Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Betsy and Kwannon by pretty.cool.huh

pretty.cool.huh @ DeviantArt


FSaker said...

That's... adorable, actually. I love this art!

If Betsy ever abandons the Captain Britain mantle, I wouldn't mind her and Kwannon sharing the "Psylocke" codename and acting as some sort of duo. It's the attempt to have Kwannon taking over Betsy's legacy that annoys me (and the fact that she's quite uninteresting by herself).

metalgorgomon said...

I dunno, this reminds me of Betsy and Alison (new Excalibur era)

randybear said...

I love this too. I'm desperately wanting them to become close allies. I mean... they have shared psyches and bodies they should be bonded IMO and almost like sisters. I hate how they are pitted against each other and it only causes a rift between the fans of the respective characters.

Also too bad they csnt share the butterfly. Its not like others havnet shared things like the phoenix force signature.

Finn said...

I love these two together and apart so it would definetly be interesting to see them as a duo on the comics !

Rahsaan said...

I love this, but pray that Kwannon stays a brunette and does not re-dye her hair purple.

Also I officially dropped Excalibur from my pull list as well as a couple of other books. I realized that they were stinking up my impression of Dawn of X. Dawn of X has some good titles, so it's best just to focus on those. Also, money talks. Excalibur won't get good if people keep buying it in its current state.

My comic guy also agreed to only add the Hickman New Mutant issues that feature Sunspot and company and not that other author's as I only like the Hickman story in that book.

Hoping this will keep me from dropping the entire X-Men line.

Rahsaan said...

If Excalibur does miraculously get good, I can always buy back issues or trades to jump back in.

randybear said...

Who's y'alls dream artist on Excalibur? I'd LOVE to see Clayton Henry or Michael Ryan do fill ins for Marcus To as their style is similar and consistent much like To's.

I'm still dying to see Bachalo or Davis draw the new Betsy or Otherworld they're both so creative with their visuals and while I love Marcus To his Otherworld is so boring its always just somewhere outside with a generic forest in the background. I loved how Otherworld was drawn in UXF

Lord Mark said...
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