Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ten of Swords by Pepe Larraz


Kiki M. Ishola said...

Larraz has drawn Betsy twice. A dream come true for a lot of people me included. Front and center is what I wanted for our girl but beggars can't be choosers. I'm happy with front and corner.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Betsy and Illyana are an interesting combo. The Soul sword and the butterfly blade. I don't give a damn if Marvel took the butterfly 🦋 from Betsy. Butterflies know their birthplace and migrate back to it. Message sent.

Kiki M. Ishola said...
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randybear said...

Background characters are Gorgon, Storm, Cypher, Magneto and Brian

Dean said...

Do you guys think Brian will be retconed as a mutant? I remember Marvel’s first release talking about “ten mutants wielding swords”

randybear said...

I'm just glad Kwannon wasnt shoe horned as one of the X wielders. Yes shes on the promo by Brooks but shes not standing amongst these 10 here

Nate X said...

Tbh, the only person who cared about Kwannon was Bryan Edward Hill. Not even Zeb Wells asked for her for Hellions, she was editorially mandated.

randybear said...

Cebulski is a huge ninja Psylocke fan. HUGE. I wouldnt be surprised if the blame it on marketing was his idea.

Nate X said...

Thankfully Hickman is running the show. You can tell he's pretty big on the Captain Britain mythos.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Gorgon is the real Japanese representation. We don't need face jobs made to characters cause it stinks the scene.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Nothing to like about Kannon. She started as face job on Betsy's face and like cancer ate up all that was hers. Moniker stolen, butterfly stolen, powers stolen, only the purple hair is rescued. And that ain't totally true cause they look occasionally hot pink. Why do we have to pay bigwig obsessions?

Renegade X said...

Why so much Kwannon hate, give a lady a break...all I been reading is more hate towards her so let her find her own path of destiny. I love both Kwannon and Betsy but come on now. I know this a Psylocke/Captain Britain site mostly for our girl Betsy but man I'm starting to turn away from all this and just leave.

X-Man said...

@Renegade for me personally I liked Kwannon as Revanche when she was in Betsys's body. She was still angry, but seemed more mature then imo.

She definitely turned me off in Fallen Angels though. I think the combination of her seemingly blaming Betsy for something that was actually done to wake Kwannon up from a brain dead status in the first place, started by the people Kwannon hung out with, for Kwannon's benefit while ignoring the fact that Betsy was kidnapped and violated was a little much for a lot of us.

The fact that Kwannon also seemed to think the Psylocke name was owed to her also annoyed me (as it was a name Betsy had in both bodies and Kwannon also was inside Betsy's body. Using Kwannon's logic Betsy could go by Revanche then lol)

However, so far I enjoyed her in Hellions. So it could be the writer of Fallen Angels that turned me off.

I just wasn't a fan of the victim blaming. I hope that is done between them.

randybear said...

Kwannon is so unlikable why should I pussyfoot around a character I have no interest in?

One, before Fallen Angels debuted the writer was blaming Betsy saying it was Kwannons "right" to claim Psylocke/butterfly etc when in reality it was all marketing idea.

Two, Kwannon was nothing but a miserable bitch in FA. She was rude and dismissive to everyone she crossed paths with and put the blame all on Betsy. Even though Betsy was kidnapped brain washed and lived as a hero and did only good deeds while inhabiting Kwannon's body (plus she kept that body in great shape, always trained) Kwannon was a murderer for the Yakuza. Why is she suddenly the victim here? Because shes not white? So Asian people are incapable of doing bad things or being criminals?

Three, I dont like that newer readers who this may be their first exposure to Kwannon and Betsy are under the impression that Betsy literally stole her body and kept it from here when theres SO much context around that story and people are STILL dissecting and discussing it 30yrs later.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

This exactly!

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Wouldn't you hate the one stealing your identity and life? Would you let Kwannon become a second Renegade X for reparations because her boyfriend abducted you to have you swap bodies with her? Would you let it pass and thank Kwannon and Matsuo for locking you in another body forever or have your dead Renegade X body unearthed and burned by the same boyfriend?

Unknown said...

For this to be Betsy's site y'all sure do talk about Kwannon a lot lol

It'll just be fan art of Betsy and here comes "grrr that kwannon"

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Say an artist pops up and claims Beyonce I will raise hell cause she's my top Black female artist. Same with Betsy. All obstacles be moved. What dat Kannon is.

Dean said...

The fact that Bryan Edward Hill tried too hard to make Kwannon happen at Betsy’s expense and the fact that despite his efforts it failed miserably is still too funny to me. Lmao. He actually turned people off to her.