Rob Liefeld and Clayton Crain's Variants
Newsarama: Uncanny X-Force is the focus of the latest "Next Big Thing" conference call with members of the press. The call's scheduled to include Remender and Marvel Vice-President Executive Editor Axel Alonso, talking about the comic's initial story arc (and maybe how the team got those nifty silver and gray outfits). Newsarama was there — just click on the link to follow along. Here are a few excerpts concerning Psylocke:
Axel Alonso: Alonso says in that way this book is distinctly different than the
previous incarnation — X-23 isn't on the team because Wolverine doesn't want her there. Alonso also says that the romance between Psylocke and Archangel will be rekindled.
Rick Remender: "It's a re-ignited love affair, but there's a lot more to it," Remender says. "Warren needs Betsy to help him control Archangel," Remender added, suggesting that this will be a dangerous dynamic to their romance, with Archangel wondering where love and and dependency begins.
Axel Alonso: "There's an urgency to their romance," Alonso added.
Axel Alonso: Alonso says in that way this book is distinctly different than the

Rick Remender: "It's a re-ignited love affair, but there's a lot more to it," Remender says. "Warren needs Betsy to help him control Archangel," Remender added, suggesting that this will be a dangerous dynamic to their romance, with Archangel wondering where love and and dependency begins.
Axel Alonso: "There's an urgency to their romance," Alonso added.
Okay. Greatest covers and preview page ever.
Liefeld's cover is much better than his standard artwork, but still not my cup of tea.
Crain's, however, is AMAZING!! It's very cool, and for once an artist remembered to give Betsy a "X" badge! And the details in the cover are a delight to the eyes...
The description of her romance with Warren is quite interesting, too. They will have to find out if they really love each other or if it's just a dependency relationship.
I read that Remender mentioned Chamber; if he still has his New Warriors equipment, he could be a nice addition to the X-Force.
The colorist in UXF forgot to color her sash grey! OUTRAGE! lolol.
I'm so loving this team.
This is interesting but I'm still worried.
I'm not a Psylocke/Fantomex shipper (don't know enough about him yet) but that panel with them is cute.
OMFG! Just sat down for lunch with Stan Lee and had a 30min convo and he asked me to give him comic ideas! And invited me to come to his office!!!! I can die now! And he signed his card for me!!! Ahhhhhh
lol sorry i just had to share it and didnt know where else to post this.
but back to Psylocke lol she looks amazing in these renditions and its great to finally see her look asian for once
that crain variant cover reminds me of the old new x-force..great cover.
Hey DaQing that's really cool. Did her say anything about X-Men?
Sorry, I meant to say "did he say anything about X-Men?"
I really like the way she looks in the darker picture. I'm guessing that's Clayton Crain's variant. She looks like Meisa Kuroki in that one. :)
@Psyknight: we talked about X-men and how diverse the young x-men are ex: Dust, Anole,...
and he actually said that his dream is to create a superhero team where each member is from a different country and that way he would shed light on different cultures. i was like looking at him but in my head i was thinking "umm sure yea... do u know how awesome u r?" lol
So it's fine that the tie these characters share are being addressed & all, (Betsy & Warren).. but does anyone know if Betsy's & Logan's bond is ever mentioned? They have quite a history (not romantic of course, but it spans much longer than her relationship with Warren & they have been, if not are, very close friends). It is just confusing I think. Anyone know?
^You bring up a good point. It would be nice to see them talk about what happened in her solo series as well as Kurt's death.
Ah yes! & Kurt's death!! It has to be mentioned somewhere, PLEASE do. & three of these characters (two especially - Logan & Betsy) knew Nightcrawler very well. Betsy better than most.
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