Spoilers: In Utah, a
group of rogue mutants takes down security guards and break into a Research
Facility, where they come across weapons designed to kill mutants made of
Sentinel technology. At the Savage Land HQ, Emplate taunts Monet and urges her
to distract the other X-Men in order to hide her new status. Betsy argues with
Magneto over him secretly working with Fantomex and Mystique. Monet takes the
chance and tells Psylocke she can help her find out what Magneto’s been hiding.
Outside the HQ, Sabretooth seems to be reverting to his old self, trying to
temper his bloodthirst by hunting predators instead of people. Archangel
watches Creed’s hunt and tells him he is needed back at the base. Later that
night, Psylocke and Sabretooth attend a party at the Hellfire Club NY branch.
Betsy wants to know if Magneto is involved with the Inner Circle and tells
Creed that Monet is already at the club waiting for them. The pair finally meet
Monet as the new White Queen, alongside her new companions in the Inner Circle
(seemingly Briar Raleigh, Magneto, Sebastian Shaw, etc.).