Thursday, February 22, 2018
Jim Zub Talks 'Mystery in Madripoor'

Jim Zub: Yup, I’ve been writing Rogue for about a year in Uncanny Avengers and Avengers: No Surrender but the rest are new for me, so that’s been a lot of fun.
Rogue is a complex package always fighting for something, inside and out. A southern scrapper who wants to be held but can’t touch other people skin to skin, she’s big and bold when she needs to be, but vulnerable and caring around those she trusts.
Kitty Pryde is the X-Man I grew up with. When I started reading X-Men in the mid-80′s she was a bit older than I was and now, thanks to the sliding time scale, she’s younger than me but has still seen a ton of growth. She’s a time-tested leader and caring friend to those near her.
Storm is the regal goddess with an empathetic heart as large and encompassing as the weather she wields.
Psylocke is an enigma - a prim and proper British girl fused with a Japanese ninja warrior. Mercurial, hard to pin down. She’s calm and stoic on the surface but full of turbulent emotion within.
Jubilee is the youngest of the group, but also one of the most grounded. Her power is full of flash even as she keeps her cool no matter how crazy things get.
Domino seems like she’s a sarcastic and heartless mercenary, but that carefree attitude deflects from deeper emotions boiling beneath the surface.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #8 Spoilers

Spoilers: When Proteus is set free, Rogue and Mystique are suspicious of X, but Psylocke asks them to stop arguing and deal with Proteus first. Elsewhere, Proteus is hungry and ready to feed on a family of civilians, but Bishop shoots at him and saves the family. X contacts Bishop and orders him to stop shooting because he’s just feeding Proteus and making him stronger instead. Proteus grabs Bishop’s gun and shoots at himself, becoming larger and stronger.
Back to the X-Men, Logan, Gambit and Archangel reunite with the rest. Rogue and Gambit hold each other, and Warren assures Betsy he’s in control even as Archangel. Logan is suspicious of X as well. X explains to the boys that he’s Xavier using Fantomex’s body. Logan knows Proteus is vulnerable to metal and wants to face him with Archangel. X wants to reason with him first and asks for Psylocke’s help to enter Proteus’ mind together.
Proteus feels his mind being forced into and allows X and Psylocke to enter his mental landscape. X and Betsy find themselves near a beautiful castle where they are welcomed by the young Kevin McTaggert. Kevin believes atonement and change are possible and remembers he was only ten years old at the time Colossus killed him back at Muir Island. He came back a few times after that, but the X-Men were always there to kill him just because he dared to see the world after ten years imprisoned by his own mother. When the Shadow King grabbed ahold of his psyche, he spent ten thousand years on the Astral Plane reflecting on what he had done to all the poor people he had possessed back then.
Kevin shows Betsy a image of her original body dressed in the pink uniform and asks her if she is still the same person she was when she started her journey. Psylocke says no. Kevin argues that just because he did something bad in the past, the X-Men want to kill him again. Proteus says if they leave him alone, he will leave them alone as well. X doesn’t want to risk, and attacks Kevin instead. In retaliation, Proteus merges the physical bodies of X and Psylocke and sends them back to London.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #8 Preview

Astonishing X-Men #8
Writer: Charles Soule
Art by: Paulo Siqueira
Cover by: Mike Deodato Jr.
The Story: A Man Called X Part 2
• One of the most terrifying adversaries the X-Men have ever faced has returned.
• Charles Xavier may have made the greatest mistake of his life.
• Still reeling from their narrow escape from the Shadow King and the loss of a crucial ally, how will the mutant heroes face an enemy with the power to remake the world?
In Stores: February 21, 2018
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day – Celebrating With Betsy Braddock!
Love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by delving into the captivating love life of Betsy Braddock! Join us on a journey through her most noteworthy romantic escapades, from the earliest sparks to the present. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Godfrey Calthrop
Relationship Status: Childhood Crush
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Men v1 #473
In the days of schoolgirl crushes, Betsy found herself enchanted by the voice of Godfrey Calthrop, a friend of Jamie Braddock.
Tom Lennox
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Daredevis v1 #3 → Mighty World
of Marvel v2 #9
Lennox, a member of S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi Division, shared both professional and personal ties with Betsy. Their connection deepened as they went into hiding together. The telepathic link they shared proved traumatic for Betsy when Tom met his untimely end, leaving her in months of turmoil.
