Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cullen Bunn Reveals Original 'Uncanny X-Men' Pitch, Cosmic Book with Captain Britain

Cullen Bunn: In 2015, I was asked to take over Uncanny X-Men. We all know that yielded the Magneto-led team. My first pitch, however, was a cosmic team with Rachel Summers in charge and a new Captain Britain. My pal Bri Hurtt even worked up a few concepts. Their ship was powered by the Siege Perilous. And they would have encountered alien mutants across the universe. And—of course—Magneto would’ve played a role. Why didn’t it happen? It almost did. Then one editor really pushed a case against anything cosmic. Or maybe it would’ve just been too awesome. Everyone liked it... save one person who convinced the rest, I guess.


Ry said...

Although I really love Bunn's Uncanny run this would've been cool to see. I feel bad he didn't end up getting to do it because it seems like he was really passionate about this project.

randybear said...

That sounds really fun but I still really enjoyed his Uncanny run regardless. But sorry that design for Betsy is awful.

Unknown said...

Not that i am in position to demand anything but it would be awesome if this blog also reunites paylocke (kwannon) news.

She is a brand new legacy character for betsy and a big part of her mythos

randybear said...

Unknown this is not a Kwannon site it's for Betsy Braddock.

Kwannon will not be covered here. There are plenty of Kwannon twitter news profiles for your convenience. Thank you

Unknown said...

@randybear this site is called "PSYLOCKE// like a butterfly" with a mention of Betsy Braddock on the side.
Therefore, it should be covering stories about the current Psylocke, which is Kwannon.
This is a fantastic website, but many people came here before the body separation happend. We came here for Asian Psylocke.

Who are the website developers? Do they post on here?
It would be great to talk to them about this.
If they aren't going to cover the new Psylocke stories, then maybe change the name of this website because it will be misleading.

randybear said...

The blog has planned to rename the site since the announcement of Betsy as CB relax. Its changing soon.

And no Kwannon should not be covered this site is PSYLOCKE as in Betsy Braddock not Kwannon. And as I previously mentioned theres loads of Kwannon support on Twitter or maybe you can make your own Kwannon blog?

Good day

Unknown said...

Twitter is not the same thing @randybear.
Betsy Braddock is no longer Psylocke.
This site was made when the two characters were one.
This site does not have to pick a side between Betsy and Psylocke. It is really unfortunate if that is the case.
Thought this was a site for ALL Psylocke fans.

randybear said...

Unknown why would Twitter be any less? I've seen the Jwannon accounts they post news images articles immediately and you can interact. Dont worry you can still tweet anonymously with no name or picture there.

And there will only ever be a true Psylocke and it's Betsy. Kwannon wishes.

Renegade X said...

As mush as I wanted to say but I feel I want to know about BOTH Betsy and Kwannon. I just don't like when taking sides ruining the purpose and the journey both of these women went through.

Unknown said...

@randybear: is messaging anonymously and without a picture any worse than using a username that sounds like a gummy snack?

@Renegade X: agreed both fictional characters should be represented on this site.

Benjamin Hutton said...

I assume randybear is the webmaster, so you know, do what you want with your website...

I think it's really petty and counter-intuitive to deliberately and stubbornly ignore a large part of Betsy's history. And that's what it is. Whether you like it or not, Kwannon was and is intertwined with Betsy.

This crazy effort to scrub every mention or picture of Kwannon from this blog baffles and disappoints me.

I guess, after maybe 15 years of coming here, and loving this site, it's time to do what you suggested... and move on.

Thanks for the memories guys! x

Unknown said...

Betsy IS Psylocke, no matter what patetic excuse from marvel

Efe X said...

I have been following this blog for a long time and appreciate it very much for providing detailed information on everything Psylocke but I am disappointed in the mannerism of @randybear while interacting with commenters. I am not even talking about the content of the argument. You do not have to share the same opinions to be civil to the other person. It's pretty ironic that this sort of behavior takes place within the fandom of a comic title that is almost all about the effects of discrimination and prejudice.

