Spoilers: In Montana, Jean’s team is successful in defeating the dinosaurs and saving civilians. Meanwhile in Kansas, Storm’s team is overwhelmed and Ororo reaches out to Jean and asks for backup. When Jean’s team arrives, her earlier vision of the future has come true. While the X-Men take on the dupes, both Jubilee and Northstar sustain serious injuries. Jean asks for Betsy’s help to join forces. They realize none of the dupes are Jamie Prime. Jean and Psylocke link their powers and manage to put all the dupes to sleep. The X-Men sense a bunker beneath the farm and Polaris leads the way, tearing the metal locks down. They find Jamie Prime chained and tied up. Jamie reveals Legion locked him up and forced him to multiply for days. Jamie claims Legion took each of his personalities and put them on each of his dupes. As Legion tried to erase his existence from the collective memories (see X-Men Legacy v2 #24), some doesn’t remember him like Iceman, but some do like Jean and Bishop. Back at the Xavier Institute, Legion introduces himself to the students and claims to be saving the world. When he’s told the X-Men are off fighting Madrox dupes, Legion starts losing his mind and takes a more aggressive personality. David says the X-Men are ruining his plans to save the world and attacks the students. Beast returns to the Institute at the same time as Jean’s team. Jubilee and Northstar are left in the medical bay while Jean, Beast, Nightcrawler, Bishop, X-23 and Jamie Prime fight Legion. David reveals he sent the vision of the future to Jean to protect the X-Men from what’s coming next. Jean realizes Legion is talking about the coming Horsemen of Salvation: Magneto, Angel, Blob and Omega Red. Magneto introduces himself as Horseman of Peace and claims his mission is to carry out his master’s will and put and end on those who create war, therefore, he must end the X-Men. Magneto then proceeds to destroy the mansion.
Now that Jean And Elizabeth have had to join forces to subdue the Madroxes, can we now stop lamenting about how Elizabeth has been weakened psychically and now pales in comparison to Jean? LOL.
My thoughts exactly Rahsaan :)
@X-Man, not to mention, we are only three issues in, and haven't seen any specific focus on any of the characters yet, so all this "Betsy is considerably weaker" talk has zero foundation. Though, I'm really not impressed with the writing at all and am hoping for some character-driven story soon. This arc is event-driven, which never makes for good characterization and impactful story. That's a shame, because we have a roster of really interesting characters that would make for great interactions we haven't seen in the past.
Agreed Rahsaan, however I am taking it as just a fun fast paced event with a lot of our favorites. I am loving seeing them all together and Storm seems to be edging back to leadership where she belongs. I also never believed in the "Betsy is weaker" talk (physically or psychically). One doesnt get stronger or weaker just on appearance (I was briefly afraid that Kwannon may have gotten half of Betsy's telepathy again but I dont get the impression that happened thankfully). It is the experiences she's had that has made her who she is and she's retained all of that :)
Okay, so Legion's situation was acknowledged. But Madrox's wasn't, and Iceman was among the X-Men who watched him die in Death of X; shouldn't he be confused by Jamie reappearing? Or are deaths and resurrections so frequent among the X-Men that they don't even get surprised anymore?
Anyway, so, Horsemen of Salvation, huh? Age of X-Man leads me to guess their master is Nate Grey. Interesting.
I am always talking about how unfairly written Psylocke is. lol I am that guy. But since Olivia Munn made Betsy a veeeery cool character at the movie (all about that shit movie that I read on chats was about how amazing Psylocke was)... After that, in comics, they beggun to write Psylocke the way should be: using her tp and tk in major scales, like an omega psychic would do: force fields, global reach, raw strenght... she even killed Magneto showing a lot of her range...
So, the Munn's hype passed, and suddenly she went straight to her "former" body and team up with the untouchable Jean Grey...
some Betsy fans can get my point...
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