AiPT!: Welcome, X-Fans, to another uncanny edition of X-Men Monday at AIPT! Before you read this week’s Excalibur #5, take a look at what Tini Howard had to say in response to some of your queries.
AIPT: Could you speak to the process of creating the concept of “Mutant Magic” in the Marvel Universe?
Tini: Oh, we’re starting out with a brainy one.
I’ve been a longtime fan of magical theory. Even if you don’t believe in anything you can’t see, it’s fascinating to look at the ways we develop ‘magical thinking’–how and why people have historically discussed what we can’t see or explain. I don’t pretend that [A]’s thinking is my own purely–I took elements of his thought from Aleister Crowley to Alan Moore, I did a lot of reading and research on the things that seemed right to my inner [A].
Ultimately so much human magic is about the exceptional nature of the individual, the focus and training they have to endure to access the power, etc. etc. And I think that’s because humans have historically thrived in group agricultural settlements and sought to stand out from a crowd. But mutants have been denied that, so the theory is that mutants have a superior strength that exists in the communities they’ve never before been able to form and be protected. Like, maybe the powers and abilities that mutants have are just incidentals to protect them from exterior forces and the group itself is the goal, you know?
Just a theory. Like everything else.
AIPT: Are there any particular non-Marvel Arthurian texts or media that inspired your take on Morgan le Fay or the Matter of Britain more broadly?
Tini: I was raised and told stories by a guy who’d read Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur in the 1485 Middle English translation and loved to tell me about it, so… I don’t know a time when I didn’t know these stories. I was raised on swords and sorcery, scoured all of Disney World for Sword in the Stone merch, could recite Python as a kid and had developed an intense fondness for witches. I devoured many, many versions of the myth and rejected some as I aged beyond what I felt were simplistic takes. What’s fascinating is that rather than trying to create a coherent narrative of the Matter of Britain in my version of Otherworld, I’m trying to create an interesting landscape based on it? Which is a completely different exercise and a lot more fun.
AIPT: How the idea of Betsy Braddock becoming Captain Britain came about? Also, was anyone concerned it might actually hurt Betsy in the long run since Psylocke is a far more popular brand than Captain Britain?
Tini: That was just a pure magic moment. I came into the room with “Here’s my take on mutant magic and who should do it and how it should go,” and I remember Jonathan and Jordan just looking at me across the table and being like “This sounds like our Excalibur book” and we all sort of realized simultaneously that’s Betsy’s next step. The Captain Britain of the new Excalibur. I think we even all said it at the same time.
That brand thing never came up once. Kwannon is still Psylocke and she’s great–we still have an amazing Psylocke sans Betsy. We didn’t seek to ‘prioritize the Betsy brand’ or anything. I want a long history of learning more about Kwannon and watching Psylocke be Psylocke.
AIPT: When we last left Rogue in Mr. and Mrs. X, she had gained control of her powers. Now she seems to have lost them again. Will we be finding out why?
Tini: One of the things I’m enjoying about characters like Rogue and Rictor–and part of why I chose to write them–was because they were two characters I felt would be incredibly empowered or altered by the physicality of what Krakoa is and the resulting status quo shift. So, yes, you’ll see some more of that explained and explored coming up.
AIPT: What interested you in bringing Apocalypse onboard and making him the team’s dad? Also, is there a correct way to pronounce • –|A|– •?
Tini: It warms my heart to see how respectful the fans have been with regard to using Apocalypse’s name. It really just is a testament to how thoughtful folks are about these books.
But, ah, well, as we saw in the very rad X-Men #4, we’re filthy humans and his true name is not for us to utter. We can call him Apocalypse ’cause he might just be, for us. The thought was that he wouldn’t want his people to call him Apocalypse. He doesn’t seek to end this, so Apocalypse no longer fits him. Like we’re humans, so we can still call him “mister death” but like you wouldn’t want your friends parents to call you that at dinner. He wants them to call him [Apocalypse’s Krakoan true name.] I asked Jon for a special symbol and he made it happen and was in on my crazy idea.
I just say ‘Apocalypse’ and type it as [A] usually for shorthand.
AIPT: How do you maintain such true voices for all the characters. And also wanted to know if we’ll ever see “Blue Dad” in print in an issue.
Tini: That’s very kind–they’re very distinct in my head. I’m a longtime tabletop role player, so I know my party well, I think. As for “Blue Dad,” I think I’d have to start paying out to Twitter users if I wanted to use that epithet.
AIPT: Warren Worthington III and Shatterstar are probably Betsy and Rictor’s greatest relationships, respectively. Are you interested in developing these existing relationships or moving Betsy and Rictor forward past them?
