Wednesday, July 31, 2024

X-Force #1 Art


lucasg_i said...

Good to see the butterfly is still there, I like how it seem's to form from a swarm of psychic wisps. As I've said many times, To draws a beautiful Betsy

X-Man said...

Nice to see Betsy in character again & the Butterfly.

Excited to pick up a book with her in it again :)

X-Man said...

I just got that Betsy asked beforehand for no Deadpool & Forge still included him lol.

I thought the panel was afterwards, but then realized it was a flashback haha.

That's even funnier.

randybear said...

So weird that monster attacked Betsy and took her out. Then Deadpool takes it out shortly after.

I still stand that the butterfly is going away it was barely used in this issue, in a cropped panel and looked like chicken feathers to me lol

My theory is this random attack had an affect on Betsy's TP that will change it somehow. She may be getting a new power signature from this IMO

HOXOR said...

The creature was created by a subsidiary group of Mr. Sinister and the body that Betsy currently has was created by Mr. Sinister himself.

Maybe the two (Betsy and the creature) have connections because they are "his creations"...

randybear said...

One more thing and I'll put the tin foil hat away, if you guys have been noticing Thorne's DeviantArt where he posts his drawings and more specifically lately XForce. He drew what looks like Man Thing in one of them and then we got the solicit with Man Thing for #4.
In the most recent fanart of Thornes xforce you see Betsy using a psi signature that looks like a crown of daggers 🤔🤔🤔

randybear said...

@HOXOR nice connection detail I hadn't realized!

X-Man said...

I hope that isn't the case @Randybear, unless another new signature is an awesome one.

I would suggest writing in like usual and use reverse psychology thanking them for having her use the Butterfly and say it was one of the reasons you picked up the issue when you heard it was included.

I hope the issue is good, Betsy seems so much more in character thank goodness.

HOXOR said...

Response from Marcus To now on Twitter regarding Betsy's energy signature: "I am adding a little Flowery butterfly flare to her energy sig here and there".

X-Man said...

Is it flowery now to distinguish hers from Kwannon's?

Or he just likes it flowery? I don't remember how his Butterfly looked before lol.

Or were they told not to use the Butterfly for Betsy and he is being defiant? Lol.

HOXOR said...

I don't know, but I just noticed that the color of Betsy's powers are more "Red Violet" and Kwannon's are more "Bright Pink".

See the difference:

FSaker said...

We'll have to wait until she appears using her powers again to get a better picture of what her energy signature looks like now. So far, it looks close-ish to a butterfly, so that's nice.

In fact, To's art is amazing; Betsy looks great, Rachel looks great, Surge looks great, everyone and everything looks great (at least in these pages shared in this blog)!

X-Man said...

Thanks for the comparison @Hoxor.

I think the coloring of Betsy's is better, but Kwannon's is more whole though.

Though I think Betsy looks more powerful overall.

So not sure which one I prefer lol.

Not really in love with either, but also don't hate them.

One signature that I really liked was I think the Uncanny X-Men cover when it was half Betsy's body & half Kwannon (I think when the Sisterhood kidnapped Betsy).

Kiki M. Ishola said...

First issue was a mixed bag with good and awkward moments but I get it beginnings are rough. Forge and Sage were written crisp. The butterfly that Betsy should have is the Alan Davis with the eyes. Marcus To and Bob Quinn have drawn it in the past.

Rahsaan said...


Here is a previous post example of how To drew Betsy’s power signature. Specifically, her astral form as she referred to during the Mutant Massacre days, her “psi-self.”

Rahsaan said...

@Kiki, agreed on the Alan Davis one. To’s version of her astral from is a lot like Davis’.

X-Man said...

Thanks @Rahsaan.

I like that one.

I don't mind the one she has here (or the one they gave Kwannon), I'm just not in love with either of them as well lol.

HOXOR said...

