Written by: Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg, Kelly Thompson
Art by: R.B. Silva
Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu & Edgar Delgado
The Story:
The Children of the Atom Are Back!
New ongoing series kicking off with a 10-part weekly epic, the flagship X-Men series that started it all is back and better than ever! Starting with a mysterious and tragic disappearance, the X-Men are drawn into what might be…their final adventure?! X-Fan favorite writers Ed Brisson (Extermination), Matthew Rosenberg (Phoenix Resurrection) and Kelly Thompson (MR. & MRS. X) and all-star artists Mahmud Asrar (X-Men Red), R.B. Silva (X-Men Blue), Yildiray Cinar (Weapon X) and Pere Pérez (Rogue and Gambit) join forces to bring you…X-Men Disassembled?!
In Stores: November 21, 2018
Betsy and Jean talking to each other! It's been a while
Jean, Betsy and Ororo. It doesn't get any better than this. Unless Anna was there.
Oh, yeah... These three ladies together made this very nostalgic. I love it. Back at the glorious and golden times.
I love Silva's style but I'm disappointed he drew Psylocke to more resemble Kwannon with the dark hair color and pin-straight hair.
@CmX, I actually don't think he gave her definitive features at all. She looks neither Elizabeth or Kwannon. The hair is straight but ddoesn't hang thick and lank like Kwannon's. It also doesn't have the wave and volume of Betsy's. Also, he put zero effort into drawing her face. The skin color is Betsy's though. He aslo put no effort into depicting Robert.
Like the colors. Trying to figure out how Betsy goes from a midriff shirt, to nightgown though lol.
Rahsaan, I'm not implying she looks Asian. Psylocke rarely was ever drawn to look Asian. It's all in the hair and that's what I'm implying. The dark, super straight hair is associated with "Asian" Psylocke, is my point.
Look at how full he drew Jean and Storm's hair compared to Psylocke's, is my point.
@X-Man I am surprised I did not catch the gown change. lol
The pic where they are all in the monitoring room, I don't think Betsy is happy with being woken up. She's the only one not looking at the monitors and her hair is blocking the screens.
She's cranky and upset having been woken up early. If it was about Warren, or Kitty, she would probably pay more attention instead of questioning if they should be helping with this.
Maybe she thinks no one will realize if she goes back to bed and so switches back into the gown.
Mystery solved.
She wants to go back to sleep!
However, because she downed the coffee she can no longer sleep. So, she'll have to go and help and no doubt be cranky and ready to psy-knife the first badguy she meets.
All jokes, but I like it. lmao
Lol ok we can go with that haha :)
X-Man, omg I didn't even notice that detail haha
Vigmed, I take your theory and accept it as canon lol
@X-Man, I didn't notice that either. Even more evidence that this Silva art is a hot mess.
@Vigmed and @CmX, I was just gonna ask if we can say she telekinetically rearranged the molecules a la (I am fire and life incarnate) since she is now "Omega-Level" psychic?
Why doesn't Marvel editorial ever do their jobs?
Lol love the theories guys. Maybe it was a telepathic illusion? Haha.
Didn’t she use her telekinesis for teleportation during her hideous exile to the Exiles? Somethig about her telekinetically ripping the fabric of space/time? Or was that someone else? Either way it was some real bullcrap.
I agree that Betsy's features look quite ambiguous. This could easily be her Asian body.
That said, I did like the art in these panels a lot. Could this finally be the time when the X-Men get top-quality stories again? Marvel has repeatedly built my expectations only to bring them crashing down in the past (AvX, Battle of the Atom, and so on), yet I'm feeling quite optimistic about this new era.
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