Agent Gabriel/Matthew
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Captain Britain v2 #13 → Captain
Britain v2 #14
Agent Gabriel, part of the R.C.X., played a crucial role during Betsy's stint as Captain Britain. Their relationship took a hit when Mojo kidnapped Betsy during their Swiss vacation. Since then, their paths haven't crossed on panel.
Cypher/Doug Ramsey
Relationship Status: Flirtation by Both Parties
Highlighted Issues: New Mutants Annual #2 → Uncanny
X-Men Annual #10
In a daring merger of hearts and minds, Doug and Warlock united to free Psylocke from Mojo and Spiral's clutches. Post-rescue, a mutual crush blossomed between Doug and Betsy. Despite their shared feelings, their connection never progressed beyond flirtation, and they haven't crossed paths since Doug's resurrection.
Matsu'o Tsurayaba
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship (Mind
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Men v1 #255 → Uncanny
X-Men v1 #258
Caught in the sinister webs of mind control, Matsu'o manipulated Psylocke into becoming the deadly Lady Mandarin. Though their relationship was marked by deception and brainwashing, Wolverine intervened to break the toxic bond. In a twist of fate, Psylocke later avenged herself by ending Matsu'o's life.
Human Torch/Johnny Storm
Relationship Status: Flirtation by Both Parties
Highlighted Issues: Fantastic Four v1 #369
During a cosmic alliance in Galactus' ship, sparks flew when Johnny Storm considered flirting with Betsy, viewing her as a living doll. However, the recent loss of his wife led him to back off. Betsy overheard his internal debate, feeling a hint of disappointment at the untaken chance.
Cyclops/Scott Summers
Relationship Status: Flirtation by Both Parties
Highlighted Issues: X-Men v2 #8 → X-Men v2 #20
Assigned to Cyclops' Blue Team, Psylocke and Scott found themselves entangled in a flirtatious dance. The chemistry escalated, leading to a kiss that prompted Scott's temporary departure, straining his relationship with Jean Grey. Betsy, influenced by Kwannon's lingering presence, later apologized to Jean, acknowledging the blurred lines of their connection.
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Battletide v1 #4 / X-Men: To
Serve & Protect v1 #4
Teaming up against the formidable Battletide entity, Hercules and Psylocke shared a brief connection. While initially dismissing his advances, it was later revealed they had slept together. However, when they reunited years later, Psylocke was disappointed to discover Hercules had no recollection of their past encounter.
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Relationship Status: Flirtation on Gambit's Part
Highlighted Issues: X-Men Annual #2 / X-Treme X-Men
v1 #4
In the midst of a mission, Gambit's playful flirting targeted both Psylocke and Revanche. Betsy found his advances obnoxiously incorrigible. Years later, Gambit, in a candid moment with Vargas, amusingly confessed that Betsy kissed better than she fought.
Angel/Warren Worthington
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: X-Men v2 #29 → X-Men v2 #109
Betsy and Warren shared a deep connection and discovered common ground, which would evolve into Betsy's longest and most significant relationship. However, after Betsy's encounter with the Crimson Dawn, a coldness crept into their relationship, and despite a leave of absence, they couldn't fully mend the rift. Warren ended their relationship when he sensed Betsy's growing interest in Neal Shaara.
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship (Mind
Highlighted Issues: Psylocke and Archangel: Crimson
Dawn #3 → Psylocke and Archangel: Crimson Dawn #4
Kuragari, the Proctor of the Dawn, manipulated and transformed Psylocke into his Shadow Queen. In a sacrificial act, Warren used a piece of his own life force to free Betsy, reuniting the couple.
Thunderbird III/Neal Shaara
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship
Highlighted Issues: X-Men Annual 2000 → X-Treme
X-Men v1 #2
Despite her relationship with Warren, Betsy flirted shamelessly with new teammate Neal Shaara. This led to Warren breaking off their relationship. Betsy and Neal remained involved until her demise at the hands of Vargas. Since her resurrection, they haven't interacted.
Sabretooth/Victor Creed (Earth-295)
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Exiles v1 #100 → X-Men: Sword of
the Braddocks #1
While a member of the Exiles, Betsy encountered a different version of Sabretooth and entered into a serious relationship with him. Their connection did not survive Betsy's return to Earth-616, with recent encounters suggesting an amicable split.
Archangel/Warren Worthington III
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Wolverine: Road To Hell #1 → Uncanny X-Force v1 #18
After Betsy returned to Earth-616, she and Warren revived their serious relationship. Despite facing challenges, Betsy considered the time with Warren as the last period she was truly happy. The corruption of Warren by the Apocalypse seed led to Betsy having to make a difficult decision and killing him.