Tini: That’s kind of a black-or-white set of choices, isn’t it? I don’t know that I am interested in either of those two options–not because it isn’t a good question, but because I don’t think either of those two options apply to how I write? I don’t necessarily want ‘back as it was before’ or ‘no more of that ever.’ I want change and flux and story. If they’re together, they’ll be different than they were before. If they aren’t, that doesn’t mean they never will be again.
I’ll say this–Betsy thinks about Warren. Rictor thinks about Shatterstar. They aren’t absent in any part of the book’s planning or the characters’ motivations.
AIPT: Thus far, the only romantic interactions in Excalibur have been between Rogue and Gambit. Are there plans to introduce or (reintroduce) a love interest for any of the cast members?
Tini: See above. Stuff is building, cooking. In my mind I know who they’re all thinking about, or not thinking about. Some of them are thinking of someone new. Some of them are thinking of more than one person and internally struggling (or not! it’s KRAKOA!) with that choice.
I just finished writing an issue with a plot-relevant kiss in it, so that was fun.
AIPT: The comics industry has predominantly featured male voices. What has been your experience in injecting a woman’s perspective into comics storytelling? Even more so, how does Betsy’s role as Captain Britain and the leader of Excalibur add to the conversation?
Tini: Sometimes I get tired talking about this stuff so instead I’ll highlight something cool–someone was saying I may have included what was the first mention of tampons in a Marvel Comics story in that data page from Excalibur #3? That’s neat. I know I would be wondering about it, and I think it’s cool to normalize those things. And ‘tampon’ is objectively a funny word.
AIPT: You mentioned on the Women of Marvel podcast that you worked really close with Jonathan Hickman for a future Excalibur arc that’s going to have a couple of massive issues. How was the process of working directly with him and how soon can we expect this arc?
Tini: I’ll drop the armor and be genuine, because he deserves it–Jonathan is an incredible mentor. His notes are intense and thoughtful, he’s never ever shy to tell me when something isn’t working and when it is, or when something’s almost working. I get a lot of ‘I see what you’re trying to do here’ from Jon and those notes are some of my favorite. He’s great at helping me become the best version of myself as a writer. He never wants us to do what he would do. He wants us to do what we’d do, and make our own good choices.
I love his work, and I’ve been not displeased with my own work of late, so I have high hopes that our collaboration will be the best of both. But I’m not telling you anything else.
Nice interview.
I can see why Howard is tired of the questions about her bringing a woman's perspective to the X-universe, as it seems to limit her to her gender rather than considering all her particularities as a human being (like upbringing, religion, education degree, literary preferences and so on). Then again, it sorta is a big deal, as genders directly influence the way we are raised and how society perceives us (it shouldn't happen, but it does).
But she does show that her knowledge on Arthurian literature is her major influence in her work with Excalibur, and it's contributing to a very interesting tale. I hope she can stay on this book for as long as possible (and the same goes for Marcus To).
I only disagree with her on the "Psylocke brand" - Kwannon is lame and is devaluing the brand. Maybe with time Kwannon will become a proper Psylocke, but so far she's just a shallow, whiny lady. But Betsy is great as Captain Britain and I can see her becoming huge with this new identity (now she's not just an X-Man, but Britain's greatest hero as well), so I'm fine with Kwannon taking the Psylocke mantle.
By the way, this last answer makes me wonder if, besides this Excalibur arc written with Hickman, there may also be an arc (or at least an issue) of the main X-Men book involving the Excalibur team. We know that there will be an X-Men arc involving the New Mutants, so maybe Excalibur could get one as well.
I hope so.
Writers are not allowed to interfere with the Marvel brand politics and mind their business namely stories and characterization. Howard couldn't speak her mind openly on the Psylocke substitution. Cebulski knows the Asian lewdness sells in merchandise and covers so he will keep milking it to Kingdom Come. The sad thing is that Marvel characters vacate mantles like pop stars in bands. The main losers are characters like Mar-Vell and Brian Braddock which became a negative trope.
Another lazy trope is POCs given used popular mantles as a quick way to ascension and success. Riri Williams, Sam Alexander, Kamala Khan, Amadeus Cho, Miles Morales, Sam Wilson, America Chavez, Kwannon are just handed the brand to secure their positions. Only Riri and Cho broke free and gained their personal identities with Ironheart and Brawn. Will Kwannon do the same? There's a glimmer of hope.
