Wednesday, October 9, 2024

X-Force #4 Art


HOXOR said...

I know there are a lot of fans who are traumatized with Betsy as Captain Britain, but I'm loving GT's work on her.

It could have been a new costume here, but that's okay, I can wait! 🌺

X-Man said...

I'm definitely one of those traumatized lol, but I think he has good things in store for Betsy.

I know his recent remarks was that he wants to do something with her so she stands out.

Something like it left Brian without the mantle and she's now in a group of CB corps and he wants to have her find her own thing to stand out.

Its definitely nice to see Betsy competent, strong, resourceful and having her edge and with intelligence.

Its been very missed.

Lady Braddock said...

I love how Betsy is one of a small handful of characters that has an unbroken through line from one era to the next. She could have easily been shelved, but she wasn’t. Betsy is getting about the same amount of dialogue & action as she did when leading her owns books. Love the direction GT is taking this story and hopefully with this new release slot XF bumps back up into the top 50.

HOXOR said...


I have so many questions after this issue...

For example: Does Betsy only have CB powers when she's wearing the armor?! If so, does that mean she's been using telekinesis to fly this whole time?! Were they talking about Saturnyne when they went to the Otherworld?!

X-Man said...

@Hoxor yeah, pretty sure its her TK and she only has CB abilities with costume.

In the first issue when she and Rachel are flying, you can see her using her tk to fly I'm pretty sure.

Nate X said...

Thorne just wrote a better Excalibur issue than TH. lmao

X-Man said...
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X-Man said...

@Nate in my personal opinion this probably would be the case.

Though I will always be a fan of her not being CB due to it not fitting her more darker personality imho lol.

Regardless of seeing that CB armor again (aaaaah lol) I'm very glad Thorne grabbed her up.

So happy to see real Betsy again.

X-Man said...

@Lady Braddock I do think tptb know that Betsy is very popular, but after TH run, I think they were thinking of possibly shelving her for a bit

due to Thorne saying that no one was touching CB at the moment when he asked.

I think it was great luck that Thorne actually specifically requested her.

I'm very excited for his writing and stories involving her :)

Rahsaan said...

I haven’t picked up this issue yet, but seeing the panels here, this Captain Britain moment is giving Princess Adora and the power of Grayskull, which is no shade as I love She-Ra. 😆

X-Man said...

It could definitely be intentional @Rahsaan lol. He does seem to like inputting some fun sublte humor lol.

I actually asked him if he had Betsy say Rachel attempted a psi-lock without her as a play on her being formally Psylocke (as the words sound the same) and he confirmed it was intentional lol.

I caught it reading it for the 2nd time lol.

X-Man said...

Finally read the issue. Was very good. Still traumatized by the CB uniform return lol.

I am surprised Betsy doesn't just telekinetically lift Forge's headband and read his mind lol.

Rahsaan said...

Even better, she can psychoblast it to smithereens, since we know that ability does physically affect matter.

X-Man said...

That is true as well @Rahsaan, I would love to see her going back to those lol.

I think last time was maybe in X-Force when she knocked Warren/Apocalypse over.

She's definitely showing considerable restraint with Forge lol.

FSaker said...

Indeed. I really don't mind Betsy still being Captain Britain (as long as she gets good characterization, she can be anything), but I wonder if the only uniform she can create with her powers is the armor. I mean, Brian had several uniforms throughout his time as Captain Britain - at least she could lose the cape.
Still, it's great to know that Thorne is managing to concile her different identities (as the new Captain Britain, as a X-Force member, as a telepath) and still make her feel like the same Betsy Braddock we've known for decades. And while I still have to read the full issues, the pages shown in this blog make it look like even her interactions with Rachel feel more natural; they're finally pictured as lovers (or best friends with benefits) without having to mention it in every interaction they have.

X-Man said...

@Fsaker I think you kinda hit the nail on the head for me with Betsy and Rachel.

I still am not feeling them as a couple, but definitely much better written under Thorne imho.

But yes now that you say it. They don't come off as in love to me, but more as friends with benefits lol.

I couldn't quite verbalize how I was seeing them, but I think you nailed it lol.

HOXOR said...


Throughout her life, Betsy has had 5 different Captain Britain uniforms (R.C.X.; Dawn of X; Otherworld; Hellfire Gala and Knights of X) so I don't think that's a problem, the artists must be too lazy to make a new design for her or maybe it's some higher order to keep her in the armor, who knows.

About her relationship with Rachel, I love it!
However, I agree that them making out all the time was too much. I prefer something like in Unlimited, each one solving their own problems in their own teams and in the end meeting up and then kissing or whatever.

HOXOR said...

@Rahsaan @X-Man

From what GT hinted in his interviews, we will see her using her Psycho-Blast in future issues.

"As Captain Britain, Betsy’s powers now blend magic with her telepathy and telekinesis. She wields a construct shield and sword, and can also perform psychic blasts.

However, creating these constructs requires her to channel the totality of her psionic power, limiting her ability to use other abilities simultaneously. When she’s wielding the constructs, she’s fully engaged in combat. Ironically, it may be more dangerous for her enemies when the constructs aren't visible, as that’s when her full psionic potential is available."

Regarding the armor... I wish it was the Knights of X uniform in this issue instead of the armor.