Excalibur #18 Tini Howard (W) • Marcus To (A) Cover by: Mahmud Asrar Variant Cover by: Russell Dauterman The Woman on the Shore! As the Council makes
moves to protect mutants in the Otherworld, Excalibur must determine the fate
of Betsy Braddock.

X-Men #18 Jonathan Hickman (W) • Mahmud Asrar
(A) Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover by: David Finch Variant Cover by: Peach Momoko Black History
Month Variant Cover by: Ernanda Souza Inside the Vault! It’s been a long
time since the team went into the vault. A long time.

Marauders #18 Gerry Duggan (W) • Stefano Caselli
(A) Cover by: Russell Dauterman The Past is not the
Past! The Marauder returns
to Madripoor to pay tribute to a fallen friend… but all the while old enemies
are being forged anew.

New Mutants #16 Vita Ayala (W) • Rod Reis (A) Cover by: Christian Ward To Be Reborn... In the Wild Hunt,
someone is looking for friends in all the wrong places. Someone else is
missing without a trace. And plans which have long been in motion…begin to

X-Force #17 Benjamin Percy (W) • Joshua Cassara
(A/C) Love and Death! Death gives QUENTIN
QUIRE a new lease on life. Long live Quentin Quire!

Hellions #9 Zeb Wells (W) • Stephen Segovia
(A/C) Have You Seen
This Mutant? Mr. Sinister is
missing! Will the Hellions be able to put aside the tensions poised to split
the team apart long enough to unravel the mystery? On the upside, at least
Sinister found his cape.

X-Factor #7 Leah Williams (W) • David Baldeón
(A) Cover by: Ivan Shavrin Who’s That
Knocking? A dark force is
manipulating the lives of X-Factor just as a striking revelation about one of
their deaths comes to light.

S.W.O.R.D. #3 Al Ewing (W) • Valerio Schiti (A/C) Variant Cover by: Takeshi Miyazawa Take a Trip with the
Everywhere Man! The Void-God has
overtaken the Earth. Top-level mutants have been assimilated. Protocol V is
in effect. But space is a big place... and a lot of things happen there at
once. Walk a mile in the Manifold’s shoes, as S.W.O.R.D.’s Quintician takes a
multi-artist journey across the universe and back... and comes face to face
with S.W.O.R.D.’s deadliest enemy.