I'm not sure if Kamala and America qualify; both only got the codenames, being otherwise completely different from the original Miss Marvel and Miss America (uniforms, powers, etc.). Plus, I suspect most readers don't even remember (or know) that there was a Miss America before Chavez.
And with Hill's "Kwannon was in the back of Betsy's mind the whole time" retcon, one could say she already was Psylocke for a long time (and her body definitely was). And yes, it's problematic in more than one way that she's using this name, but she barely has any identity of herself, so using the Psylocke name (at least for now) is a way to help her hold herself until she gets enough backstory and personality.
Last, just an observation, but I always thought DC was worse than Marvel in terms of vacating mantles. I mean, pretty much every major Justice League name has been used by more than one person, and while Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman eventually got restricted to Clark, Diana, and Bruce, you still have more than one Flash and Green Lantern walking around (and let's not even add Robin to the conversation...).
@FSaker the desideratum for Marvel is to make the newcomer POCs entirely different from White pre-existing characters. Changing the suits but giving them hand-me-down identities is racist and patronizing to the diverse readership.
Kwannon is a clone of Betsy in power set and iconography. They try to associate her with Betsy's butterfly soul self and psionic weaponry despite she is an empath. Retcons for the sake of ascension don't bode well for new faces in comics. Regardless of the Asian body's sexiness Betsy was the driving force behind it as Psylocke and now that she's gone Kwannon is an empty shell and a token representation whereas she could be herself as Revanche wearing a suit based on traditional Japanese clothes.
Your mention of the DC tradition with legacy characters and Marvel copying those practices degrades Marvel as a company. Because Marvel apes the practices of its competitor. DC was built on the graduation and relay race of mantles due to its biggest heroes having extended families in their sidekicks (Batman and his flock of Robins, Flash and his family runners, Aquaman and his school of swimmers, Wonder Woman and her sorority of sisters etc.).
Marvel on the other hand was a proponent of individuality and originality for its sidekicks. Bucky was his own entity and evolved into Winter Soldier. Falcon was also Captain America's sidekick and his own independent superhero who was sadly downgraded to Captain Copy and was restored to Falcon. Rick Jones who evolved to A Bomb. Jim Rhodes wasn't Iron Lad but War Machine, Wong wasn't Doctor Strange Jr., Andrew Maguire wasn't Spider Kid but Alpha and so on.
Good points, Jaime.
Oh well, my interest in on Betsy anyway, regardless of which codename she's using. And while I share the sentiment that Marvel shouldn't follow the tradition of legacy characters, I must admit that I do love her new identity as Captain Britain (though I'm not sure if that qualifies as legacy, as Alan Davis pretty much established that there are THOUSANDS of Captains Britain)...
@FSaker I try to stay calm as I look Marvel transform slowly into DC 2. Thankfully Marvel always has a wake-up call followed by a change of heart and remembers who it is and what it stands for.
Kevin Feige restored the faith in that company with his talk "I do think the MCU is a testament to the work they did. It was Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, and the dozens of writers and artists that created an amazing world over the course of forty plus years, fifty plus years."
You are right Captain Britain is the magic equivalent of the Nova Corps and the Green Lanterns. Thus it can't be considered a legacy title for it is a collective duty.
I agree @jaime. I want Kwannon to have her own powerset and abilities. Even if she feels like nothing, wearing an outfit that is mostly associated with Betsy and using a codename that Betsy has used in both bodies, doesn't really alleviate that imo (even her bonding and training Laura seems like it's already been done before with Betsy). At least Revanche is actually hers, dont see why she wouldn't use that again. I wonder how Kwannon would respond if Betsy called herself Revanche if Brian gets Captain Britain back at some point? Lol. The face/appearance Betsy has now is the face that Kwannon had when she had the name (and it was Betsy's body she had when using that name since it appears she likes to use that warped logic) lol. I don't mind Betsy as Captain Britian temporarily, but I honestly think it belongs to Brian and Psylocke belongs to Betsy. I actually want Betsy or someone to remind Kwannon that if she and Betts had never forcibly crossed paths (for Kwannon's benefit no less) she would still be practically braindead in a coma. I'm tired of her acting like Betsy robbed her of a life that was already halted/robbed due to her occupation as a murderous assassin lol. I get she didn't see through a "window" at that time, but she certainly already was "stuck in her body", that's why Kwannon's lover grabbed and used Betsy (without Betsy having any say whatsoever) to wake her up in the first place. I know I'll never get that though. Sigh lol.
@X-Man amen! Your comment made me realize why I hate Fabian Nicieza as a writer. He took a simple cosmetic change on Betsy's face - to make her look Asian so that to blend into the Mandarin's assassins - and made it a Gordian Knot. Another writer in his place would simply revert Betsy's face to her proper White British and kept the skimpy costume. Then introduce a new original Asian mutant.
