Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Excalibur #1 Variant Cover by Kris Anka


Atomic Ton said...

Awesome cover by Kris Anka

Unknown said...

See and ppl were saying it's too bulky. Different artist have different versions. This looks cool.

Unknown said...

didn´t like it at all

randybear said...

Where's Betsy's mjolnir lol shes giving me Thor vibes

Nate X said...

This is a warrion queen! Love it.

Psi-Girl said...
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Jaime Braz said...

Why does Anka draw Betsy without pupils? Is it going to be addressed that her eyes are blue and not purple? The Mojo eye implants are no longer in the equation because she recreated her body from Sapphire Styx energy.

The warrior knight costume is amazing and the cape takes you back to the Outback Armor days. The Union Jack colors help Betsy's lavender hair be visually prominent. The white parts of the armor are the best and placed strategically well to make her look shapely.

She is wearing the X-Men insignia on the Captain Britain costume which confirms her status as a veteran X-Man and is reassuring to know she will stay with the X-Men.

Benjamin Hutton said...

I don't for a second believe that those flowers/headdress/whatever that is - is a choice that the Betsy would ever make. It's so out of character for her.

Ornamental, flowery, overly girly... these are not style traits I'd ever associate with Betsy. From the first cover I had thought maybe it was some sort of mechanism that would close over into a Captain Britain helmet, sort of like Carol's.

Apart from that, I like it. And I'm really trying to warm up to Betsy as Captain Britain.

Mixia said...

I don't mind the flowers in her hair. They fit the style of the original British Betsy. Remember the pink dress she wore when she fought Sabretooth for the first time.

randybear said...

I dont like the flowers at all. At some point we will get a lazy artist that will make them resemble pieces of popcorn lol

I'm happy everyone is in love with this new design, I'm just not. Hopefully I will warm up to it but as of now I still think it's way too busy and I hate the color scheme on Betsy. Big red cape gives me Thor vibes shes just missing the hammer and the helemt

Benjamin Hutton said...

That was a dressing gown. Not a dress. She was literally caught in her bathrobe. Haha.

Rahsaan said...

I like the armor. It's like a reconciliation of her time as Captain Britain before she was blinded and her stint in the Outback. I did like the flowers better when I thought they were braids. I think she'll drop both the cape and the flowers in future iterations. The colors are cool to me lavender and navy blue. Those two colors always go well together. I often wear lavender shirts with navy suits and pants. Or lavender hat with blue feathers. Also, her lavender sash with well with her navy thong outfit when she wore a lavendar sash versus a red on. Also, her Lady Mandarin armor incorporated both navy and lavendar. It doesn't really matter for fighting, but I do dig when Betsy is drawn with more voluminous, layered hair as Cfinch drew her for his Uncanny 1 cover. I look forward to seeing that versus flowers. I also have the feeling, we'll see more pink, purple, lavender in future uniforms. I also think we'll see her using martial arts... whether they be Western fight style or Eastern. And I hope we see her using real swords too like a broadsword would be sick since the katanas will probably be left to Kwannon. Betsy loves being physical, so this should be cool and she will hopefully not be an action junkie this time around as that was what got her blinded and a bunch other trouble. Was never a fan of the psychic mace and psychic bow and arrow, but they may actually work with this look a la Game of Thrones.

Alexis said...

haha. I originally thought that her hair were braided. Seeing the flowers seems a bit weird to me...
They make her look like childish adult.
I am just more used to the English Betsy that was more glamorous

KLB99 said...
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randybear said...

I wish they made the white parts a very soft subtle pink and the cape was maybe magenta and leave the chest piece with the union jack colors but whatever ughh just gimme back the Asrar look lol

randybear said...

I agree. I dont like the hair style at all either as we saw in To's sketch that was posted on here yesterday. Without coloring that character could be anyone.

SOAPFAN said...

This costume is not practical for fighting at all. I would lose the cape personally. It's a shame that we are losing that cool purple outfit she just got. I hate Asrar's art style, but I did like the costume he gave Betts.