Thursday, June 6, 2024

X-Force's Betsy Braddock by Dani Parker

Artist: Dani ParkerDani Parker


X-Man said...

Butterfly & psi knives. Nice!!!!

HOXOR said...


FSaker said...

She looks fantastic!

I wouldn't complain if her new "public" uniform were equal to this, only with the red parts painted purple (for X-Force, however, it's a wise choice to have her uniform in the same colors as her teammates' ones).


THIS is Betsy! Love the designs and the power signatures!

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Side by side with Captain Kettle this here is haute couture.

Rahsaan said...

Someone online recolored it.

Rahsaan said...

These are also fantastic:

X-Man said...

I like all 3, but I'm good without seeing her in a cape for awhile lol.

The last one I think is my favorite.

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