Sunday, July 18, 2021

Captain Britain by Mike McKone


randybear said...

Wow I love this! Perfect purple for her hair and he got her blue collar correct 😍😍😍

X-Man said...

It's nice. Although I still hate those flowers. I'd rather a butterfly psychic signature lol. Oh and small nitpick her eyes are purple now after she recreated her body lol.

Overall it's a very nice picture though.

randybear said...

I hate the flowers forever too lol but I love how he drew her so beautifully and the colors are so nice.

The eye color may be wrong but every other artists colors her costume wrong so...? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Rahsaan said...

I prefer her with her naturally blue eyes. Purple hair and purple eyes are all a bit too much. I think the blue eyes nicely offset the purple.

Jaime Braz said...

@Rahsaan I agree. Betsy recreated her temporary body from Sapphire Styx's energy and chose purple hair and eyes but with having her biological body remade by Krakoa the blue eyes come with it.

Jaime Braz said...


X-Man said...

I like the purple eyes and hair. It makes Betsy unique imho. Blue eyes (while nice) are common lol. To each their own though :)

She still has purple eyes in Excalibur though. The Krakoa thing might be debatable btw, if it's using the dna from Betsy's most recent body, I would think it'd be with the coloring that Betsy chose when she remade her latest body, otherwise she'd have blonde hair as well.

In any case Betsy never really died and was more "displaced" lol. The 5 didnt ressurect her, Jamie just created another body.

My post wasn't really for or against the purple eyes (though I am 100 percent for them as I want to grasp anything to keep Betsy's uniqueness), I was just noting that it was more accurate if the eyes were purple because that's the color they currently are lol.

The picture is still nice though :)

Rahsaan said...

To each their own. The purple eyes are yet another Mojo manipulation stemming back from her enslavement in the Wildways when granted bionic eyes. Keeping that color when she previously never wore purple contacts before the Slaymaster attack seems like yet another weird choice like her previous retention of the Psylocke monicker. I prefer her with the blue eyes as they allow for some of the physical resemblance she and Brian share to be apparent. As for her body post XoS, if memory serves it is a cloned body that Sinister made for Jamie. Unless I am wrong, Jamie did not create it himself.

Rahsaan said...

And if Sinister created it who knows which Betsy body was the source. Hell, it could be DNA from under the fingernails of the Sabretooth clone she fought during mutant massacre or the one she fought during Inferno or any of the other Marauders, like Arclight who she physically encountered prior to the Siege Perilous journey. LOL. Sinister finds the most obscure avenues to get his DNA samples.

randybear said...

I'm still confused as to what happened with the bodies. As you said Sinister created it for Jamie but we saw the body flash out of the sky and into the ocean as Malice. Then Jamie takes the others to the body and he finds the storage empty. Whether Jamie was playing here or what we don't know the art nor writing alluded to anything at all. More Tini bad writing IMO

FSaker said...

Wasn't the body flashing out of the sky the same one that Jamie created (and that's why the storage was empty)?

But yes, the scenes in Excalibur often feel incomplete, like part of the explanation is missing - for example, when Betsy "shattered" like glass in X of Swords, it didn't make sense at all to me, until someone here in the comments section pointed out that it could be due to her body back then being made of energy. Was that the reason? We don't know, because no one at Marvel bothered to explain.

Anyway, beautiful art - as expected by Mike McKone (his art was a huge reason for me to follow his Teen Titans run). It's arts like these that occasionally make me like her current armor again (the Earth one, not the Otherworld one) - though she could ditch the cape.

FSaker said...

Oh, besides the cape, another change I'd make to the current armor if I could would be to replace her short white gloves (which look like they belong to a classic Disney princess, not to a knight) with longer ones (like Brian used to have when he was Captain Britain), and maybe with some armor pieces covering her forearms (like in her Otherworld armor).

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Bit stiff like Betsy ate a lemon or seen Ninjalock strut her camel toe clipper. Pretty tho.