Geoffrey Thorne participated in an interview now where he talked about X-Force and answered a question of mine, talking a bit about Betsy.

He confirmed that Betsy's powers don't work like Green Lantern's (it was a question that had been asked on the forum and I reminded him since the answer was vague), and that he won't turn her into a "mutant Green Lantern".

She'll have plenty of "Captain Britain and Psylocke goodness to go around", we won't miss the fact that she's not Green Lantern, she's gonna get her flowers and they'll treat her right. She has a rich enough history to have a solo title, he'll be drawing from her rich history to tell her story in this book and that means her powerset.

He also talked about the psychic butterfly and... the butterfly spent 30 years in the Asian girl's body so that will be maintained in Kwannon, but Marcus To is trying to draw Betsy's psychic powers in a way that if the fans like it, they will work on it (I think in this case he was talking about that "floral butterfly" that we saw in the first issue).


randybear said...
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X-Man said...

Hey guys Thorne did an interview i saw on a FB X-Men site.

He basically says Betsy and Kwannon have their own Butterflies now and neither looks like the original (which I also noticed)

I really appreciate him talking to the fans and this interview.

So far very happy he's writing Betsy :)

The Butterfly part i think was around the 1:12:10 mark.

HOXOR said...

It starts in 1:31:34

X-Man said...

I also will add that I'm glad he discussed the Butterfly with Marcus To and didn't just dismiss it.

I know there's still time to be disappointed lol, but so far he seems like a real breath of fresh air.

lucasg_i said...

I also have to add, besides the butterfly, To drew a pannel where Betsy just exudes psychich energy, that plus her having to boost Rach (she's boosted people's powers before, I like that they kept that) contributes to her seeming more powerful than Kwannon, as someone said before

X-Man said...

@Lucas I noted that Betsy looked more powerful when comparing both Butterflies.

If you were talking about that :)

Kwannon herself said that she couldn't do the things that Betsy (or Xavier) can do telepathically (in Fallen Angels when she asked Sinister to use technology to increase her powers I believe).

In fact (not that I want to take anything from that book as being fact lol), she kinda alluded to in a roundabout way that she actually has Betsy's powers and not hers (at least that was my interpretation, it was pretty vague).

I remember Kwannon saying something like "when Braddock left this body, she took a measure of her power with her"

It always made me think that using the word "measure" and not simply saying "Betsy took her power with her" meant that the powers Kwannon have are really Betsy's & Betsy's may have slightly diminished because some of it went to Kwannon.

(but Betsy is still very powerful as it wasn't evenly split in half like when they were Revanche & Psylocke & Betsy retained the majority of power).

That would kinda explain why Betsy was an Omega telepath before & wasn't during Hickman's era.

But again thats just a theory and I would have to go by Fallen Angels & I take everything Kwannon said in that book with a grain of salt lol.

Just was a thought I had.

K.A.T. said...

Does anyone have a link to Thorne's DeviantArt? I'd be interested in seeing it. Thx!

X-Man said...

I believe this is one of them @K.A.T.

K.A.T. said...


X-Man said...

Your welcome.

Rahsaan said...

Thanks for the link, guys.

@HOXOR, thanks for asking that question. I so agree with him on the lazy writing of Betsy creating all these silly things, like bows and arrows and maces and psychic security systems (Wood’s run) and using her psi-dagger as a flashlight (Fraction). It was lazy and gimmicky af. Why would I create a bow and arrow if I could just take you someone out from the same distance with a psi-bolt? I hope I get weapons don’t go beyond the psychic knife, sword, and shield. And that she uses other things like psi-bolts and psychoblasts with those. As well as all her psychic tricks like boosting others and mentally screwing with their enemies.

X-Man said...

Your welcome @Rahsaan and yes thank you @Hoxor, I'm not sure I put together it was you who actually asked the question lol.

I thought you were just sharing it with us lol.

This writer actually gives me hope. He seems knowledgeable + seems to value and care about fan input as well.