Writer: Rick Remender
Art: Phil Noto
Cover by: Jerome Opeña
• FINAL EXECUTION nears its brutal finish!
• X-Force finally faces the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants all together!

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Art and Cover by: Carlos Pacheco
Susan G. Komen Variant Cover by Dave Marquez
Final Issue Variant Also Available
• The fallout of AVX is here!
• We can’t tell you anything without spoiling AVX!

Writer: Brian Wood
Art and Cover by: David Lopez
• Meet the last living Proto-Mutant!
• The Storm-Cyclops divide widens as the team starts to unravel
• Colossus has his own agenda… will he leave the team to pursue it?

Writer: Christos Gage
Art: David Baldeon
Cover by: Mark Brooks
Final Issue Variant Also Available
• Last issue, Magneto made Rogue a daunting offer. In this FINAL ISSUE of X-MEN: LEGACY, Rogue faces the repercussions of her decision!

Writer: Rick Remender
Art and Cover by: John Cassaday
Variant Covers by: Adi Granov, Daniel Acuña, Skottie Young & two more to be announced!
Sketch Variant Cover by: John Cassaday & TBA
Deadpool Call Me Maybe Variant by: TBA
Uncanny & Avengers Variants also available
Blank Cover also available
All new ongoing!
• THIS IS IT! The greatest era of the Marvel Universe starts here! From the ashes of AvX an all-new, all-different Avengers assemble!
• Captain America begins his quest to create a sanctioned Avengers unit comprised of Avengers and X-Men, humans and mutants working together – so why is Professor Xavier’s dream more at risk than ever?
• The first attack of the most loathsome villain in history will quake the Marvel Universe forever!
• The funeral of one of Marvel’s greatest heroes!
I wonder if Namor and Magneto will stay on the X-Men afterwards?
I love the X-Men:Legacy cover! All the current, relevant X-Men (plus Pixie and Doop) together!
Psylocke should have been in the final Uncanny X-Men cover as well; even though she's not an official Extinction Team member, she has been in more of its issues than Emma Frost has...
As for Namor and Magneto being in the X-Men after AvX, that's a very good question. I have no idea...
So happy New Mutants & Legacy are finally being cancelled.
Both have been very boring and lost direction a long time ago.
Hopefully that means with those two plus Uncanny being canned that it means Wood's Adj. XMen & XForce are safe!
I hope ;'(
Would love for Betsy to join the Uncanny Avengers!
Uncanny X-Men being replaced by Bendis' new title is completely shambolic and the whole idea of the series is pretty awful.
Sad to see Legacy and NM go but I think it is time. Legacy was basically a Rogue ongoing anyway.
It looks like X-Men and Uncanny X-Force are going to be untouched which is absolutely fantastic news. Both are critically acclaimed (Wood's X-Men I mean) with great art. Plus they both have Psylocke in them...think NOW is going to be pretty exciting.
I hope x factor isn't cancelled!! I love that Polaris is back & she has a chance to be written as a character again, not just as "Mrs Havok" or "Daughter of Magneto". Also Havok is back too.
I hope Astonishing is safe! I always loved that little corner of the universe. & Storm in a white costume, my favorite costume of hers ever, even though it makes no practical sense a la butt floss.
Uncanny Avengers also sounds weird to me...But, it is on the hands of Remender...Let's see what comes out of this...
I would rather see more interaction between the mutants themselves. I think there are important characters that are not being treated properly...
How come Sabretooth is back??
I am from Brazil, this has not been shown here yet...
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