Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Greg Land
Inks: Jay Leisten
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC's Joe Caramagna
The Story: Magneto’s return has stunned the X-Men, but that’s not the only surprise they’re in for as a herd of Predator X’s come hungry for mutant tar tar. The hits just keep on coming, but can the X-Men, still nursing their wounds from Utopia, deal with all this?
In Stores: November 25, 2009
Pencils: Greg Land
Inks: Jay Leisten
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC's Joe Caramagna
The Story: Magneto’s return has stunned the X-Men, but that’s not the only surprise they’re in for as a herd of Predator X’s come hungry for mutant tar tar. The hits just keep on coming, but can the X-Men, still nursing their wounds from Utopia, deal with all this?
In Stores: November 25, 2009
What has happened to Betsy's bottom limbs,for Christ's sake? :-(
Thats it. i am OVER Lands art
Good heavens this fight scene is so poor and visually uninteresting. Seriously, brown island, blue water, blue sky. It's like Fraction has no idea that this is a COMIC BOOK so 50% of the deal is making appealing art.
Nothing dramatic going on here involving Betsy... Sigh...
So,I'm the only one to notice that Betsy appears to be decapitated on the cover?How deplorable. :P
Also,I think this preview has solidified for me that Namor doesn't belong to the X-Men.
@Selene - Namor certainly seems out of place to me on the X-Men.
@ Selene,nah i noticed aswell and ranted on cbr lol.Betsy Legless :/
Its like the cover isnt finished between that and emmas cape
I think Land was trying to do something stylistically with the cover... and failed.
Yeah i get that feeling too,he was tryin for some sort of abstract piece but instead it came out unfinished looking.
i would never take anyones job off them or deny anyone,and im sure land is a lovely guy,but he needs to up his game a bit
who cares about this shit when we have PSYLOCKE's own mini. it seems so horrible in comparison.
I can't wait for Dodson to replace Land again. And Fraction is a moron for trying to force Namor on to us.
personally i like namor,but in the x-men is a strange team-up,but who knows maybe it will work.
Oh and Anonymous i know what ya mean,its sad that Psylockes mini is only 4 months :(
Craption needs to be outta X-Universe now.
All I want for Xmas is Kyle and Yost replacing Craption in Uncanny, and Mike Choi/Dodson as regular drawers...
Then i would be on heaven.
Maybe after they run on X-Force they can take Uncanny...
@La Betsy - I am an avid fan of Choi's art. Choi's women are simply beautiful. I love his Black Queen (Selene). I agree that he would be an asset on Uncanny.
OMG, the Predators X ate Betsy's legs!!!
Seriously now, I don't understand what she is doing in this cover at all. Cyclops, Emma, Magneto and Namor are all well-known leaders, so their presence in the cover could indicate the development of the government system in Utopia or a clash of opinions to guide the mutant race. But Betsy isn't a leader figure, she doesn't seem to like being a leader figure...
Storm or Professor X would fit better in the cover, IMO. With or without their legs.
@FSaker ¨OMG, the Predators X ate Betsy's legs!!!¨
@FSaker & Alejo XD - Betsy does have excellent legs, but at least the Predator X has some nice taste in its choice of legs :)
LAAannnd! :(
Oh cmon this story is quite cool atleast, stop complaining Betsy made the cover and she looks pretty, sheesh!
I do agree that Land and Fraction need to make way for Yost and Choi tho.
Betsy aside, the set up for this is so boring. And the worst part is that the writer lets us know how boring it will be, "we have freakin Magneto and the King of Atlantis", and with an island of powerful mutants, we all know where this is going.
I think someone one this board reffered to Fractions dialogue as Bro-speak or something, and that was right on the money, epecially with the "freakin" line, it made me cringe to read it. Do you think a leader would talk like that and be taken seriously? He should of added an "awesome dudes" at the end.
While I agree that "freakin" seemed out of character for Cyclops, I read it more as his disbelief that Magneto was on his side and less of him saying how awesome it was.
Maybe, but Cyclops does sound quite immature by saying "freakin'". That's an expression that didn't suit him well before, and it definitely does not suit him as the dictatorial leader he has become.
On the other hand, Namor is very well characterized, and I love to see him smashing Scott's authority. I can't believe how annoyingly arrogant Scott and Emma have become since Whedon and now Fraction started writing them and kissing their asses... (same thing with Kitty, but maybe getting stuck in a giant bullet will make her become more humble when she returns)
I don't think "freakin" is an immature word. I use it all the time (maybe it's a Jersey thing?) But I agree that the usage didn't suit Cyclops.
@Sublimeclown - Yes. I see Cyclops as being more sophisticated in choice of diction. Maybe he just wanted to be "cool" :)
I think you're readint too much into the cover. There's no meaning behind it. Landy simply draw the 5 characters Fractions uses the most. His core cast. It's just a group shot. That's just it.
stand up for Psylocke
Thanks, Anonymous 3:43 AM
Wow, that's a sad article to read, 3:43 AM Anonymous... And the worst part is that I quite agree with the columnist. Betsy is still very objectified in comics, sometimes more (like Land's gratuitious panel showing only her butt in Uncanny #516), sometimes in a more subtle manner, but she is very objectified.
However, it's sad to see that, because Tolibao draws her with big boobs and Finch makes her look sexy in the cover, the columnist and most of the people in the comments section (who probably didn't even read the book) accuse it of being "bad fan fiction" and "stereotyping" Psylocke, when it actually shows a lot of her sarcastic and reflexive personality and also tries to make her convoluted story more cohesive.
I agree that the Psylocke #2 cover is awful, but other than that, I think this is the best characterization of Psylocke since X-Men #1-#3 (aka, when Claremont left the X-Men title and when he was still a decent writer).
Fsaker,couldnt have said it better myself.But to tell you the truth i think the writer of the column is just an attention whore.
@FSaker - Well said!
I think the Psylocke mini signals a new era of renewall for Psylocke in the coming decade. Yes, in the past, although Betsy was present in most of the popular X-crossovers in the 90s, she was often an under-utilized character, who was often on the periphery of the team rather than a central figure within it.
For years, Rogue, Storm and Jean were female characters that were synonymous with the X-Men. Yes, Betsy was popular, but she wasn't seen as an iconic member of the team.
I guess one can consider the mini as a success if helps to establish Betsy not only as a significant member of the X-Men, but also as one of its iconic members on the level of Storm, Jean, and Rogue.
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