The difference with Kwannon and the Marvel legacy heroes is that she came to be from a misunderstanding of the script and still exists as a diverse skin of Betsy's original Psylocke. Her allies are myopic to understand that keeping her as Betsy's clone harms a POC. Revanche and shadow melding/teleportation is perfect for the empath ninja Kwannon. The psychic knife is redundant because she has her katana companion and the Crimson Dawn on her eye solves the need for a power signature (solves the appropriation of Betsy's butterfly).
I love this idea! Too bad Nicieza didn't have it back then.
Though to be fair, we already have a great Asian mutant in Armor (she was a bit annoying in Whedon's run but became quite interesting written by other people). Marvel only needs to give her a push (then again, she is in the cover of a future issue of the main X-Men book alongside Storm, so maybe Hickman will give her a push). There's also Surge, who I actually prefer over Armor, but I think Armor is more "marketable" than her. And then there's Nature Girl; I'd like to see her working alongside Armor to explore the fact that, while some people may see both as similar for being Asian, they actually come from very different countries (Nature Girl is Chinese, right?), with very different cultures, that aren't exactly on great terms.
Kwannon sorta pales in comparison to these two; she's just the stereotypical angsty ninja. The only reason she's even around is because many readers would probably complain about Betsy's current status (back to her original body and as the new Captain Britain) if the Asian body was completely discarded. That said, if Betsy ever loses the Captain Britain mantle, it could be nice to have both her and Kwannon sharing the Psylocke identity, maybe even working as a duo (like the Cuckoos but with more personality, and more action oriented).
We have Jubilee too lol. I actually think if Betsy retained the ninja fighting skills (and she might have, but we aren't seeing much now) that most people would be fine, if not all people. Especially since she never really looked "asian" half the time anyway lol. When Kwannon showed up in the British body she was every bit as fierce with martial arts as Betsy was in the Asian one. I think that is really what people don't want gone not necessarily the ethnicity. Sadly I think they are afraid that if the Asian body is gone, that means the ninja is gone as well, and right now it looks like Marvel is proving that theory correct. Smh lol.
@FSaker if a good writer who respects diversity is allowed to do that with Revanche the benefits will be a lot. Betsy was retconned to be a living sandwich with Revanche piggyback in the back of her mind. It isn't difficult to retcon Revanche to a Crimson Dawn mutant it only takes editor volition and initiative.
Armor and Surge were big in the X-Academy era. They had their personalities and stories explored and progressed. Nature Girl is indeed Chinese. She is powerful with an interesting personality and I suspect she becomes the next Omega level mutant. The only time the Chinese and Japanese enmity was shown in the X-Men comics was when Jubilee met the racially changed Betsy and refused to recognize the Japanese face as the White woman who saved her at the mall attack.
Jonathan Hickman is a defender of C-list characters so I am confident that Armor, Surge and Nature Girl will be heavily involved in his stories. He recently announced a special team with Synch, X-23 and Darwin.
@X-Man Jubilee is a core member of the X-Men and the first Chinese X-Woman. As of late people hate on her without reason and I find it cruel.
The ninja aspect will be lost because Marvel is afraid to let Betsy use as Psylocke the martial art skills she learned through the body swap. But actually it would break the stereotype that all Asians are ninjutsu and karate experts. The first non-Asian Marvel characters who broke that Asian stereotype were Daredevil (White American), Iron Fist (White American), Elektra (Greek), Blade (Black) and Wolverine (Canadian).
Marvel doesn't need to listen to bigots who yell cultural appropriation when a human of a different race learns the language or skills of a foreign race.
But does Jubilee count? If I remember correctly, her ancestors are Chinese, but Jubes herself was born and raised in the USA (or maybe she was born in China, I don't know, but she was definitely raised in the US). She's ethnically Asian, but culturally she's completely detached from Asia.
As for Betsy's ninja skills, I assume she still has them (she did in the Disassembled arc); they just don't fit very well with her new powers, now that she's more like a knight (plus, her armor probably doesn't help her in terms of flexibility).
Surprisingly, while I always loved Betsy as a ninja, I'm perfectly okay with her current status. I never expected I'd like her becoming Captain Britain so much as I do.
Don’t forget Karma, I really liked what Liu did with her in Astonishing. Reading that run quickly made her one of my favorites and it’s a shame Marvel hasn’t done anything with her since.
