Monday, February 24, 2025

X-Men Monday #286 – Alyssa Wong Talks ‘Psylocke’

AIPT: X-Fan Johann said, in Psylocke #4, Kwannon is haunted by an image of Betsy Braddock as the true and original Psylocke. Something similar happened in Hellions. Do you think Kwannon still feels insecure about the Psylocke mantle or Betsy in general? 

Alyssa: I think this one’s complicated. I think you’re always going to have messy, hard-to-define feelings about someone whose life and being are so intertwined with your own, no matter what the circumstances are. And their circumstances are complicated. So, I don’t know about insecurity, but I would say it’s messier than that. And we might be seeing a little more of that in upcoming issues. I can’t tell you any more or Darren’s going to pop out of the closet.

AIPT: X-Fan Charrisa loved the reference to Revanche in Psylocke #4. Charrisa feels like many folks who became Kwannon fans during the Krakoan era aren’t very familiar with the Revanche saga. We don’t know much about what Kwannon did for Nyorin after she entered Betsy’s body and before she encountered the X-Men. Any plans or interest in revisiting that period?

Alyssa: That’s spoiler territory. All I can say is I love Revanche. I think she’s great. I love that weird moment where she shows up the very first time and it’s like the Spider-Man pointing meme. I love a complicated identity swap story. I just feel like turnabout’s fair play. If Betsy’s in Kwannon’s body, I love seeing Kwannon in Betsy’s body. That’s kind of just how I feel about all of this. It’s so messy, but in a way that I love. I love mess, like Marie Kondo.

Psylocke #5 preview featuring Betsy's costumes on displays and personal pictures with Brian, Revanche and Spiral.


Nate X said...

I'm sorry, but the fact that Kwannon's villain is obsessed with Betsy is hilarious lol

Daud Rotama said...

If I were her, I would slap the shit out of that guy. The hell are you doing, pinning me to the wall like I'm a deceased artifact for display? It's also very...sad. She doesn't deserve this.

Rahsaan said...

Ha! @Nate, I have to agree with you on this. Here’s to hoping that Wong will use this storyline to finally give Kwannon some true differentiation. Is it too ambitious for me to think that maybe the characterization of the villain and his obsession with various iterations of Psylocke might be a deliberate script choice to set Kwannon up to to be ultimately and truly differentiated from who Betsy was?

Edu said...
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Edu said...
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Edu said...

Although Kwannon lacks proper characterization and development, I also think that was unnecessary; even less another comparison to Elizabeth the way it was shown. Maybe the story comes to what Rahsaan suggested (I hope it does too) so that a more definitive move on can be taken.

Lady Braddock said...

So many Betsy mementos and photographs peppered all over that room. Kinda love it. But, I’m a little confused on the timeline of this solo. I was under the assumption Kwannon was sideline from the X-Men. But she’s been in every issue 🤔 how can she be in New York getting nailed to a wall while never missing a mission with the team. I get characters like wolverine can be in 14 places at once but it was a narrative beat that she was benched.

Daud Rotama said...

I assume it's supposed to happen before whatever's happening in the main X-Men comic? A prequel of some sort.

Daud Rotama said...

I hope so too.

Daud Rotama said...

She's been different from Betsy since Krakoan era. Most of Betsy fans just refuse to see that because she's using the Psylocke codename, which sure doesn't make sense for her to use, but it's company decision.

Banquo40 said...

Amazing, even in the display case they have to show the hand costume from behind and flash some side butt cheek. I agree, I hope they use this as a way to give Kwannon a full identity of her own, because keeping the Psylocke name and confusing her with Betsy like this makes it hard to see her as unique no matter who writes her.

Rahsaan said...

@Daud. Yes, but vaguely. Making her a mother and her relationship with John. However, most of her other relationships have literally come out of nowhere and seem sort of like continuations of Betsy’s relationships with those folks. Her powers and power usage similarly is grafted from Betsy’s. She has even worn two of Betsy’s old uniforms, then Hand one and I think she wore the Anka-designed one. I’m glad she finally got her own look in this era. Hopefully, Wong will use this current storyline with this person who is obsessed with her and Betsy to push her beyond an identity tied to Betsy.

randybear said...

Also what do people love about Kwannon? Genuine question not being rude.

I mean she has no unique personality traits outside if she's a soft spoken, stoic ninja who will threaten you with her ninja skills. She seems aggressive and bland.

