Spoilers: Deadpool finds out that a secret society is trying to resurrect Apocalypse, when suddenly a giant Devil statue attacks him. Meanwhile, Psylocke dreams of Archangel's persona threatening her. Betsy wakes up by Warren's side and explains that if she were to remove "Archangel" permanently, it would fracture Warren's mind. Warren says he needs Betsy to keep Archangel from going too far, so he can use it do to some good in X-Force. Psylocke and Angel then join Wolverine and Fantomex, and they all head to the place Deadpool found the Clan Akkaba. When they enter the Clan's temple, Wolverine attacks another giant statue; however he becomes possessed by it. The same happens to Psylocke when she uses her powers on it. Fantomex misdirects the statue's feelings and destroys it, setting Psylocke free. Betsy then frees Wolverine, using her psy-knife. The team find Deadpool, and Warrens explains that Clan Akkaba has found a way to resurrect Apocalypse and that his horsemen have been awoken. They need to kill Apocalypse. Somewhere else, Clan Akkaba is raising a young boy...
Did you enjoy this issue? Judging from this first issue, do you think Uncanny X-Force will be as good as (if not better than) Kyle and Yost's X-Force? Because I really hope so!!
The style was a little different from Yost/Kyle's X-Force, but that didn't make it bad at all! I think this series will be good and won't live in Yost's X-Force shadow. :) Great first issue! Everyone go buy a copy!
I enjoyed it for a first issue it shows potential. I agree this is different for the Yost/Kyle series in tone. I like the pencils also. They look much better too me with the issue in hand and I liked Fantomex's narrations.
It was decent. Is it just me or did Deadpool seem more like the Riddler than Deadpool? Don't know much about Fantomex but from what I saw in the issue, he seems pretty lame action-wise... did he just think that statue to death? I'll be following it just because 3 of my favorite characters are in it but I definitely hope they write Deadpool better from here on out. The art was actually better than I thought it would be but it seems like it took a dive about half way through... like it was rushed.
“For so long, my life has been out of control. Chaos and serendipity, wrapped in insanity. I have suffered, I have lost. Not just my life, but my very soul, my self. But no more. Now I know who I am.” – Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Braddock, daughter of Otherworld, mutant, telepath, telekinetic, defender of the realm and, above all, X-Man.
Did you enjoy this issue? Judging from this first issue, do you think Uncanny X-Force will be as good as (if not better than) Kyle and Yost's X-Force? Because I really hope so!!
The style was a little different from Yost/Kyle's X-Force, but that didn't make it bad at all! I think this series will be good and won't live in Yost's X-Force shadow. :) Great first issue! Everyone go buy a copy!
I enjoyed it for a first issue it shows potential. I agree this is different for the Yost/Kyle series in tone. I like the pencils also. They look much better too me with the issue in hand and I liked Fantomex's narrations.
Yes, the issue was amazing. Plenty of character development and interesting plot. I'm game!
It was decent. Is it just me or did Deadpool seem more like the Riddler than Deadpool? Don't know much about Fantomex but from what I saw in the issue, he seems pretty lame action-wise... did he just think that statue to death? I'll be following it just because 3 of my favorite characters are in it but I definitely hope they write Deadpool better from here on out. The art was actually better than I thought it would be but it seems like it took a dive about half way through... like it was rushed.
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