IMO the problem with legacy heroes is that Marvel and DC never get rid of the old ones. Every time Marvel and DC (especially marvel) have someone take up the mantle of one of their iconic heroes everyone knows it’s not going to last. Logan and Steve came back and so will others that’s why when Sam took Cap’s shield in the movies it had more of an effect because we know Steve is retired for good and we can see someone close to him carry on his legacy. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Brian because Betsy is far more popular than him and Excalibur has been well received. But Betsy is more well known as Psylocke so Marvel might put her back in that role
Oh sorry, I thought we were just talking Asian characters. I love Jubilee lol. I love Betsy as a team leader, but would love for them to have a stealth mission where Betsy and Gambit have to infiltrate a place, just to show she still has those skills vs the others. I do remember her having those skills in disassembled and using the psionic blade and butterfly as well though :)
@Ry poor old Karma. She is astonishing everywhere she appears however gets disrespected a lot. The bad way she was treated in New Mutants dead souls and Rosenberg's Uncanny X-Men, her college years and her act as replacement to Northstar at the institute. The worst is her absence in the upcoming New Mutants film. I know she wasn't in the comic material from the Demon Bear saga but that is no serious excuse to omit the first New Mutant recruit and long standing leader to the team. Magma was in that story I think and got booted.
@X-Man Betsy still has it with covert missions. Most writers forget or don't know that Betsy was trained by S.T.R.I.K.E. as a spy. Once she tried to infiltrate the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club for S.T.R.I.K.E. and was stopped by Sage who was undercover for Professor Xavier. Now is the perfect time for Betsy to have some spy action with Gambit and Pete Wisdom.
As cool as that sounds at this point how can Betsy be anything other than a bright and strong public hero? She has the armor, a long cape, she flies around now. I dont see her fitting the martial arts or spy role at this point.
I've never been a fan of heroes like Superman, Thor, etc the caped strong heroes were never my cup of tea so I'm struggling hard to accept Betsy's new status quo.
The treatment of Brian Braddock, the original Capt Britain, has been appalling. I’m all for strong female voices and characters but the way Brian has been mistreated once again by Marvel is truly depressing. I can’t believe that Betsy would just leave him trapped and to rot without rescuing him. The UK Marvel legacy and UK fans deserve better.
I agree it's so badly written here. Plus Betsy didnt even bother to notify poor Megan of what happened she had to just flee to Krakoa on her own with Maggie.
I just hope there’s yet another costume change for Betsy, as this current one is completely _______
I even began to love the disassembled look.
Until I see another costume that’s not so odd, I can’tco-sign on this Betsy.
Now, rumors of Psylocke being introduced to Feige’ s mcu via Shang Chi film bring hope because we would never see a flower head mashup of cape skirt & pants there!
Psylocke in Shang Chi's film? That... doesn't seem like a good idea, to be honest. I mean, they're not even related to each other in comics (have they ever even interacted outside of that Secret Wars tie-in?).
Yes, Ryan Reynolds stated it in press. You’ll have to look it up as to how it may play out. I wouldn’t put personal comic experience as a barrier for understanding Kevin Feige’ s vision.
@bblackorchidd don't rub salt on the wound. I miss Betsy's Disassembled costume like the desserts miss the rain. I know it is under the Captain Britain layers for it was the last thing Betsy wore before she activated the Amulet of Right.
I like the powered down mode of her CB costume without the extra bulk and helmet.
Psylocke’s disassembled costume reminds me of Scarlet Witch’s crossing outfit. Both are great design that were featured in terrible storylines and rarely seen outside of them
I only wished that marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 had a disassembled other than house of m. But, it looks as though mcu is headed towards house of m storylines
Honestly, I keep thinking most of the DoX books are directionless.
Excalibur and the whole plot is awful.
Betsy taking over Brian for one or two arcs while Brian is out? Well, we could take it and it could be fun if well played.
Brian giving Betsy the amulet and then Betsy keeping it because Brian took the sword of might in dreams? I dont buy it.
Rictor is like Uncanny Xmen Madrox, unrecognizable. Not only his powers work like Avalanche's but his voice is extremely off.
The whole roster is wrong, it feels forced and its far from whatever team roster we could have imagined for any new Excalibur...
Why didnt they include Banshee who is scottish? or Chamber? Syrin? or former Excalibur members like Rachel Summers (Phoenix/Prestige), Nightcrawler or Dazzler, Nocturne, Wisdom, Spitfire, Union Jack...
They could have explored a whole big plot mixing mutants with Otherworld, UK and its own heroes and remain faithful to the original series while developing other storylines...
Anyway, this relaunch is a big fail!!
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