Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Excalibur #21 Advanced Perview


FSaker said...

Great art!

Betsy seems furious with Marianna's and Reuben's coven attending the gala - and rightfully so. Then again, Xavier and Emma are far from stupid, so if they invited the coven, the two of them must have planned something to prevent them from causing any harm. She should trust them more.

As for Meggan with her hand in her stomach... could she be pregnant again? If so, how awesome would it be if she's expecting twins, like her husband and sister-in-law?

randybear said...

Damn I love Betsy Gala look i wish it was her default costume! The more I see it drawn the more I like it.

Simon said...

Wee nod to Kurt and Piotr at the end who both had a crush on Meggan

Psi-Girl said...
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Kiki M. Ishola said...

The gala outfit is a shooting star like the Asrar costume. A true crime to be robbed of these beauties.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Excalibur fashion is fresh. Nobody's over the top tacky.

Jaime Braz said...

@FSaker How I wish Rictor took the place of Apocalypse in the Akkaba clan. Rictor's formal attire has to be something more than a red herring say an actual character evolution into a darker more powerful mutant.

In hindsight of the Excalibur preview and cover after the gala issue Rictor will stay with the team. One can hope Rogue will make cameos and stick by Betsy, Remy and Jubilee.

I doubt Meggan is pregnant again. If she is I hope she gives birth to something magical like her creepy or not.

Jaime Braz said...

@randybear @kiki I love Betsy's gala dress too. Some may say it's awful but the artists prove them wrong. With the butterflies it can't go wrong.

ScarletWitch said...

To’s art is so good and it’s the only reason I read Excalibur for so long he deserves a better written book