Saturday, June 22, 2019

X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #2 Art

 Retelling of the events from the Siege Perilous up to The X-Tinction Agenda.


FSaker said...

Interesting... Psylocke is drawn with pretty much the same characteristics in both uniforms, and there's no mention of a body swap or plastic surgery going on. I guess in Piskor's continuity, Betsy kept her own body (and she seems to be drawn ambiguously enough so that it's up to the reader whether she's supposed to be caucasian or asian).

When I first learned that Piskor made several changes to the X-Men's backstory, I was annoyed, as this project was sold as a summary of the X-Men's stories up to the 1990s. But now I'm quite interested, considering it as an alternate continuity or reimagining of the main one, where things apparently were simplified. Hopefully this gets published in Brazil soon.

Unknown said...

crap art and script

Tobias Chatti said...
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Tobias Chatti said...

Burn this junk with a flamethrower.

Rahsaan said...

@Unknown and @Tobias, I agree. I cannot with this title. My comic book dealer keeps trying to get me into
it, but whenever I turn through its pages, I’m just absolutely disgusted. It needs to end.

bblackorchidd said...

The sum of the art here; proportions of the figures, is daunting- making me question the corporate level of Marvel exec art direction

PoetryInMotion said...

The race modification and Kwannon are both acknowledged in the summary within the last pages.

Call it nostalgia, but I did like seeing Psylocke on the front during the Australian Outback days and again in Madripoor.

Jaime Braz said...

The art is repulsive but the tampering of the original stories is equally nauseating. I didn't buy a single issue of this project just read it from a friend's copies who unfortunately has wasted his money since he is a comic collector. This won't see a raise in value even in five decades time. Indeed a dumpster fire.

Rahsaan said...

Every time I look at this panel or them running up the hill to the cliff while Storm holds the Reavers off, I literally laugh out loud. They look so ridiculous cartoonish.

Rahsaan said...

Also, Psylocke does look obviously different in this art pre and post Siege.

randybear said...

Dang I think yall roasted this poor artist enough. They got bills too lol

randybear said...

The panel wit baby storm jumping/falling/flying? Out the window gets me 😂😂😂

Rahsaan said...

@randy, that one made me flatline too. She looks like she is falling to her doom!!! 😂💀⚰️

Rahsaan said...

Did the writer even say where Longshot went in this bastardized version?

Jaime Braz said...

@Rahsaan there is neither mention of N'Astirh biting and affecting Longshot nor his choice to leave the Outback X-Men and regain his memories of Mojoverse. He is a supporting actor to fill panel space.

@randybear this comic is so awful that Storm had to commit suicide and throw herself out the window. It's that bad.

Also Betsy is colored with a strangely yellowish hue on her skin before the body swap which shows that Ed Piskor didn't bother to change palettes to emphasize the race change. Making the race change more confusing for new readers who will read and believe that Betsy was born Japanese.