Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Captain Britain by Mahmud Asrar - Work in Progress


randybear said...

Guessing this will be cover to Excalibur #25

X-Man said...

Trying to figure out if that's the butterfly lol.

randybear said...

It does look how he draws it. He doesn't draw it like it mask more like points from her head (if that makes sense)

Would be nice but at this point I don't want to get excited :(

Psi-Girl said...
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randybear said...

Lmao seriously. Im just so tired... so very tired of this era already tbh it started exciting af now I miss the institute and the Utopia days

FSaker said...

Hopefully it's the butterfly. At this point, there's no reason for her not to manifest it.

That said, it's a beautiful art. It kinda looks like Jim Cheung's art to me, for some reason. Also, even though we can't see much, her shoulder armor seems to indicate she's wearing the Earth/Krakoa CB armor (a.k.a. the armor that looks good, not the one that makes she look bulky). To me, that's the armor she should wear all the time (with the helmet on during action, and maybe with her hair loose and without the flowers whenever she takes the helmet off).

Tobias Chatti said...

Nice sketch. Manifest the butterfly please.

FSaker said...

...You know, I take my previous comment back.

Not about this art; it does look fantastic. It's about which version of the CB armor is better: yesterday I got to read Excalibur #11 and #12 (both of them being issues where Betsy's armor is the Otherworld version)... and just like it happened to Rahsaan, it kinda grew on me, too. I used to dislike how it looked too bulky and how the long sash over the armor felt unnecessary, but To's art in these issues makes everything work. He manages to make the bulky armor kinda charming, like Samus's armor in the Metroid series (contrasting the bulky armor with the delicate woman underneath it), and the sash actually looks nice in most panels... damn, even the cape doesn't look half bad.

I'm still not sure if other artists would manage to make this armor look good, though. But after reading these two issues, I think I may be liking it better than the Earth version of the armor now...

Rahsaan said...

Also, some of the criticisms of the otherworld armor and the Earth armor come across as low-key misogyny, including from the women. It’s one thing to criticize style, but to call Betsy a man and make comments that imply that women who are muscular or who dress as what Western society deems feminw is myopic, ethnocentric, and implicitly biased. Women come in an array of forms with an array of style preferences. Again, it’s fine to have style preferences much of the commentary on this uniform and on some of Tini’s writing choices comes across as internalized patriarchy with internalized misogyny and internalized homophobia to boot. And that is from many of the women and gay men on here commenting. The tone is more often derisive more than anything else.

Rahsaan said...

Additionally a good deal of the comments about Kwannon also don’t come off as constructive criticism and instead of often come across as low-key misogynistic and racist.

I’m not saying that these and the Betsy/Tini comments are deliberate, but people should unpack why their commentary is tinged with this stuff. Especially, since I doubt most if any of them would make some of these comments offline and face to face in a room full of strangers as they do on this message board full of strangers. I think they would realize in the offline scenario how implicitly biased some of their sentiments would sound without the safeguard of being avatars on a screen.

None of that is a read of anyone. I like everyone here. I just think a lot of the comments veer into problematic territory and often.


Ebonthorne said...

@Rahsaan...THANK YOU. I thought your comments were very well thought out and I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am so glad that you, as one of the more recognizable/active commentators on the site, were the one to call attention to these issues and did so intelligently, diplomatically, and without any intentional or disguised "shade."

Rahsaan said...

@Ebonthorne, thank you. I am just trying to elucidate some stuff and be empathetic. Don’t get me wrong. I have a ton of problems with Excalibur and Tini’s decisions and with Editorial’s decisions regarding these characters, but a lot of the commentary is extremely inflammatory and not remotely constructive and often overflowing with implicit biases.

Tobias Chatti said...

The things you said are good but Tini Howard is dumpster fire. I can't go back to read her stuff after I gave her many chances and she blew it. That is not the Betsy we know.

Tobias Chatti said...

I find it problematic that Betsy has to lose Psylocke and Kwannon take what she doesn't own only for image and nobody will care for my opinion so it's good to read all sides to the story.

Rahsaan said...

@Tobias, I don't claim to be a fan of what Tini is doing with Excalibur. That has nothing to do with much of the vitriol and language I see our community regularly using here.

Psi-Girl said...
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Psi-Girl said...
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Ebonthorne said...

If I’m not mistaken, I think that Rahsaan was trying to communicate HIS truth about disliking comments and criticism that are subtly and not-so-subtly based in misogyny and racism. I reread his posts and he is not trying to cancel anyone or deny the validity of the anger and disgust that is expressed on these boards.

The only people who should take his comments personally would be those who believe that RACISM and MISOGYNY are valid expressions for their hatred of the changes that have happened with our beloved character.

EnjoyingTheShow said...
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X-Man said...

Guys we all love Betsy. It's the one thing we all have in common.

I know some of the writing and changes are frustrating and because we are all passionate about Betsy our different views can clash but at the end of the day they are fictional characters and we are real
(and trust me I myself have fallen victim to this and need to take my own advice lol).

I'm hoping we can cool heads. I honestly think most if not all of you are awesome :)

randybear said...

@Fsaker To draws the OW armor nicely cause its his design. Silva also dreaw it nicely during the Swords issue but yeah for most part other artists draw it way too bulky and the cape is normally drawn way too overflowed IMO

randybear said...

Not Danielle Staub 🤣🤣🤣

Unknown said...

Clap, clap, clap

Rahsaan said...
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Rahsaan said...
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Rahsaan said...

@ebonthorne, @enjoyingtheshow,

Psi-Girl just proved my point. She is a child (at least in emotional intelligence if not chronological age) and emboldened by the fact that she uses a pseudonym and an avatar of a fictional character. And very triggered by my totally factual comments.

@Psi-GIRL, you would not be this bold in real life. I remain unphased and unbothered and will continue to speak any truth I feel like.


Kiki M. Ishola said...

I'm gonna talk for myself without judging other fans. Roasting Ninjalock is butter on my slice. I live for that ish cuz Ninjalock is the nastiest piece of racism and sexism and all isms in comics. I'm showing tough love to Marvel with roasting them for shooting their foot to end the body swap. They took a swerve for cliff instead of driving on the road. Betsy is Psylocke and Kwannon Revanche easy peasy. In my book they messed up and divided the fans. And they made it worse putting on a kettle for Betsy to wear while Kwannon kept the 90s rags.

Unknown said...

In the end Marvel doesn't care about isms off all kind while keeping kwannon as 90's psylocke. They're all about PC narrative. And too many are buying it ...