That being said, I too am in the group that believe Kwannon is a big part of Betsy's legacy and it would be great to see her covered here. If the result of stating that is some middle school level quarrelling, then I might as well give up on this blog altogether.

randybear said...

I love gummy bears so yes it is better than posting anonymously.

randybear said...

Who said we are scrubbing Psylockes time in Kwannons body away? And I'm not sure what all the backlash is this site is dedicated to Betsy not Kwannon. Why is that so hard to understand?

This blog is focused on one character Betsy whether you believe its personal or not this is for her not anyone else.

And reading my comments above calling me childish? I dont see anywhere where I wasnt simply stating facts and defending my logic.

randybear said...

I am not the webmaster and good luck to you Benjamin. Peace

Finn said...

I hate that fans are going : either asian or british. Can't we love and have both? Including Kwannon ? She is Betsy's legacy after all. And it's sad that fans get so defensive about it and hating Kwannon for it.

X-Man said...

I am all for keeping things civil as well. However, I would prefer this being just a Betsy Braddock site myself if I may chime in. I get the whole name thing but Betsy had the name Psylocke way before the body/swap merge. It's been specific to her in both bodies. Someone else may be getting the name now but I believe we all can agree logically this site was intended for Betsy Braddock's incarnation of Psylocke at the time it was made. I believe most sites are dedicated to the characters possessing the codename at the time the site was created, more than the actual codename itself. Otherwise, if someone loved Carol Danvers as Miss Marvel for years and had a website dedicated to her, they would be expected to include the new Miss Marvel because Carol changed her codename (or even be expected to add some Rogue news because she and Carol were intertwined for years as well, in almost a similar fashion to Kwannon/Betsy), or someone dedicating their site to Jean Grey's Phoenix would have had to add Rachel Grey because she also took the name Phoenix. We would be getting a whole lot of sites with characters being covered that the webmasters would not even be passionate about (which would probably result in ver lackluster Coverage and upset fans on both sides of the spectrum). I get why there may be confusion but that probably will be in part due to Marvel having Kwannon taking/receiving the name Betsy had for years, using the same exact uniform Betsy used to wear, and seemingly possessing the same powerset as Betsy does. I'm all for keeping the ladies separated (at least for a bit) in the books and this site so they finally get get their own identities and individuality back and not be so intertwined. like Rogue and Carol now. They have that history still (and it still comes up), but not so intertwined now. Hoping for the same result for Kwannon and Betsy.

randybear said...

Well said XMan thank you for looking at this logically and not personally.

You literally summed up exactly the motive here behind this blog. If others are unsatisfied that another character isnt being promoted here that's their issue and as mentioned before there are plenty of Kwannon focused outlets that aren't focusing on Betsy.

Rahsaan said...

@X-Man, thank you for relating to both sides of this argument and replying clearly with a rationale that makes sense but is both empathetic to all sides yet devoid of rancor. I'm increasingly interested in Kwannon, a character I previously had no use for. Especially, if she gets her own identity, clothing, and powers. And I hope this storyline she has coming up with Sinister will do something to make that happen and I will be following. That being said, I'm completely good following her development outside of Elizabeth's. And you know I will definitely be following Elizabeth's.

Similarly, I do not want Elizabeth's tenure as Captain Britain on a site dedicated to Brian.

I appreciate you all even when we are quarreling over fictional characters. LOL.

Renegade X said...

Well said @Rahassan! I been following this site for years and I cannot see the lives of both Betsy and Kwannon fading away.

Unknown said...

I also am interested in seeing both.

The way I see it, the argument that Kwannon doesn't have her own identity, clothes and powers is moot, though.

They're building her identity in Fallen Angels, so that's being worked on.

When Betsy was put into Kwannon's body, Matsuo wanted her in the image of Kwannon. It's implied the costume was Kwannon's to begin with. So if we're being technical, it was Betsy who was wearing Kwannon's body and clothes, not the other way around.