X-Men Legends #1 Fabian Nicieza (W) • Brett Booth
(A/C) Connecting
Variant Cover by:
Iban Coello Variant Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover by: Russell Dauterman Action Figure
Variant Cover by:
John Tyler Christopher Stormbreakers
Variant Cover by:
Pat Gleason All-New Tales
Starring Your Favorite X-Men, Spanning Classic Eras! Break out the
yellows and blues, fire up the Danger Room and snap on your pouches as
legendary X-writers return to classic eras of the mutant super heroes in
ALL-NEW, in-continuity stories set during their fan-favorite runs! Fabian
Nicieza kicks off the series with a special saga of CYCLOPS and HAVOK, as the
SHI’AR return to Earth in search of the FORSAKEN ONE! But what secret will
the Summers brothers uncover, and how will its revelation change what you
thought you knew about the X-Men?Get ready for a
story decades in the making! And come back each month as we dive deeper to
expand the X-MEN mythos!Welcome back,
legends: Hope you survive the experience.
...Does this mean Betsy will do something terrible? Or is it related to her resurrection if her death in XoS is real?
Whatever it is, Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and Rictor seem to be suffering in this cover. That goes to show that this group is really composed of great friends - now, if only this friendship could be shown more often in the stories...
Oooh my my! After the White rich mean girl we'll have Betsy upgrade to queenly fairy hitler. Where wokesters walk it's scorched earth.
I was shoked that they killed Betsy and I was like , well at least I still have Kwannon.No. Killed too!! Damn!
"After the White rich mean girl we'll have Betsy upgrade to queenly fairy hitler"
After being literally shattered to pieces.
But we still don't know if she's being accused of anything. And if the accusation involves Betsy brutally murdering Saturnyne and taking her throne, that would be nice (and she would likely be a better ruler for Otherworld than Saturnyne, anyway - though Betsy doesn't seem like the kind of person who enjoys taking care of a reign or anything like that).
Marvel just continues to destroy Betsy lol Jordan White and Cebulski have completely ruined her. Theyre the worst ugh
Yup! Marvel did nothing but invite readers to dislike Betsy with the blame game. This is probably just an excuse to eventually lead Marvel to dismiss Betsy permanently at some point. Im fine with it tbh it'll save me money from buying comics.
"Im fine with it tbh it'll save me money from buying comics"
Same for me.
As for the SWORD solicitation, I still don't think we needed this book, but I must say Manifold is looking great in this cover. But it's not like he couldn't be added to one of the books already being published (he could be part of X-Factor or X-Force, and if Excalibur weren't such a mess, I'd love him to be in Betsy's team).
I think after x of Swords Merlin and Roma will take control of Otherworld again, after all the previous solicit mentions two heads of state trying to restore the state of things
It's just their way to bring the x men to ANOTHER event
The weird thing is ... People are completely ignoring the issues were Kwannon completely removed the blame from Betsy. I hate what Tini is doing to the character
I blame Howard
It's probably related to her resurrection
@psi girl where on Twitter? I literally go look for these people and can never find them. You guys seem to find them easily lol.
Writer can't do anything without editor approval. Even if it's her idea they wouldn't allow it if they genuinely cared for the character.
@PsiGirl agreed. Theyre definitely brain dead, and all parrot each other with typical, generic attitude. This generation is ass.
I hope so! I'm already tired of Saturnyne and her out of nowhere complete control of Otherworld and unexplained OP status. Yet another disjointed introduction/usage of a character under Howard.
I'll give the books a little longer. I think god things are ahead for Betsy. But like I said on the FB group. Marvel and their damned events. I am so sick of stories being stopped, because EVENTS for the TPB crowd.
It's kind of a funny coincidence that both Betsy and Kwannon experienced their first post-body-return deaths at around the same time.
I'm a little infuriated at the writing of Betsy's death, though. Super anti-climactic, barely any blows exchanged, and the death doesn't make any sense.
Based on future solicits, both will be back, so I don't think anyone should be worried. Betsy literally just "graduated" to being Captain Britain and is already gaining recognition in the role.
After reading the Jordan white interview posted a few weeks ago I have some new thoughts. He stated the readers have been misdirected about this event. X of Swords was touted as a major epic, but it’s a total dud. He stated there are “big plans” for bets. Often when people hear/read “big plans” they think of a future, not an end. I’m guessing this is betsy’s final bow.
Also interesting that Betsy is referenced by her name and not the title of CB. Go back to all previous Excalibur solicits and shes always referred to as CB (except previous solicits where she's mentioned as Queen Elizabeth, of course as a direct parallel to the real life Queen Elizabeth)
Maybe its nothing but still something I noticed.
@randybear, you guys mentioned that that race where Brian participated ended up with Saturnyne warning him that he'd be in trouble with Mad Jim Jaspers unless he asked for her help. And Saturnyne has insisting a lot for him to become Captain Britain again...
Maybe she'll blackmail him into becoming Captain Britain again and Betsy will be furious when she returns and finds out? Thus making her do some questionable things that will put her in trouble with her teammates (like, hopefully, murdering Saturnyne)?
Oh well, we'll get the answer to her fate next week. And to be honest, I'm not losing my sleep over it.
@Tazirai, agreed! To be fair, Marvel isn't wrong with the constant events because they still sell more than regular stories (and in the end of the day, it is a company), but it would be great if writers didn't have to stop their stories just to make their books tie into the event.
That reminds me of Gillen's UXM run. I must admit I used to compliment every run where Psylocke appeared in (even clearly bad ones like Claremont's UXM run during the Reload era); however, I recently re-read Gillen's run and it's genuinely good - and one of the best things about it is that, when it tied in to the AvX event, he didn't stop what he was doing, he just incorporated elements from the event into the plot threads he was already working with. And the result was great. Oh, right, and Betsy acted like Betsy.
His run is very underappreciated among X-readers. Hopefully someday Marvel will bring him back.
I'm not "losing sleep" im not under the impression shes dead im just not looking forward to whatever changes they're going to be bringing to the character. Im just sick of Marvel constantly applying new changes to her especially since the split to further allow Kwannon to stay as Psylocke in name, aesthetic and power.
And if Betsy were to kill Saturnyne for that reason it would make her look irrational and further drive the "entitled" narrative Marvel is building for her. So, let's hope not.
So, I've been following the character for years, I've never seen such a drastic personality change, expecting the worst.
ps. Fsaker I think we've known each other since orkut times, send your social network there, let's reconnect, hugs!
@Dado Mendes, nice to see you here! Nowadays the only social network where I have an account is Twitter; the name is the same I use here (@FSaker). Hugs!
@randybear, hm, you have a good point.
Hm so Betsy won't be a candidate to the ressurrection protocols...
Well, we've been badly surprised enough...
Let's see why they care to bring her back.
So nice to see you here, Dado!! Also recall you from orkut! Welcome!!
Don't expect the worst, keep your heads up.
''The woman on the shore'' I pray this doesn't translate into Betsy becoming the next Lady of the Lake.
Ten of Swords has been a letdown. The funny challenges didn't live up to the cinematic Lord of the Rings tone Jonathan Hickman set up in creation and stasis. The tie-ins read as fillers except for Wolverine and the Marauders where the writers did great to carry the spirit of Hickman's story. I wouldn't be surprised to see a chubby bunny challenge in Excalibur #15.
Hellions was good too, but then again, it's more of a side story
Looking on the bright side, it all ends this week.
And depending on the ending, we'll get to know if it's even worth to keep following Excalibur after that.
Yeah this event has been such a let down im just going to read spoilers and not throw away my money on the last few chapters. Good riddance!
@randybear, I don't blame you at all. Just please don't forget to share the spoilers here in the blog with us tomorrow; your summaries are always a great way to find out what we are missing (or what we AREN'T missing, in cases like last week's chapters)!
The Otherworld ended as playground for mutants to which I'm opposed. The X of Swords with Arakko and Amenth was a one hit wonder never to be repeated for we all saw the poor results.
@FSaker the spoilers will definitely be up tomorrow! However, credit for spoiler summaries goes to LuckyStar 💝
Thanks!! And it's great to know LuckyStar is still around in this blog; she's amazing!
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