Writer: Leah Williams
Art by: Carlos Gomez
Cover by: Ivan Shavrin
Variant Cover by: R.B. Silva
Angel Timeless Variant Cover by: Alex Ross
The Story:
X of Swords – Chapter 2
Death and rebirth. Corruption. A dark discovery.
In Stores: September 30, 2020
Ah the scent of Peter David X-Factor! Good times with Siryn, Rictor, M and Wolfsbane. Yummy!
I missed Siryn so badly ! This makes my day !!
Hopefully Betsy will appear in this issue!
Anyway, nice to know that Rictor actually survived (even if barely so) the confrontation with the Arakko swordbearers. Sure, if he died, the Five could easily bring him back, but still, death should definitely not be a pleasant experience...
Well, she probably won't be showing Betsy much in her story - and from what was shown in the solicitations, this is Williams's sole chapter in the entire crossover. To be fair, I enjoyed the way she wrote Betsy in Age of X-Man because I understood the entire body dysmorphia thing as something that applied only to THAT incarnation of Betsy; but now apparently she and Howard are trying to push the idea that it also happened to the real Betsy, and that's very wrong...
Speaking of the bodies, I was thinking: do you guys think it could be a good idea if Kwannon was brought to Excalibur? Not to have her and Betsy shading each other, mind you, but exactly the opposite: to have them coming to terms with each other and turning "Psylocke" into an integrated duo (like the Stepford Cuckoos, but more action-based)?
I used to be against bringing Kwannon back to life, but now that she's here to please people who want Psylocke to be Asian, this could be a way to have both sides pleased and on the same side for once. Then again, Brian and Meggan may already be joining the team after X of Swords, so bringing Kwannon as well could make it feel too crowded...
Nah I'd rather Psylocke walk her own path. She doesn't need to be associated yet even more with Betsy at this point. She's taken enough lol besides 2 purple haired psychic warriors would be redundant albeit different fighting styles.
Kwannon should stay on squads like Hellions or XForce IMO
Rictor is on the December cover. It means he survives Pestilence or is he resurrected? Is Unus lost forever?
@FSaker Jubilee is enough Asian representation for Excalibur. It will be a butterfly extravaganza if the original Psylocke shares a comic with Ninjalocke.
Hi, everyone.
@Fsaker. No. I think that having the characters share a merged identity would be detrimental to both and uninteresting.
@Kiki, I disagree with the idea that there can only be one. My reason for keeping Kwannon on Hellions has nothing to do with “too much Asian” representation. It may not be your intent, but that assertion has a racist overtone. If another Asian character that fit the cast and storyline was written well, I’d recommend. I am afraid Tini would write Kwannon as poorly as she is the everyone else in this book so far. Really hoping she is bringing us to a crescendo of something fantastic.
I'm glad Hisako and Jubilee get a lot of exposure but I really miss Karma and Surge. Surge was my favorite New XMen Academy student and im sad that she lost spotlight after New XMen ended.
IMO Armor and Surge much better Japanese representation compared to Kwannon who is literally a ninja that worked for the Yakuza 🙄
@Randybear. I think Kwannon has black hair now. Although when she first appeared in Betsy's body they both were psychic warriors with purple hair (different shades) and they were both ninja's. I didn't mind it lol. However I still think it was dumb to put Empath on the Hellion team, and not just use Kwannon's empathic abilities to differentiate from Betsy's psychic powers (since they intended to use an empathic powerset anyway). Especially when she returned Betsy's powers back to Betsy when she died. Smh.
@Rahsaan we can seek something more racist to top a plastic surgery done to a White woman (Psylocke) by supremacist Asian criminals (Mandarin, the Hand) with Betsy being amnesiac and defenseless but we won't ever. The Asian facejob was retconned with a body swap that became a permanent Yellowface and fetishizes an Asian female body with a coochie-cutter suit mady by a male artist Jim Lee and the racist cherry on top are Japanese stereotypes of ninjas, Yakuza, harakiri and geisha memoirs. I think I am Maya Angelou compared to this Apartheid.
@KiKi M Ishola - are you actually trying to justify your racist(ish) comments by trying to misdirect us to the "racism" of fictional comic book chatacters? Because the Mandarin and the Hand are "more racist," your actual belief that having one token Asian on Excalibur- fulfilling your racial quota system is less racist and therefor not too bad...?
Maya Angelou...not so much.
@Unknown hurts doesn't it? The tokenism. While you take pleasure from the sexualized token of Ninjalock women become more objectified and representation in comics becomes a joke. Pray tell does Kwannon deserve to be her very own character. What is wrong with Revanche? What is wrong with agency and female empowerment free of male gaze?
Jubilee is the real Asian representation and not Ninjalock. To make things clear before you twist my words to your liking ''Unknown'' dear.
@Kiki M. Ishola- I don't give a f#ck about Kwannon. I love Betsy and wouldn't want Kwannon on Excalibur either. My response to your comment has nothing to do with my like (or rather dislike of Kwannon), it's due to the first part of you comment, and I quote:
"Kiki M. Ishola said...
@FSaker Jubilee is enough Asian representation for Excalibur..."
First of all, you've reduced both Jubilee and Kwannon to their races as if that is their defining quality. More importantly, saying "Jubilee is enough Asian representation" implies that there is some quantity or quota of Asian representation that has been satisfied by her inclusion. It reads as if having another (non-Kwannon) Asian would be too much Asian because Jubilee already "checks" that box.
It was a poor choice of words to use as a reason for not wanting Kwannon on Excalibur. And I'm not gonna touch your laughable "Jubilee is the real Asian representation and not Ninjalock" comment...really?! Figure that one out yourself.
-Quyen Thi
(Vietnamse-American feminist...so how you got that I "take pleasure from the sexualized token of Ninjalock" is beyond me...are you projecting)?
@Unknown poor is the man whos voice depends on the permission of another. To change a Madonna quote fit your tale. Think of my words poor dismiss them like I do yours. I'm putting my truth out for everyone to read under my signature and leave others hide in anonymity.
I won't lie to defend a sexualized Asian token shameful to women. Jubilee is a titan compared to the blow up doll Ninjalock. Collect her merch and put them in a geek altar for worship. Not my pick of thong-thang I stand by Jubes and originals not phoneys. My business starts and I do mean business when people of color get the sloppy goo of White heroes. Miles don't represent an African American dressing up Spidey and Cho don't represent Asian playing Hulk. Black Panther, Storm, Silk, Luna Snow do it best. Kwannon could too as Revanche but Marvel won't let her.
-Kiki (a ghetto born and bred biatch fed on food stamps fed up and weaved out to blow up my way)
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