Neither of them have exactly the powers they had when they started. They both have telekinesis courtesy of Jean. They're both changed. Also, I assume Betsy has the added Captain Britain superstrength etc. that comes with the CB title.

As much as I love Betsy and think she is unique, the argument can easily be reversed to say Betsy borrowed Kwannon's clothes and body and fighting style, got her telekinesis from Jean, borrowed Saphyre Styx's powers, and now is taking the Captain Britain title from her brother, which wasn't hers to begin with either.

I think it/s better to accept that characters sort of improved each other and have evolved, rather than saying what belongs to who. Because Betsy can't win that argument. That said, she's definitely taken everything and made it her own.

Unknown said...

And for that matter, why is so much disdain directed at Kwannon when it should be directed at Matsuo? Kwannon has essentially had everything taken away from her. Both Betsy and Kwannon were used as playthings and had things taken from them. They share that. Shouldn't you agree that both victims have earned the right to reclaim themselves? Neither of the victims should be blamed for anything here.

Rahsaan said...

@Unkonwn, I agree that Matsu'o and Spiral deserve the blame. Regarding the uniform, was it really ever implied that Kwannon wore that look? From what I recall, Betsy was presented as a gift to the Mandarin and that was when she was put in the Hand outfit. When the retcon happened and we saw Kwannon, if I recall correctly, Kwannon was wearing a shozoku like traditional ninjas we often see in media. I could be wrong, but I don't recall ever seeing Kwannon in the straps and leotard in prior flashbacks.

Unknown said...

@Rahsaan, absolutely, you are right that they didn't show her in the costume in flashbacks. I interpreted that as the penciller's effort to avoid the confusion over whether he was depicting Kwannon or Psylocke.

While not explicit, it is strongly implied that when Matsuo brainwashed Betsy and molded her in Kwannon's image, the costume, previously Kwannon's, was part and parcel of that effott to recreate Kwannon's likeness. The retcon did not change that but took things even further to say that Betsy inherited Kwannon's actual body and not only her likeness.

In my opinion, since both Betsy and Kwannon were victims of the same act, at the hands of the same people, and neither of them having any choice in the matter, to support one in her effort to reclaim herself is to support both, and to diminish one victim's pain and elevate the other's is to indirectly say one was more deserving of being victimized than the other, which is unfair. Regardless of their past lives and histories, both were manipulated and used and both should have the chance to reclaim themselves again.

X-Man said...

Thank you guys for the compliments to my earlier post. I appreciate all views as well:) @Unknown to be clear, I am not blaming Kwannon for this as I don't know the circumstances (although I would have preferred Kwannon stayed dead or at least came back later on maybe through Krakoa or something. To not tether her so much to Betsy). I am actually blaming Marvel for any confusion it may cause (as it was stated earlier looking up Psylocke would cause confusion). For example the TK you mentioned is a great example (although since Jean's tk returned, I always assumed she jumpstarted a secondary mutation in Betsy). When Jean and Betsy switched powers, Jean seemed to gain the unique physicality that Elizabeth's telepathy possessed. However Jean's "ultimate totality of her telepathic powers" was a psychic Phoenix raptor not a psychic knife (because it was her unique psychic expression). Similarly Betsy made TK swords with Jean's TK (again unique and not like Jean). In addition to that, Kwannon herself made psychic katanas in Betsy's body not the psychic knife when she thought she was Betsy. It seemed that Betsy favored the psychic knife/blade. Now suddenly it seems like Kwannon gets the name Psylocke, and she's convienentely going to be using the psychic blade and butterfly (unless Marvel is misleading us which would be great lol). That's what I think is confusing as those things are unique to Betsy's individuality and her psychic expressions. Hence why I feel Kwannon is feeling like a copycat of Betsy's Psylocke. You make a good point about the clothes and Elektra has a very similar outfit so there is precedent I suppose, but I don't remember seeing Kwannon in that outfit in any of the pictures or flashbacks when she arrived on the scene and they were figuring out who was who, Betsy's Psylocke is the one most associated with that outfit (for good or bad lol and I doubt it's an accident on Marvel's part that they put Kwannon in it). In comparison, I doubt anyone is going to confuse Betsy with Brian for obvious reasons lol. Especially since it seems she will still be using her psychic powers. I'm sorry it comes off that I'm blaming Kwannon as I agree she is as much a victim as Betsy. I just think its overkill on Marvel's part. It's not just having the same powers as Betsy and using them in the same unique way she does like the blade and butterfly, it's not just having the same codename that Betsy used to have in both bodies, it's not just her wearing an outfit that is heavily associated with Betsy as Psylocke and looking exactly how she did then, it's the fact that Marvel did all of those things simultaneously. I would have liked Kwannon to have a different fresh look, develop her actual empathic powers (since I loved the scene where she gave Betsy her full telepathy back after she died via her lover) and not have marvel be lazy and have her use psychic abilities that she already gave back to Betsy, in the same unique way Betsy used them. Aaaaaaah lol. In any case I will also give both books a try. I'll always hope for the best, but still respectfully maintain that I would like this site specifically for Betsy Braddock no matter what codename she has. Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Keep this site Betsy centric please!

