Tuesday, February 18, 2025

X-Force #8 Spoilers

Spoilers: As the X-Force’s X-Jet soars over South America, it is suddenly intercepted by Colossus, seemingly under La Diabla’s control. Colossus attempts to tear the jet apart, but Tank intervenes, throwing him off. The X-Jet explodes, forcing Forge, Betsy, and Rachel to evacuate. Forge calls upon a Cheyenne spell and dons his exoskeleton.

Meanwhile, Tank and Colossus crash to the ground and engage in a brutal brawl. Colossus taunts Tank, who retorts that Colossus is not Piotr Rasputin. The fight is cut short when La Diabla intervenes, teleporting Colossus away. Betsy and Rachel regroup with Tank, and Betsy draws a protective magic circle around them with her blade, shielding them from La Diabla’s alchemy.

La Diabla manifests before them, this time revealing her face, sneering as she mockingly praises Betsy’s Elle and Vogue fashion spreads. She conjures spectral versions of the Fantastic Four, who, being non-corporeal, bypass Betsy’s protective barrier and attack X-Force. Rachel unleashes her power against them, buying time. However, La Diabla’s alchemy multiplies her spectral Fantastic Four, overwhelming the team.

As the battle intensifies, La Diabla unveils her secret weapon—Dr. Howard Avery, whom she had previously abducted. Just as the situation turns dire, Forge arrives in his exoskeleton, rescuing the team. Betsy manifests a massive psychic shield, crushing La Diabla’s spectral creations in one decisive strike.

In retaliation, La Diabla forces Dr. Avery to transform into a monstrous, fur-covered behemoth—the Brute That Walks. X-Force bands together to take on the creature.

Meanwhile, in Dallas, Saga is stationed at Forge’s Aerie, attempting to track the downed X-Jet. As she multitasks through various analyses, she is contacted telepathically by Professor Xavier, who calls her by her true name: Teresia Karisik. Xavier requests her aid.

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