Thursday, December 17, 2020

Captain Britain by Alberto Navajo

 Alberto Navajo


Kiki M. Ishola said...

The apron thing is a turnoff. Ugly like the bulk of this cluster fudge. I miss the point of saving it. The Starlight sword a cheap quantum knockoff and Betsy better keep her TK weapons. If her death did any good let her have a damn fine X-Men costume.

bblackorchidd said...

Yuk. Worst marvel costume EVER. sucks to be Elizabeth Braddock so many times in history.

Finn said...

The artist has talent, but I too agree this costume must go!

Mixia said...

At least the hair is purple.

Tobias Chatti said...

Nice but the squint eyes make her Asian. I hate the football helmet she holds.

Tobias Chatti said...

@bblackorchidd Alan Davis will make the best costume for Betsy if Marvel gives the word.

FSaker said...

To be fair, the "apron" is often pictured as part of the knights' armors in RPGs and stuff. I'm no expert on medieval history, but I suppose it's meant to protect the crotch area without compromising the mobility of the knight, right?

I'm not saying I like it (it doesn't bother me, but it wouldn't bother if she got a new armor without this apron, either), just that it kinda has a functional purpose.