I'm not really sure why so many people feel that Kwannon has to be featured here; on a site that was named after Betsy Braddock. Even if their histories are intertwined they are not the same person. They are two different women who have and will continue to walk different paths. No matter their history or shared bodies they are separate which has always been a major point of their stories. Rogue and Carol Danvers are intertwined and shared minds but you're not going to see the featured on a site about the other. Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers all shared codenames but you're not going to see them featured on sites about the other.

It's odd that so many people have clamored for Kwannon to become her own character and have her own agency yet feel that she still needs to be tied to Elizabeth. Let Kwannon thrive and get her own due away from Betsy and let Betsy come into her new role and purpose. They've shared enough. Let them become one.

Unknown said...

Yeah, if you want to get to know Kwannon then i'm pretty sure there are other places to do so.
We always only ever came for Betsy Braddock!

Psi-Girl said...
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X-Man said...

Well dont despair yet. Maybe they will surprise us. I am not thrilled with some of their apparent choices, but willing to keep an open mind until we read the context.

Rahsaan said...

Aside from the shade Cullen is throwing, I’m wondering why he was gonna have both Betsy and Ray in that godforsaken Marvel sash the put on every other character.

SOAPFAN said...

Interesting take Bunn had. I always said the X-Men were at their best when dealing with cosmic threats(Shiar), and Magical threats (Asgard, Inferno, etc).

Don't care for those designs though. Nobody has been able to design a good costume for Rachel Summers since the Nineties. Each one more ghastly than the last. Sunspot always looks cool crackling. Beast...well, let's just say it's time to kill this character off permanently and NOT make Krakoa Clone of him. I like the idea of Psylocke having the British stripes. I wish Betsy's new costume had proper British flag.

randybear said...

Yeah poor Rachel cant ever seem to catch a break in the design department. I always thought she looked cooler in the red Phoenix outfit than Jean did but that's just me.

Also I wonder who this mystery editor was that Bunn is alluding to lol so juicy

Unknown said...

Psylocke is most known as an Asian woman. No matter what the history of the character is.
When Betsy left the Asian body, Kwannon naturally emerged because she was there the whole time that Betsy was.
The Betsy fans on this site just keep asking for more. She recreated her old body, she is taking on a new title that is tied to the history that you all can't stop talking about (and some people really don't care about) and yet you still complain about how she doesn't get the Psylocke title, or the butterfly symbols, or even this site.
@ Efe X thanks for your input!
@unknown your examination of Betsy is fantastic, and yes she has borrowed so much from other characters and wouldn't be as popular as she is if it wasn't for her relationship with Kwannon.

Rahsaan said...

@Unknown, not all of us. I am an OG Elizabeth fan who is as happy as a pig in shit that she is back in her rightful body and reclaiming all the magic and mysticism of the Captain Britain title and leading a team of some of my favorite X-Men. And the butterfly is cute, but really only when Alan Davis draws it as her psi-self which we have not seen in ages, so I’m good. I am stoked for Excalibur and her ascension.

