Spoilers: With his powers out of control, Rictor has isolated himself and succumbed to depression, which is why he chose not to go to Krakoa yet. A voice calls out to him asking him to come home. Meanwhile, in Camelot, the Krakoan flowers won’t stop growing in Morgan Le Fay’s scrying pool. Morgan orders Marianna Stern from Coven Akkaba to expose Betsy’s status as Captain Britain to the people of England, in hopes that this will turn them against their new Captain, since Betsy is a mutant and citizen of Krakoa. Elsewhere, Betsy, Jubilee and Gambit learn that Shogo is the dragon and can take whatever form he chooses in Otherworld as he’s a child with pure imagination, which is something fairies love. Remy grows worried about Rogue, but Betsy convinces him to rescue Brian first. Shogo offers a ride on his dragon back and take the three X-Men to Morgan’s castle. Captain Britain, Gambit and Jubilee assault Morgan’s castle and engage her soldiers. Brian Braddock, still under Morgan’s thrall, as her Dark Champion, is sent to slay the pretender. While Betsy and Brian duel, Dragon Shogo breathes fire and helps the three of them to retreat. Morgan warns Betsy that there’s nothing left of Brian for her to save. Back in the Lighthouse, Apocalypse decides he needs a mutant who master stones as his magical stones aren’t sufficient to empower the gate into the Otherworld. Apocalypse reaches out to Rictor personally and takes him to the Lighthouse. Pete Wisdom shows up and asks them about Captain Britain’s whereabouts as the Queen herself wants to see her.