Iceman/Bobby Drake
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship (Mind
Highlighted Issues: Age of X: Alpha #1 → X-Men:
Legacy v1 #248
During the reality warp caused by Legion's powers, Psylocke was in a brief relationship with Iceman under mind control. Once reality was restored, Betsy reunited with Warren, and Bobby chose to erase his memories from the Age of X.
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Force v1 #1 → Uncanny
X-Force v2 #9
Fantomex couldn't resist flirting with Betsy, and after Warren's demise, they embarked on a Parisian escapade filled with thieving and passion. However, this liaison proved to be a mistake, leading to betrayal and an irreparable rift between them. Recently, Betsy bid him farewell as his mind became trapped in the Astral Plane.
Lady Fantomex/Cluster
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Force v2 #7 → Uncanny
X-Force v2 #9
When Fantomex's brains were divided, the portion Betsy loved was transferred into a female body named Cluster. Betsy soon realized her affection for Cluster over Fantomex, but their relationship crumbled upon discovering Cluster's secret affair with Fantomex.
Dark Fantomex/Weapon XIII
Relationship Status: Flirtation on Dark Fantomex's
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Force v2 #7 → Uncanny
X-Force v2 #9
One of Fantomex's brains harbored the dark side, now known as Weapon XIII. Despite his feelings, Betsy did not reciprocate. Weapon XIII kidnapped Betsy in an attempt to coerce her into staying with him, but she declined.
Virtual Janissary
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship (Virtual)
Highlighted Issues: X-Men v4 #4 → X-Men v4 #15
In the aftermath of Warren's demise and the Fantomex ordeal, Psylocke sought solace in the Danger Room, creating a virtual boyfriend resembling a quartermaster or janissary. The simulated relationship took an unexpected turn when Hellion and other students invaded the Danger Room program. Betsy, forced to protect the intruders, had to terminate her virtual boyfriend.
Cable/Nathan Summers
Relationship Status: Brief Relationship
Highlighted Issues: X-Force v4 #10 → X-Force v4 #15
As members of X-Force, Betsy and Cable found themselves entangled in a brief affair. Cable's battle with a virus compelled him to clone himself daily, providing a seemingly perfect arrangement for a physical relationship without emotional entanglement. The aftermath of Nathan's healing left the status of their feelings uncertain.
Archangel/Warren Worthington III
Relationship Status: Implied Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Uncanny X-Men v4 #10 → Uncanny X-Men v5 #10
Betsy played a crucial role in Warren's resurrection, urging the blank slate Angel to fully embrace his Archangel persona. While their relationship was implied to be romantic or deeply caring, a significant rift developed when Betsy, in a desperate move, used her psychic katana to draw forth Archangel, causing Warren's fury at the perceived betrayal.
Blob/Fred J. Dukes
Relationship Status: Flirtation by Both Parties
Highlighted Issues: The X-Tremists v1 #1 → The X-Tremists v1 #5
Transported to the Age of X-Man, where love was forbidden, Betsy and Blob found themselves drawn to each other while working as law enforcers for Department X. Their attraction blossomed despite the constraints of this alternate reality.
Askani/Rachel Summers
Relationship Status: Serious Relationship
Highlighted Issues: Knights of X v1 #1 → Present
In the wake of Krakoa's establishment as a mutant haven, Betsy assumed the role of Captain Britain, leading a team to explore Otherworld's magical realms. Her relationship with longtime friend Rachel Summers took a significant turn, evolving into one of Marvel's prominent LGBTQ pairings.
In addition to the documented relationships, Betsy Braddock has encountered various moments of less serious flirtations and unspoken connections:
• Casual Kisses: Betsy has shared kisses with teammates Havok/Alex Summers, Wolverine/Logan, and Morph/Kevin Sidney (Earth-1081), although these interactions were not driven by romantic intentions.
• Flirtatious Encounters: Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Beast/Hank McCoy, Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, and Pete Wisdom have all engaged in flirtatious interactions with Betsy at different points in time.
• Unacknowledged Affection: Mystiq/Raphael-Raven Darkholme (Earth-797) harbored feelings for Betsy but never openly admitted his affection.
• Manipulated Emotions: War/Decimus Furius fell victim to Fantomex's manipulation, leading him to believe he was in love with Betsy.
• Dreams of Desire: Hawkeye/Clint Barton experienced erotic dreams involving Psylocke, revealing a subconscious fascination with the mutant.
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