Monday, January 27, 2025

Marvel Puzzle Quest Debuts "Knights of X" Skin


Nate X said...

Burn it with fire. Uggly ass costume.

Daud Rotama said...

It's a good costume practically speaking. Layered, properly covered to prevent all kinds of physical damage when being attacked. However, it's not what most Betsy fans are looking for when it comes to her, isn't it? It's always either the pink puff sleeves or the Outback armor, even though both costumes aren't at all practical. The pink sleeved outfit is too soft and lack protective armor, while the Outback armor will never function as an actually working armor because of the shapely boob area. Real armor actually requires something more like her Captain Britain armor suit to work well, otherwise you would get nothing from wearing metal on your body in a battlefield. Anyway...perched for Betsy Braddock in the future, whichever way the comics will take her.


I hated this costume with a passion. Just so drab and dull (IMO). This artwork makes Betsy look overweight. Too many scones?

lindsay said...
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lindsay said...

tazirai wont agree honey bun because betsy thicc af in this pic like he like to render her
she got dumps like a truck

lindsay said...

now all she need is da hand thong 4 us 2 sing the song
thong thong thong thong thong