves through its first year?
Alonso: Rick Remender really dug what Jason Aaron did with Deathlok over in "Wolverine: Weapon X" and saw the potential to revisit that character and his world in the pages of "Uncanny X-Force." And the hook is insane! The story starts in issue #5, out in February. Cover artist Esad Ribic is penciling it, and the pages will blow people away. Trust me when I say, Deathlok is a perfect fit for this book, this team.
Psylocke and Dazzler look bad@$$!
Yeh they do! Lord I hope this gets its own title or at least is revisited in the future. I havent even read it & I'm dying to know more haha
is it just me or does she not look British anymore? I understand that different artists draw differently.
& that this is an AWESOME group shot.
& that she isn't exactly in the foreground so it may be hard to make out.
But her hair is darker again. Rogues face looks like they went through great pains to make it right. I hope we get Betsy non-altered by the Hand in this universe.. as promised before..
I hope I'm overthinking it. haha. I mean just look at Hellion. He has no detail going on. Not even nipples for that dude.
It was just something that caught my eye right away.
@bla - I agree, Coipel's art makes Psylocke look Asian, not British... maybe she does get body-swapped in the Age of X reality after all?
Well, both bodies are supposed to look very alike to each other, anyway, so it's not like Betsy looking Caucasian or Asian will change much of her looks or facial features. She looks hot, though! And Dazzler is a great combination of her past looks!
I love the fact that the almost the entire Outback roster is represented on this squad,including Jubes. And they they look like they did back then with some modern updates! Daz is always hotter with short hair, like Halle Berry. And Rogue's better in green and black.
PS: When I mentioned she looked Asian instead of British in this art, I meant to say she looks Asian instead of CAUCASIAN... Because of course, one may be British AND have Asian ancestry.
I wonder if any Psylocke fan fits into this category.
I agree with Rahsaan. It's really awesome to see almost the whole Outback team here. & Rogue is great in red, Dazzler with short hair.
BUT I agree with bla. Has Marvel stepped in & said NO to the earlier idea to use Caucasoid Betsy rather than Mongoloid-appearing? So as not to confuse the newer readers? Or something? I'm really tired of that & I hope that doesn't happen. The alterations the Hand made to her body to change how she looks, & implanting knowledge of Mandarin in her head, etc.. surely can't happen in EVERY alternate universe there is.
I'm optimistic that it's just a flub, or at least the detail of the photo is wrong or something. She is far in the back but FSaker has a point.
I mean in green lol
You guys are too literal... Mike Carey already confirmed she's Betsy in her original body.
Ha! Chris is right about all of us needing to chill out.
One other thing I'm curious about... will she be known as "Psylocke?" Recall that Mojo named her that when he and Spiral kidnapped her and made her the break-out star of his new show in the Wildways. Thus, in addition to never having been exploited by the Hand... she may've never been toyed with by them... nor may she have ever been Captain Britain who was tricked by Vixen into fighting Slaymaster, resulting in blindness. Also, may've never been part of STRIKE.
What if Revanche is in this too. She had low TP before the body swap but maybe it could of developed if she was left alone. So seeing how Betsy is British in this maybe we'll see Revanche as her own character.
If Carey is wise, he won't touch on Kwannon at all. She and her whole backstory are superfluity personified.
I hope we don't see Revanche. Ugh. "body swap" how I loathe thee.
Hopefully we'll get a glimpse of what British Psylocke would of developed into had she stayed in her original body.
@ treysome: I hope so too!!!
It seems like she may have become a physical warrior as she'd always desired. Look at those daggers she's wielding! I look forward to seeing some psycho-blasting, premonitions and some TK too though! Also, used to love her astral self as the butterfly with eyes in its wings!
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