But people still compare her to Betsy as if Betsy never had a personality

Rahsaan said...

@randy, Elizabeth was just like this for a while after her transformation (before the body swap retcon). Several other characters commented on how silent and stoic she was. I recall when Gambit asked her (during the storyline when Lila teleported them to Shi’ar space to reunite with Charles) if she preferred “the mind speak” because she verbalized so little. And I recall Betsy in her thoughts on panel commenting how she always felt so disquieted and on edge — which makes sense based on everything she had been through with Matsu’o and Mandarin and her new face. She didn’t really start being very vocal and again until the blue/gold era.

Her personality has had a few shifts, which makes sense for the character. Even her personality today and in the last decade or so is very different from who she was before her transformation into a ninja. She wasn’t stoic during the pre-ninja days, but she was a bit more reserved and refined and less humorous and witty.

Rahsaan said...

And that’s all fine as real people in real life experience personality shifts based on our experiences.

I guess with retcon and creation of Kwannon, we could theorize that Betsy’s mostly stoic period for the time between Acts of Vengeance and Blue/Gold was due to the parts of her mind that belonged to Kwannon.

Cyber Zone said...
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Rahsaan said...

PS: Have you guys ever heard the Psylocke rap song? I just discovered it the other day and it made me smile. 💜

Daud Rotama said...

I've just visited the Betsy thread on CBR forum and it seems that there's been a little convo being made over the color of Betsy's power signature. What do you guys think? Should it change? I personally can see the color back to being gold or yellow like how Glynis Oliver first colorized her power signature on Uncanny X-Men #213 before it became pink. Also, is it a fever dream of mine or was there a character design sheet by Alan Davis which stated that there should be no more pink for Betsy's costume once they're going to the Outback? I believe I've seen it somewhere, that an artist wanted Betsy's color scheme to be fully purple.

Rahsaan said...

I loved how the yellow/gold/white that her power signature and psi-self/astral projection used to be. A few years back (I think it was during the Disassembled Era), I suggested that change here, and no one agreed with me. In fact, if memory serves, a lot of fellow posters vehemently said no! I'm glad you like that color scheme too, @Daud! I actually argued that all the pink and purple was overload, and that the yellow/white power signature was a nice complement to her hair color and clothing choices,

I would fully support a return!

Daud Rotama said...

Glad that we can agree about it. Also, she wasn't even wearing pink originally in the New Mutants Annual #2 where Brian and the New Mutants saved her from Mojo's clutch. Her ski outfit at the beginning was red and her dress at the end was yellow. It's just that purple and pink go along together that Glynis started to colorize her blazers and dresses as pink in Uncanny. It's sort of similar to Jean's original portrayal of telekinesis and telepathy were just dotted lines, then the lines became wiggly, and then they got the pink color as time went on.

I'm only saying this because no artists will stop putting butterfly effect on Kannon and no colorists will stop coloring it pink. After all readers of comics identify Psylocke as that, flexible ninja girl with pink psychic blade and occasional butterfly aura around her face. Yes, it's Betsy's originally, but it's been Kannon's also. So what now? Better to have a different looking butterfly than not having any at all, right?

Rahsaan said...

I think the he yellow looks more powerful and makes her hair color pop more.

Rahsaan said...

To this day, Uncanny No. 213, Volume 1 is still my favorite depiction of Elizabeth. She is so strong and fierce, vulnerable and beautiful. And a big part of that is the depiction of her power signature, including the intricate details and the color. My two favorite images from that issue are when her psi-self is checking in on disintegrating Kitty and when she is wearing Cerebro and psycho-blasts Sabretooth. The imagery is spectacular.

Edu said...

That yellow presentation of her power was uniquely remarkable and one of her best moments indeed!! Makes me wonder why it did not happen more often too.
I am fond of the color changes and I remember a depiction of the psychic knife in light blue (she was in Kwannon's body) in Termination Agenda that also called my attention but was not more widely shown either. Don't know if the intention was to match/contrast with the blue uniform but I liked it.

Rahsaan said...

@Edu, I know the exact panel you’re referring to. The psi dagger was colored white; not blue. It was a cool look. It’s the fourth image on this page:

Rahsaan said...

@Edu, my bad. You’re correct. It was light blue. Here is a better image if you scroll down:

Edu said...

Thanks for sharing! The writeups site has nice profiles of her!