As for Kwannon, I am happy that she will get her due and look forward to seeing what she is up to with Mister Sinister.

Jaime Braz said...



The administrators of the blog won't bent over to stolen representation played as meaningless race card for hollow inclusiveness.

Indeed there are countless of blogs dedicated to Kwannon's genitals and @ss. Therefore save an Elizabeth Psylocke oasis for the spiritually and tastefully superior.

Rahsaan said...

Agreed that Roberto looks dope.

LOL at Beast being killed off!!!

As for Bets and Ray... I feel like Marvel artists who add a a sash are uninspired and lazy af design-wise. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good sash in fashion. But Marvel overuses them and they don’t serve any good purpose in a physical fight other than one’s enemy grabbing it and pulling one off-balance. Ray’s costume is a true hot mess and while the shaved head is great on Ororo, it’s not a look I would see Bets wearing. Not that it looks bad, but it’s not her style. At all. The one good thing about this book for me would be Sunspot interacting with them. I don’t think we’ve seen Roberto and Elizabeth interact on-panel since Uncanny Annual 10 when the team is de-aged and re-aged as evil and square off against the New Mutants.

Benjamin Hutton said...
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Benjamin Hutton said...

Apparently I'm still subscribed to this thread.

Ignoring all the other stuff, there's no way the ninja swimsuit is a costume Kwannon wore before the body swap.

We saw several examples of what she wore prior to the merge - right up until she almost died battling Matsuo. And there's no way she wore it while in Nyoirin's employ - the Hand were his enemy.

The ninja swimsuit - inspired by Elektra - was clearly a Hand specific design, and only worn by that body after Elisabeth took possession of it. It's even mentioned on panel that Psylocke can be identified as a master assassin of the Hand by her costume.

I don't mind that Kwannon is now wearing it (I personally preferred her Revanche costume, or the one she was wearing in the recent Uncanny X-Men), but the rationale that it was somehow hers all along, doesn't track.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi @benjamin Hutton, I am the unknown poster who commented on the origin of the Hand costume.

That makes sense and I believe you are correct, so thank you for that insight.

In that case, note that at the time of the merge, Kwannon's body had been infused with Betsy's blank slate psyche (after being mindwiped by the Siege Perilous) in order to animate Kwannon's body and give it life once again. However, neither woman was given free agency - the merged created an identity that was molded to serve those who created her. After Betsy was shocked into regaining her memories while still in Kwannon's body, she claimed everything that was given to her as a result of the process: the body, the newly-created Hand costume, the fighting skills that she had not possessed before.

So to be technically accurate, it is more correct to say that neither Betsy nor Kwannon would have had the newly-designed costume, as you pointed out, if not for for the process of the merge. However, after Betsy "defected", for a time, Betsy inherited the costume along with Kwannon's body. Now that Betsy has returned to her "own" body and "passed on the Psylocke torch" to Kwannon, so to speak, it makes sense that Kwannon has now inherited the costume that was originally designed with her body in mind, even if it was not intended for either Betsy or Kwannon as free agents but a newly created persona.

From another angle, the costume did not initially belong to either individual but more generally to the post-merge "Psylocke" persona, which Betsy subsequently inhabited while she had free agency in Kwannon's body. So if Betsy now wants to pass on the Psylocke torch and if Kwannon has accepted it, it makes sense that Kwannon now wears the costume. I think it/s fitting that the identity of "Psylocke" does not die, after all, Psylocke has survived so much and in that spirit continues to live on.

Ditto89 said...
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Benjamin Hutton said...

Why either of them would want to wear a costume that's symbolic of their shared traumatisation and manipulation is beyond me.

But hey... that's a whole other argument.

Unknown said...

@Benjamin Hutton, because the act of trying to manipulate both of them eventually failed: it's an attempted and failed traumatisation and manipulation, with both Betsy and Kwannon eventually emerging as free agents, fully themselves.

Ditto89 said...
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