Uncanny X-Men #15
Written by: Kieron Gillen
Pencils by: Daniel Acuna
Covery by: Daniel Acuna
The Story:
AvX Tie-in! We can’t say much or we spoil the event of the summer!
The X-Men move against the forces of SINISTER!
Uncanny X-Force #31
Writer: Rick Remender
Art: Phil Noto
Cover by: Jerome Opeña
• The Final
Exectution kicks into high gear
• What is left of
X-Force go up against the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
for the last time.
X-Men #35 & 36
Writer: Brian Wood
Art: Roland Boschi (#35) & David
Lopez (#36)
Cover by: Jorge Molina Issue
(#35) & David Lopez (#36)
Issue #35
• The X-Men must make
a choice... the destruction of a life, or the survival of a weapon.
• Domino versus
Issue #36
• Jumping on point!
• In the aftermath of
the “Mutant Scare”, Storm’s leadership is called into question.
• Will there be a new
team-member – and what side are they really on?
Avengers vs. X-Men #11
Writer: Brian Bendis
Art: Olivier Coipel
Cover by: Jim Cheung
Avengers Team Variant Also Aviable
Kubert Variant Also Avaiable
Pichelli Sketch Variant Also Avaiable
Pichelli Variant Variant Also Avaiable
Promo Variant Variant Also Avaiable
X-Men Team Variant Also Avaiable
The final month of
AVX opens with the first of two extra-sized issues!
• Fatality!
Avengers vs. X-Men #12
Writer: Jason Aaron
Art: Adam Kubert
Cover by: Jim Cheung
Variant cover by: Jerome Opeña
Avengers Team Variant Also Aviable
Kubert Variant Also Avaiable
Opeña Sketch Variant Also Avaiable
Opeña Variant Variant Also Avaiable
Promo Variant Variant Also Avaiable
X-Men Team Variant Also Avaiable
Extra-sized final issue!
• It’s all come down
to this! The final battle—as the world burns!
Uncanny X-Men #18 & 19
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Art and Cover by: Ron Garney
Issue #18 - AvX #11 Tie-in!
•Cyclops and Emma
have supreme power and it threatens to tear them apart.
Issue #19 - AvX #12 Tie-in
•An unmissable issue
for X-Men fans.